
LeapForce Review – Scam Or Legit? [Revealed]

LeapForce Review

Looking for LeapForce Reviews? You might even be wondering if it really is true or a downright horrible scam!. 

I mean - can you really get paid to be a Search Engine Evaluator for companies like google?..Seriously!?!...

I will reveal in this article if that job is actually legit or not and leave you better informed about LeapForce. 

But first thing first, a full congratulations for being smart and very internet savvy by doing you research. Sometimes, just sometimes things are not quite as they seem. This is how you avoid getting scammed and find the best way of making money online. 

Let's gets on with the LeapForce Review and find out if it is a scam or not!.

LeapForce Review 

Product Name: LeapForce

Founder: Daren Jackson

Product Type: Work At Home As A Search Engine Evaluator Opportunity

Price: Free

Best For: work from home folks.

LeapForce Review

Summary: Very good work from home opportunity where you can be employed indirectly by Google and have the lovely title of "Search Engine evaluator". Pay does seem to be good. 

Drawback's are you can't travel with this job or work from any location other than your registered address and you must complete 200 tasks per month to remain active. It is quite difficult to get a job, check below for an advanced FREE copy of the evaluators guide book to study!.

Rating: 85/100

Recommended: Yes!

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What Is LeapForce?

LeapForce is a business that provides search engines like Google with a team of independent and fully trained evaluators to help them to determine the quality of their search results and they are returning the kind of quality expected. 

Let's face it - there is nothing worse that searching...and searching...and searching and not quite finding the information that you want and need or that the quality of the websites at the top of the results is not as expected?.

Have you ever noticed that those gimmicky, flashy websites or ones covered in ads and 100's of pop ups are now gone and banished to page 3 billion of google? 

Well, we have Google to thank for that - for updating their algorithm and Leapforce with their team of search engine evaluators to thank for checking that it is working!. 

The company was founded in 2008 by former Google Engineer Daren Jackson who, himself was a manger of Googles own in house search engine evaluation team. 

The company is fully accredited and well rated by the Better Business Bureau and employ's - or rather subcontract 10,000+ search engine evaluators worldwide, in pretty much all languages and countries. 

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What Does A Search Engine Evaluator Do?

A Search Engine Evaluator, someone that assesses the results returned by a search engine and check how appropriate those results are in relation to the search term.

Companies like Google, Microsoft (owner of Bing search engine) and Yahoo dedicate a lot of resources to make sure their results displayed for the search terms are the best and highly appropriate, above all returning the most informative sites in relation to a search query.  

Artificial Intelligence AI is getting better all the time but it will never have that human element and knowledge which is where Search Engine Evaluators come in to play. 

A Search Engine Evaluator's knowledge of a certain locality, pop culture, places, people and current events help to give the search engines that little bit of extra knowledge and info to help the search engine to return the perfect results. 

There are some subtle things that a human has to fix out which results to show and when for  "Paris Hilton" or "Paris Hilton".

yes, both a exactly the same but is the searcher looking for information about what Paris Hilton is getting up to or for information about the Hotel?. 

Or does google just jumble up the results page and hope for the best?.

That where the human element of sorting out results. We can deduce that someone from Viet Nam (for example) searching for "Paris Hilton" is seeking out information about the hotel. 

(She is not famous and is unheard of in Viet Nam!) 

But a search from a young western individual in say NYC - might be looking for biographical information related to the Celebrity Paris Hilton. 

Evaluating Websites

An evaluator also has to have a deep understanding of the quality guidelines known as the Google Quality Raters Handbook and the 9 point or 9 stage rating scale of 1 to 5 (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5...) and rate websites accordingly based on various factors such as the Main Content of the webpage and website. 

There are literally hundreds of tasks performed and undertaken by an evaluator. Worthy of note - regardless of what result is returned by an evaluator it has no effect on search results or the rankings of a given website or webpage.

They simply help the search engines to determine if their algorithm is working correctly and to improve the quality of the results given. 

How Do I Become A Google Search Engine Evaluator?

Getting a job as a search engine evaluator is surprisingly tough due to the entry requirements - mostly the need to study hard to pass the entrance exam. Do be aware that very few actually land a job. 

The pass rate of actually getting a job is something like 1%!.

Before you actually apply for a job with LeapForce you have a gmail account that has your web history switched on, be a highly active search engine user and use google play on a weekly basis. 

Getting A Job As A Search Evaluator

The there are 3 main companies that recruit search engine evaluators with an additional 4th for stateside residents. 

  • RATERLABS (American Residents)

Once you have applied for a job - it is time to knuckle down and start studying for that exam to help you land that dream job!. One that you can do from anywhere in the world!.

The study material you will be given, 166 page document know as the google quality raters handbook - you have a week to study it (longer if you download from my link!). 

The exam is in three parts, theoretic and practical on both laptop/computer and smartphone.

You certainly should not treat the exam lightly - be very prepared for it you only get 2 chances. That means if you fail first time round you can only retake the exam one more time and that's it. So be well prepared!. 

How Much Can You Earn? 

I am afraid, I am not based stateside thus I really have no idea what is considered as a good salary or not. I am completely unaware of the costs of living stateside.

I will give you the number and the facts, you judge for yourself.

Salary is in the $12 - $15 per hour range. This is the starting salary, further research based on 240 Search Engine Evaluators revealed an average earnings of $36,881/year. 

In short, you can earn a good full time income as a Search Engine Evaluator provided you get enough regular work.

Pros & Cons 

The Pros

What I Liked About LeapForce: 

  • Well established company
  • Pay does seem to be both good and regular.
  • You can count on regular employment

The Cons

What I did not like about LeapForce:

  • Only get 2 shots at the exam. 
  • It is quite tough to get a job as a search engine evaluator
  • Not a job you can do from anywhere - you must work from your registered address due to sensitivity of the information
  • you have to complete 200 tasks in a month to retain an active status.
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Is LeapForce Legit?

Absolutely! The job as a search engine evaluator is completely and absolutely real, genuine and legit job that you can do from home. 

The search engines need a team of people to perform tasks and give them feedback for them to know if their search engines are working as they should do and to help improve results.

My LeapForce Review - Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a stay at home job, working from home and you are very familiar with google search engine and a variety of google products such as google play then why not try get some of those "I work from home bucks!". 

LeapForce is a solid company and by the looks of it a pretty secure job. 

My advice is to really study that quality evaluators guidelines and and really KNOW it before you apply for a job with the company - do your best to pass first time!.

....fail, and the pressure is on!. 

If you are looking for more of a passive income rather than an active one, and one that will allow you to travel and "work" should you choose to then I suggest that you have a really good look at how I make money online.

How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way of making money online both for those just starting out online and those that are experienced. 

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In fact...

I have managed to create and build a mid 4 figure passive monthly income and fully enjoy a life of travel to where I want and when I want and completely enjoy life and work when I choose to. 

This is all thanks to Affiliate Marketing!

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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