
Best Lifestyle Blogs

Best Lifestyle Blogs Featured

So you are seeking and searching for the very Best Lifestyle Blogs to keep you inspired, motivated and updated with all the latest trends. Then, without a single doubt this article is exactly what you are looking for. 

In this article I will do what others shy away from - I'll show you exactly how you can start your very own popular lifestyle blog and talk about how each of the top lifestyle blogs mentioned are monetised. 

Make no mistake about it - lifestyle blogs do make some very good money and when you love this as topic or hobby your "job" is fun and you are making a living from your passions. And as they say there is profit in passion!. 

This Years Top lifestyle blogs! #Blogging #Lifestyle

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Keep reading to the very end where I will show you where you can learn how to start your very own lifestyle blog! 


Best Lifestyle Blogs For 20 Somethings

Let's get right to and detail in this section what I consider to be the best lifestyle blogs for 20 somethings.

The Freckled Fox
  • The Freckled Fox

Sometimes I just love the creativity that goes into naming and coming up with names for lifestyle blogs. "The Freckled Fox" I am sure you will agree is quite a brilliant and catch name. 

This site is owned by Emily, who is a mother of 6 lovely red headed or flame haired children and considers herself as a lucky wife. And who would n't when you have so many little ones to bring so much joy to your life. 

Her site is beautifully designed, very cleanly designed she covers food, beauty, fitness, hair - oh just to mention it she has fabulous hair!, style and family life. 

Her objective with her lifestyle blog is to inspire and uplift you. 

Monetisation is by means of affiliate marketing and media vine adverts which indicates she is getting very good traffic. In fact her domain authority of 52 is indicative of a very strong and well respected site. 

Being very active on social media I suspect that Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook are great sources of traffic for her. 

This a great  lifestyle blog for 20 something females to follow, particularly those in their late 20's, married with children. 

It is also a brilliant site for women with large families. 

Best Lifestyle Blogs For 20 somethings

Twist me pretty a great lifestyle blog for late 20 somethings and early 30's

  • Twist Me Pretty

Another brilliantly named and branded lifestyle blog Twist Me Pretty, Owner Abby Smith, certainly know what it is to be a world class blogger and the work that is involved from photography, writing, topic research, managing social media. It can be a bit of work but it is absolutely fun. 

That is fun with a capital F! 

Abby in her lifestyle blog, which I do consider to be currently one of the very best lifestyle blogs for late 20 somethings to early 30's covers beauty, fashion, hair care, and family life with her kiddies - which includes her two twin boys. 

Her monetization strategy is by means of affiliate marketing and display advertising. She is very active on social media - the very nature of lifestyle bloggers is getting their brand and site out there and well followed on social  media. 

She has a very strong DA of 54 and that as a serious blogger myself is quite an achievement. 

Best Lifestyle Blogs For 20 somethings
  •  Lost Gen Y Girl

Kayla, the site owner of the pretty ingeniously titled Lost Gen Y Girl provides plenty of inspiration and insights to lifestyle blogging, blogging in general and the life of a millennial. She writes about motherhood, lifestyle and entrepreneurship in the digital world. 

Very openly she shares her income reports, although not been updated for a while the numbers are very real no exaggeration and reveals how she earned the money. 

 She has been running this site for 5 or 6 years now and shows that, in her own words, "you don't need a ton of traffic" to earn a reasonable income. 

Her monetisation is from affiliate marketing, sponsored posts and display ads She has courses on teachable which help to bring some revenue. 

Best Lifestyle Blogs For millennials
  •  Advice From A Twenty Something

This site is run by Amanda, and has a brilliant "Ask Amanda Section" highlighting the best questions and advice for girls in their twenties, ranging from relationships to career to well, boyfriend issues. 

Fashion, Beauty, Wellness and career are the main topics of this lifestyle as well as the aforementioned Ask Amanda. 

Monetisation is by means of affiliate marketing, google adsense and media vine display ads. 

Best Lifestyle Blogs For 20 somethings
  • A Clothes Horse

This lifestyle blog is definitely on of the best lifestyle blogs for 20 somethings and is a very much a cool mix of photography, travel and fashion. 

Site owner Rebecca lives a lovely slow paced lifestyle by her own admission. Her site is very much in contrast to other lifestyle blogs out there where it clearly shows that you can indeed be a quiet person and make a great lifestyle blog. 

She loves to encounter and find herself a lovely quiet place surrounded by the wild and quietness of mother nature. 

A Clothes Horse is monetised by affiliate marketing and her selling of her rather brilliant Photoshop photography presets.

Top Lifestyle Blogs

Woman's lifestyle blogs just absolutely dominate the whole lifestyle blogging industry. In, I have hardly heard of a male lifestyle blogger at all. Sure, I know of plenty men's fashion blogs but lifestyle blogs for men?

Top Lifestyle Blogs
  • HBFIT 

HBFIT is a brilliantly named and I just can't quite decide if the name is intentional, accidental or just the ingenious brilliance of the site owner Hannah Bronfman.

Initially I thought the HB was for her Initials as she is well known and respected in the fitness world.

Or is it Health And Beauty Fitness...?. I suspect it more the later than the former.

Monetisation is by means of Sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, display ads and the sale of her own products. That's one site and 4 streams of revenue.

Best Lifestyle Blogs
  • Camilla Styles

This is a very eye catching and properly engaging lifestyle blog for women. Camilla, from Texas, a best selling author really shines with her captivating writing style here as she blogs about fitness, health, goals and sharing of delightful recipes.

This blog is run by Camille, a Texas based lifestyle blogger and also the author of bestselling book, Camille Styles Entertaining.

Monetisation of her site is from affiliate marketing and sales as well hiring her for speaking events.

Best Lifestyle Blogs
  • Goop

This absolutely one of the Top Lifestyle Blogs period. And rather surprisingly is run by a Hollywood Actress and rake in Millions of Bucks every single year.

Yes folks, Goop.com is run and owned by no other than Gwyneth Paltrow. The blog covers beauty, food, work and style. Fun fact: It was started in her kitchen in 2008 and initially started as a newsletter that got mailed out on a weekly basis and then grew into what it is today.

Lets face it - I hardly think she is pleading poverty with a well distinguished acting career behind her. none the less, Goop is very well monetised and is a vehicle for their own full on e-commerce activities and interests promoting their own brand.

If you are in the lifestyle industry they do have a very interesting affiliate program that you may wish to consider joining.

Best Lifestyle Blogs
  • Primer Magazine

And to think I had you going there…thinking that lifestyle blogging was exclusively a ladies favourite past time. Primer Magazine is a lifestyle blog for men and is run by Andrew, a university grad that covers pretty much everything from finance, to self improvement and development, investing and love.

He has managed to turn this in to a full on full time online business without going down the well travelled sports and “lads mag” style of men lifestyle blogging.

Well done Andrew. Classy!

Monetisation is by means of affiliate marketing, sponsored products and placement and brand partnership.

Best Lifestyle Blog
  • GetBusyLivingBlog

This is another lifestyle blog run by “those that have more testosterone than estrogen” and is done in a very classy matter of fact way.

Blogger Benny Tsu (I suspect it is pronounced as shoe, don’t quote me on that) and got the the rather ingenius name of his blog from the movie shawshank redemption where, rather than complain the main character just “got busy digging” and finally got his freedom.

(I suggest you all get busy blogging – eventually you WILL make it)

Benny blogs about dating, dieting, inspiration and making money.

This blog shares everything from lifestyle, diet and dating to motivation and money. A great platform where you can improve your lifestyle, health and income.

Monetisation is from his own book sales and affiliate marketing. I was surprised to see no display ads as a monetisation method which is a favourite amongst bloggers.

Best Lifestyle Blogs India

While lifestyle blogging and blogs are not exclusive to America, UK, Australia or anywhere in the western hemisphere. 

Let's not forget our Indian friends, whom, by their very nature are well travelled and settled in all corners and far flung places all over Europe and the United States.


By its very nature India is one of the largest Native English Speaking countries in the world with, according to wikipedia is the second largest native English Speaking Country with 125 Million speakers, a number that is set to quadruple over the next decade and will thus surpass the United states as the most populated English speaking nation. 

Thus I cannot forget my Indian friends, readers and of course the quite fabulous Indian Lifestyle Blogs.

  • Blah And More

Best Lifestyle Blogs

Intelligent and Beautiful Rasshi Gaur, a literature graduate and masters in fashion runs Blah and more, quite brilliantly titled. It is in fact India's very first fashion and lifestyle magazine online. 

She runs plenty of give away competitions and has a lovely section dedicated to BM man. 

Great blogging style and takes me waaay back with the retro blogger look and feel to the site. 

Indian Lifestyle bloggers
  • Akanksha Redhu

Akanksha Redhu is very much teh who is who of lifestyle bloggers in India and has one of the very best dedicated to fashion. Her blog, in now over 10 years old and still growing. 

She currently covers fashion, beauty, lifestyle and travel. She also has her own brand Cirare which focuses on fashion accessories. 

I'll tell you something, she has one of the very best lifestyle blogs I have ever seen - anywhere and in any language! 

Kudos Akanksha!

Fashion Blogs India
  • Gia Kashyap Of GiaSaysThat.com

Gia's story is nothing short of inspiring and pretty amazing. At only 15 she was fully employed as a graphic designer, and as she hit 18 started her own T shirt business and at 21 a fashion columnist which lead her to lifestyle blogging.

Her blog focuses on beauty and make up and has a lot of well read and watched tutorials. Her blog focuses on fashion, beauty and make up with a dash of travel. 

Such an inspiration Gia!. 

indian lifestyle bloggers
  • TheGirlAtFirstAvenue

Brilliantly named blog by Chandana of Hyperbad. Her blog was initially meant to be by her own confession a personal blog but somehow just grew into being a lifestyle and fashion blog. 

She also covers beauty and wellness as topics and a dash of travel!. 

As far as personal branding goes, Chandana does it brilliantly. 

Fashion Bloggers India
  • Beauty & Fashion Freaks

This Blog is run by Indian Lifestyle Bloggers Jyoti and Rashmi from Delhi, the latter of which is an economist by studies and banker by profession while Jyoti is a fashion designer by profession. Their site, brilliantly named covers fashion, beauty, relationships, and lifestyle. 

Woman's lifestyle blogs,

best lifestyle blogs for 20 somethings,

lifestyle blogs India,

Lifestyle blogs names,

top lifestyle blogs,

popular lifestyle blogs,

 most popular lifestyle blogs

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