
Successful Niche Marketing Strategy Examples You Can Adopt

Niche Marketing Strategy Examples

Welcome to my article about Niche Marketing Strategy Examples.

In this article I will talk about some strategies and examples that you can apply to your business in both an online and offline fashion. 

In this day and age there is very little in the way of the functionality of offline and online businesses. Keeping in mind these strategies can and will help you to have a more focused business be it online or offline. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams and are looking for a legitimate way of making money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program For FREE!.

Ready to learn about some Niche Marketing Strategy Examples?

Keep reading!. 


What Is A Niche Marketing Strategy?

First, and fore most let's start right away with what is one of one the most common misconceptions is the business world, something more common online than offline. 

Which is marketing to more people means more success and sales - after all the more people you are marketing to the greater your chances of succeeding...right?


When you end you are marketing to everyone you end up marketing to no one.

It really is a case of less is more. 

When you are marketing to everyone you end you with no specific target audience that you can custom create offers for and to.

You end up like one of those trinket shops that try to sell everything under the sun. 

I have never seen this kind of shop busy nor with a rich wealthy owner. 

...So what exactly is a niche marketing strategy?

More often than not in the online world you will hear people say "niche down" which is simply selecting a specific segment or subsegment of a targeted market. 

It is the opposite of mass marketing and trying to capture everyone; it is focusing on a particular interest or group of people and narrowing down your target audience to an exact but not too exact group of people with a particular common interest. 

A fine example of mass marketing would be musical instrument and a large online or offline store selling all different kinds and types of instruments. 

A mass marketing approach typically involves a huge budget and are dominated by the big players that can afford that kind of marketing strategy.

A niche marketing strategy as an example of the musical instruments market would be to focus on a smaller more exact audience like a specific instrument or group of instruments such as guitar, drums or keyboards. 

By niching down and becoming more targeted you can dominate that sub sector with greater ease and much quicker. 

You can also become better known within that niche due to your speciality, better customer/website visitor experience and much less competition. It is a much smarter approach in my experience. 

That, niching down and to a sub market is a great niche marketing strategy. 

Just in case you have not quite got the grasp of this technique here are a few more examples. 

  • Musical Instruments-->an exact instrument (Guitar, Drums, keyboard)
  • Fashion-->Gender-->Particular style or clothing item (i.e jeans, leather jackets, shoes) or body type (petite, plus size) Or Season.
  • Travel-->Particular destination or country or travel type (mountain, city, beach, resort)
  • Food-->Particular cuisine (Indian, Italian, Thai, Vietnamese) or segment of cooking (starters, lunches, quick meals, baking). 
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As you can see the real key is going down a level and where and if appropriate a further level. The golden rule here is not to get too niche where you audience is too small for you to make a reasonable income from your website or business. 

An example of such would be. 

Musical Instruments-->hand crafted traditional Vietnamese Wood instruments. 

You would struggle to make a regular income in Vietnam let alone outside of the country with such a hyper targeted niche. 

Not only does this niche marketing strategy carve you out specific audience and regular clientele, it brings to you those that are willing to spend that little bit extra to get your specialist and expert help and advice. 

Another Effective Niche Marketing Strategy Example

Another great and very effective niche marketing strategy involves product pricing. 

You can target the price range of the products that you wish to sell or promote to a particular audience. A fine example of this can be the travel industry. 

You can carve out a particular and highly targeted audience by creating a website and business around a budget travel to a particular location. For example Backpackers and Budgets Traveler's guide to Thailand (a niche I used to be in!). 

Due to the specific audience and your tips on helping your readers to find that exact audience your earning are based on a high volume of recommendations and sales made. 

At the opposite end of the scale is the more high end premium priced market - for our travel example this would be luxury travel and 5 star resorts. Per sale or booking made you will earn much more but make fewer sales. 

The one caveat is offering a mix of the two and lowering the price of the premium products as this affects consumer perception of the product and you end up making less sales. 

People that have the finance are happy to buy premium products at a premium price and will see that something is not quite right if you are offering it at a lower price - even if it is to save them money!. 

If you want to continue to make sales, keep your price in line with what your audience expects from you. 

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While you are building up your online business and passive income, you can work from home as a freelance transcriptionist, Proofreader or Teaching English.

Niche Marketing Strategies Involving Demographics

You can target your ideal target audience based on demographics, lifestyle and the interests of your target audience. 

To do this successfully you need to have a good understanding of your audience and their commercial (consumer) behaviour to be able to effectively break them down into specific targeted segments.

Taking the "budget traveller" segment you can you break that down to low cost weekend city breaks, adventure breaks, hostelling and target romantic breaks for newly weds or coach tours older travellers. 

Sure anyone, of any age and marital status can enjoy those activities and breaks, but by targeting specifically within a niche you will attract the right audience and result in a very interesting niche for you. 

You will have also successfully positioned yourself as an authority in the niche and attract readers/clients to your site for that very reason. 

Effective Niche Marketing Strategy Examples You Can Try TODAY. #Blogging #NicheMarketing

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Who Should Use Niche Marketing Strategies?

It is in my humble opinion that absolutely everyone should use some kind of niche marketing strategy be their business an online or an offline business. 

Take for example McDonalds, Pizza Hut and Ben & Jerries - these are fine examples of selecting a target market and finding a niche and dominating it. 

McDonalds don't make all kinds of food - they are very targeted and sell basically burgers and little else!. Their target audience is the budget low cost market with high volume sales. 

And they do it successfully on a massive scale!. 

Pizza Hut have few items on their menu other that the obvious Pizza, and Ben & Jerry again an exact hyper targeted food item - Ice cream. 

In the case of Ben & Jerry (or Hagen Das for that matter) their clients don't mind paying a premium price for a premium product. 

You will also find that certain large brands "niche in" on their clients shopping behaviour by using the data from loyalty programs and sending targeted offers to a particular segment of their regular clients. 

Putting Together An Effective Niche Marketing Strategy

There are many different ways in which you can implement and put together an effective niche marketing strategy for your online business, the very first thing is to think of your blog or website as a business - this way you adopt a much more professional attitude and approach. 

The first step is to identify a larger market as a whole and have a really good think about it. If you need data regarding the revenue in a particular market you can consult with statista

Then learn all you can about that particular market, such as the different types of products available, which products sell well (check amazon best sellers!) and are of a great quality (check amazon reviews and 4 star rating products only!).

By this point you have perhaps already identified a particular product or product type and market segment to home in and niche down on. 

Now learn all you can about your ideal audience:

  • Who are they? 
  • Male/female?
  • How old? 
  • Where are they from? 
  • What kind of experience do they have in the niche - expert or a beginner?
  • What is their regular job, income level?
  • What kind of products and Accessories do they buy in the niche?
  • How much money do they typically spend?

The more exact and targeted you can get with your ideal audience and more in touch and tuned in with them the better and more targeted your content and marketing will inevitably be. 

At this point all that is left is to map out and pre-plan your marketing strategy and track your progress and results. 


Putting together your marketing strategy, particularly in the online world will involve your pre-selected top 6 products to review and putting together highly detailed reviews. 

And creating helpful problem solving content around those products and funnelling traffic to them using a mix of bottom of the (sales) funnel, middle of the (sales) funnel and top of the (sales) funnel type of content. 

This is to catch potential buyers at various stages of the buyer cycle, while fully identifying with your target audience and relating to them. 

You can do all the talking and planning is not going to get you anywhere unless you implement your plan and take action. 

To find out if your niche strategy is working you need to track results, and not only sales, but keep an eye on which articles are getting more traffic, which ones are not getting people to click over to your product review (which ones are) and which are getting more sales and which one's need some refining and adjusting. 

You will find that your audience respond better to a particular content type or style - make more of that and less of the unresponsive content. 

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Online Niche Marketing Strategy Examples 

When I am coaching or mentoring people into starting their own niche site I always tell my clients the most popular niches and niche strategies involve helping people to solve a particular problem. 

When people are searching online they are seeking answers to common every day questions. If you can effectively build a niche site and a business around that particular problem and present a viable solution you will make money. 

Such an example springing into my mind just now is back pain. 

Many people are suffering from life changing and debilitating back pain and will spend a lot of money if you can provide proper information and products that can help the relieve their suffering.  

Rather than target generic pain of all genre and types targeting specific narrows you down to an exact audience and products to review and promote. 

The More popular niches revolve around: 

  • Relationships
  • Money
  • Health & Wellbeing

In short - if you help people to get laid, to get paid or to live forever you are in a good market. Still remember to zone in and niche down. 

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Those markets, without attempting to narrow down you will likely find yourself destined for failure. 

Those, alongside weight loss are the busiest and largest markets period!. 

  • Relationships-->Gender-->Race (eg, nationality, ethnicity, religion) or sexuality. 
  • Make Money-->Demographics and interests (students, stay at home moms, veterans, disabled, pensioners) or method (blogging, niche marketing, affiliate marketing, investing, betting, cryptocurrency, work from home, freelancing etc). 
  • Health & Wellness -->Specific sector or demographic, (age & interest based or specific area of health, mental health, self development etc). 
  • Diet & Weight Loss-->Weight loss for new mom's, over 40's or 50's; supplements and certain regimes/methods. 

Niche Marketing Strategie Examples The Final Conclusion

Trying to be all and everything for everyone is a huge mistake to make. Casting your net to wide in this game and you will end up catching no fish or very few fish at all.  

You just can't be everything to everyone. 

How much and how far you niche down will depend on you, your plans for your site and your target audience. 

Don't get too targeted - when that that happens you will end up with too small an audience to market to and such little potential for gaining any traffic or earnings at all. 

Sadly, most people fail to earn a full time income online which is through no fault of their own - there are far too many BS "Guru's" selling systems, programs and all sorts of get rich quick methods and programs that simple don't work and have no chance of ever working. 

It really is like the wild west sometimes, which is why I created a review section reviewing all kinds of opportunities to help readers to be aware of what works and what doesn't and what is an evident scam and what they can try out. 

Through my own experience, I KNOW that it is possible for you to build a long term successful business online.

Thousands of people are starting one every day and literally millions of people are making a regular income online in what is called the digital economy. 

If you are genuinely interested in making that leap and taking the same world class training that I took and get mentoring from me Test Drive My #Recommended Training Program Here For FREE.

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How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way for making money in the digital world both for those just starting out and those that are semi experienced. 

The reasons are pretty simple:

  • No huge startup costs!
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  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passions!
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In fact...

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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