
Category Archives for "Content Creation"

How Often Should You Blog? Proven Data & Research Reveals The Facts!

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Are you scratching your head and wondering "How Often Should You Blog?". The Answer might shock you! It might surprise you and that number is not as big as you think it might be. 

One of the problems with blogging and creating a niche site is not knowing how frequently you should be publishing new posts.

Post too often and it eats into your "you time" or time that you could be spending else where promoting your site and getting your brand out there on the internet, on social media and so on. 

How Often Should You Blog? #Blogging #BloggingTips

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Don't post frequently enough and you risk losing rankings site wide due to googles caffeine update.Thus, you certainly want to hit that sweet spot bang on the head for maximum benefit and productivity for yourself and your site.  

There is that point where you will gain no extra benefit for getting those "extra" articles out there. 

I will tell you with an evidence based approach that is backed by hard facts, proven data and proof of what that sweet spot is and unlike others I will not pull a random number out of my backside. 

Keep reading if you really want to know what the optimal posting frequency is for your blog. 

(Clue: It is not as often as you think!...and will require a bit of thought on your own part, probably!)

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How To Write A Conclusion – 5 Top Tips!

How To Start A conclusion

So, you have written a masterpiece and love every bit of it but your mind is blank, frozen and you need to learn How To Write A Conclusion to that absolutely banging and epic blog post?


Did you know that writing a conclusion is the singularly most difficult part of writing your blog posts?

When you have just toiled away writing THAT epic article for your blog, taking over the world with one stroke of your keyboard at a time, without a doubt you absolutely must end it with a brilliant conclusion that just compels your reader to do what you want them to do - Take Action! and click the button, buy that product or bang their email in that box! 

If, not, the entire momentum of your epic article has gone, kaput!

So, what are the best Ways To Start A Conclusion Paragraph?

Contrary to what every other blogger and marketer out there will have you believe it is absolutely NOT regurgitating and summarising what you have written already in your article.

"To #Blog Or Not To Blog, That Is The Question" Shakespeare, aged 456! #BloggingTips 

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I'm not just about to reveal to you the so called "secret"

I'm not going to give up the little “secret” right now and just tell you straight up How To Start A Conclusion, 


If you do read to the very end of this article you will know exactly How To Start A Conclusion, How To Write A Conclusion and The Best Ways To Start A Conclusion Paragraph.

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9 Mind Blowing Tips! How To Write The Introduction To A Blog

How To Write The Introduction To A Blog Featured

So you want to know How To Write The Introduction To A Blog Post but you are sitting there frustrated staring at that "blinking cursor of death" with a mind blanker than the dark screen you are staring at and you are absolutely clueless and really, really, REALLY want to learn How To Start Writing For A Blog!

Then, you have clicked over to the right place! 



Relax, Smile, in this article you will learn exactly How To Write The Introduction To A Blog and grab your reader by the balls. 

(That's eye balls!).

Writing Great Content Is All About Grabbing Your Readers By The (eye) Balls! #BloggingTips #WritingTips

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I'll show and teach you my fail-safe method that I am forever using myself that will drawn in your reader and maintain their attention until the very last word of your expertly written blog posts. 

Have you ever seen any other blogger properly teach you How To Start Writing For A Blog Or Even How To Write The Introduction To A Blog Post?. The majority are completely clueless, totally without a method of what they are doing and no idea when it comes down to teaching it!

I promise you that if you use my formula, with little practice you will be able to write attention grabbing introductions to your articles and your audience will love you for it and turn into raving fans that are loyal and willing to spend their hard earned cash on your recommendations. 

Before I dive into my secret formula and method there are some things to remember when you are writing the introduction to your blog post.

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How Long Is A Typical Blog Post? + 7 Actionable SEO Tips!

How Long Is A Typical Blog Post Featured

If you are Scratching your head and wondering How Long Is A Typical Blog Post or How Long Should A Blog Post Be in order to rank on page one of google you have found the right article!. 

In this article I discuss the Ideal Blog Post Length that you should be aiming for to get your site and your articles riding high in the SERPS and getting a bunch of beautiful and free organic search engine traffic. 

And that is exactly what we all want - and a whole bunch of social shares to boot!. 

"How Long Is A Typical Blog Post?" #WordPress #BloggingTips #SEO

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There is one thing I like to keep crystal clear - the length of your content is only one factor that search engines take into consideration when it comes to ranking, and just because you wrote an article that was longer than other that are ranking high it is by no means a guarantee that you will rank higher. 

There are some 200+ known ranking signals taken into consideration when it comes to sorting out who and what should rank where, and according to research there does seem to a correlation between Blog Post Length and its position in the rankings. 

There is also data relating the number of shares and length of content!.

If you are an avid blogger or a highly motivated newbie - keep reading to find out what the ideal blog post length is!. 

The very answer might surprise you!

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20+ First Blog Post Examples That Will Get You Wild Traffic!

First Blog Post Examples Featured

In this article I will show you some First Blog Post Examples and ideas for you to get kick starting and boot strapping yourself into the world of blogging. 

And that is where it all starts - Your Very First Blog Post!. I remember my first one, distinctly. Pretty awesome, ranked bang in no 6 for a low competition keyword. 


Low competition or not, an epic job considering I outranked an article by Harvard University!. 

We have all been there, You, Me, John Morrow, Yaro Starak, Jeff Bullas, Pat Flynn, to name a few. The nerve wracking "what should I write about in my first blog post" kind of thing. 

Awesome First Blog Post Examples! #BloggingTips #Blogging 

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I just kept it on topic in regards to what my blog is about and let my keyword research, and article research do the "talking".

Now-a-days, being far more experienced and know what I am doing I can pretty much drive crazy traffic and social shares to the first blog post that I make for a new blog. 

Given that with a passion for the topic what to write about is never really going to be an issue, neither really is the content of the article, given again a passion and expertise for the subject of which you wish to blog about. 

If ever you are, you can always refer to this article about First Blog Post Examples, to keep you on the right track.

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How To Write An About Me For A Blog And Win Over Your Audience!

How To Write An About Me For A Blog

So, you are setting up your banging blog, got your niche sorted out and now stumbling about a little stumped about How To Write An About Me For A Blog?

And so you darn well should be! 

Your About Me Page is one hell of a piece of digital real estate!. It is one of the most visited pages on your blog. 

You'd be foolish not to take full advantage of that!. 

Sadly, just about nobody is teaching you How To Write An About Me Page or what elements make up a good and effective about me page. 

Clue: It is NOT about you! 

Ironically, your about me page is not ALL About You! #BloggingTips #Blogging

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As ironic as that above statements seems, it is true, your "about me" page is not all about you!. 

Wanna know why?...and find out how to create an effective about me page that your readers will love? 

Keep reading!. 

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What To Write About In A Blog My Top Blog Ideas That Drive Insane Traffic!

What To Write About In A Blog

So, you are struggling for What To Write About In A Blog Post? 


This very article is going to show you a whole variety of blog post ideas that have been proven to be popular and above all drive traffic and revenue to your site. 

Firstly, and fore mostly you absolutely need to know what the topic of your blog is, that is to say, you must have a niche, a blogging topic that is central to what you blog about. 

You must also know who your ideal audience is and finally which subjects to write about that are relevant to both your audience and your niche. 

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” Chris Grosser #Blogging #Inspiration

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A great blog post starts with and is centred around a topic. 

Keep reading! If you want to learn about the different topics, approaches, blogging techniques and articles that have been proven to be popular and drive massive traffic to your site.

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