
Category Archives for "Health And Wellness"

Vasayo Review – The SHOCKING Truth!

Vasayo Review - Legit Or Scam_

Are you looking for an independent and honest Vasayo Review?. 

Chances are you have already heard about this company and want to dig deeper and find out more about that Vasayo Business opportunity. 

Half the battle here is finding a review by someone that is not associated to or connected with the company in someway or another!. 

If you have landed on this page and read this far - you have already won that battle!. I am not affiliated with this company in any way shape or form!. This is a completely independent review. 

Before I get started I fully congratulate you for doing your research and finding an independent review - this is the best way to avoid getting scammed and find the very best way to make money online. 

During the remainder of this article. I will cover the following topics:

  • What Is Vasayo? 
  • Who Owns Vasayo And Their Background!
  • Vasayo Product Range 
  • The Problem With Health Sites Online
  • Vasayo Compensation Plan
  • Is Vasayo A Scam Or Is Vasayo Legit?
  • My Vasayo Review - The Final Conclusion
  • You have Options - A Personal Challenge

Curious to find the truth behind Vasayo?


The stay tuned and Keep reading!

Vasayo Review 

Product Name: Vasayo

Founder: Dallin Larsen, Karree Larsen, Dan Zhu and Daniel Picou

Product Type: MLM Network Marketing opportunity in the nutritional supplements and health area. 

Price: $239 - $1495.

Best For: Those with experience in the MLM industry and have a talent for selling and recruiting. 

Vasayo Review

Summary: Vasayo is a MLM network marketing business opportunity in the health and wellness industry with a genuine range of products to back it up.


Despite the questionable past of the founder it is a legitimate business and not a scam. However it is not one that I recommend for a number of reasons which are mentioned later in this article.  

Rating: 30/100 

Recommended:  No, explained later, keep reading!

Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?


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Is Real Time Pain Relief A Scam? A Painful Pyramid Scheme?

Is Real Time Pain Relief A Scam

"Is Real Time Pain Relief A Scam?" Not a question I'd ask a former world heavyweight champion!. 


it is certainly a question I'd ask if I was to get involved with the business opportunity, and of course any opportunity must be examined, detailed and investigated before jumping in!. 

And that is what this article is about detailing the Real Time Pain Relief Business Opportunity. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a genuine way of making money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program For Free!.

So, Is Real Time Pain Relief A Scam Or Legit? 

Keep reading to find out!. 

Real Time Pain Relief Review 

Product Name: Real Time Pain Relief

Founder(s): Ron Snodgrass And Tim Flatt

Product Type: MLM Opportunity Focused Around Pain Relief

Price: US$100 or US$300 to join +US$200 monthly autoship to remain commission qualified.

Best For: Experienced network marketers. 

Real Time Pain Relief Review

Summary: Real Time Pain Relief might have knock out formula and an ex-world heavyweight champion to deliver it. This company are highly targeted and I can see their products being easy to sell to the right people. There are some concerns. Keep reading to find out what those are!. 

Rating: 60/100

Recommended: No.

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Nature’s Sunshine A Scam? An Honest [Review]

Is Nature’s Sunshine A Scam Featured

I have been examining this company and the questions "Is Nature's Sunshine A Scam?" Popped into my mind and thus I have fully detailed and independently investigated this company and their business opportunity. 

I only have about 60 seconds to catch your - so let's not waste any more time. 

I am not here to pitch you or sing the praises of Nature's sunshine from the mountain tops and hoodwink you into joining my team as I have no team!. 

 I am not a part of their company!. 

If you are a regular reader you will be familiar with the in depth detail that I go to in my reviews to help you to make the best decision in regards to this opportunity and become better educated in regards to the real, dark truth about all Network Marketing opportunities. 

Before I get down to it...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a proven way of making money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program. 

Are you ready to find out if Nature's Sunshine is a Scam Or Legit?


Then Keep Reading!. 

Nature's Sunshine Review 

Product: Nature's Sunshine

Founder(s): Gene Hughes and Kristine Hughes

Product Type: MLM opportunity in the health and wellness market

Price: An one off US$40 fee which is waived after you buy products of the same value. Optional cost of US$399 for various courses online and US$549 for their IN.FORM coach certificate which is again, optional. 

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers. 

Are Nature's Sunshine Products Organic

Summary: Despite their huge name, this is a company that doesn't think twice about paying backhands to foreign state officials and cooking the books and hiding the facts from The SEC. Please have nothing to do with shady characters like this - you have no need to complicate your life. 

Thankfully your have many options available to you as I have listed below. 

Rating: 20/100

Recommended: No!

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Carelumina A Scam? A Cold Pressed Scam…?

Is Carelumina A Scam

Do you have that Question "Is Carelumina A Scam?" buzzing around you mind and seeking an honest answer?. 

Then I welcome you to my independent review of Carelumina

I only have a few seconds to fully catch your attention so lets stop beating about the bush here and get straight to it. 

I am not connected to or associated with this company in any way at all, and will not be "singing their praises" or attempting to get you to "join my team". 

If you are a regular reader you will know I go to great detail and length to provide highly informative fact based investigations into the MLM opportunities that I review detailing the company, their products, compensation plan and answer a wide variety of important questions like "Can You Make Money With Carelumina?".

Before I get to it...

If you are sick and tired of scams and seeking a proven way to make money online then Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program.

Are you ready to find out if Carelumina Is A Scam Or Legit?


Then keep reading!. 

Carelumina Review 

Product Name: Carelumina

Founder(s): Undisclosed, Emil Dostovic is Vice President

Product Type: MLM Opportunity in the health and wellness market.

Price: US$200 Enrollment fee and US$25 Autoship Obligation.

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers. 

Carelumina Review

Summary: You should be "Careful" of a company that puts the "Careless" in to Carelumina - it is like the could n't careless about their own business and shoddily put together a completely random product line!. 

This company is best avoided, and you will find out why in detail in this article. Be sure to check out the alternatives at the end. 

Rating: 10/100

Recommended: No! 

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is ByDzyne A Scam Or Something To “Watch” Out For?

Is ByDzyne A Scam

"Is ByDzyne A Scam?" The very question echoing around various chambers of the internet...and one I got asked by Craig, a subscriber to my email list. 

Rather than answer in a simple yes or no I digress this one and as usual answer the question in a fair, independent and detailed manner!. 

I know I have only around 60 seconds to grab your attention, so let's cut the small talk and get straight to it!. 

I am not connected to ByDzyne in anyway at all so while you read this review you can chillax and relax as there will be no "join my team" kind or thing or sell you on their products or anything like that. 


What you will get is a proper "low down" on ByDzyne, their history, their products, the compensation plan and a FAQ where I will answer all the important questions like Can You Make Money With ByDzyne?. 

Before I get to it...

If you are sick of scams and looking for a proven way of making money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program - It helped me to break free from corporate life and achieve my freedom!. 

Are you ready to find out all you need to know about ByDzyne? 


Then stay tuned and keep reading!.

ByDzyne Review 

Product Name: ByDzyne

Founder(s): Chanida Puranaputra, Nat Puranaputra, Henry Marsh, Nattida Chong and Chad Chong

Product Type: MLM opportunity covering various markets 

Price: US$39 anually + product packs. 

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers.

Is ByDzyne A Scam

Summary: I can't find much to like about ByDzyne at all. Self centred company that is reliant on generating sales from their distributors own purchases for them to make money due to a completely unviable retail products that sold at extortionate prices. In short distributors end up as clients!

Skip this and try something else!.

Rating: 0/100

Recommended: No!

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Yoli A Scam? A Better Pyramid Scheme [Review]

Is Yoli A Scam

Welcome To My Review Of Yoli!.. 

I got emailed by Simon, asking "Is Yoli A Scam?" Not wishing to disappoint, I told him to hang on a for a bit as I will dig deep and investigate it and publish my finding!. 

I have about a minute to capture your attention, so let's quit the small talk and get straight to it!. 

I am not associated to Yoli in any way at all, there will be zero pitching you to join my team here!. 

This article is a deep and detailed independent investigation designed to help you make the best decision, a well-informed decision about starting a business with Yoli. 

I talk about the company, the founders, their products and compensation plan, and answer some very important questions like "Can You Make Money With Yoli?" and if you decide it is not for you, I provide you some interesting alternatives. 

So stay tuned!. 

Before I get this show on the road...

If you are absolutely sick and tired of scams and looking for a proven way to make money then Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program For FREE!.

Are you ready to find out if Yoli Is a Scam Or Legit? 


The keep reading!. 

Yoli Review 

Product: Yoli

Founder(s): Michael Prichard, Daren Falter, Robby Fender, Bobby Jones, and Corey Citron

Product Type: MLM Opportunity in the health and wellness industry. 

Price:  US$39.95, + US$20 per year, +US$9.95 to get started and then US$70-US$80 autoship obligation.

Best For: Experienced Network marketers.

Yoli Review

Summary: Just another plain old Vanilla flavoured MLM. Health related and with products that everyone else is selling!. No USP and no unique angle to the business and no reason to join them!. 

Rating: 35/100

Recommended: No! 

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Enagic Kangen Water A Scam? Absolutely Say Experts!.

Is Enagic Kangen Water A Scam

Welcome To My Review Of Enagic Kangen Water!. 

There is a fair chance you have come across this company and their business opportunity on social media and perhaps you are wondering "Is Enagic Kangen Water A Scam?"

Or maybe you have seen this company pushed by Digital Genius Labs or Global Affiliate Zone

I only have about 60 seconds to grab your attention, so here goes!. 

I am no associated or affiliated with this company in any way at all, this article contains no "join my team" or attempt to sell their products to you. 


what you will find is a truly independent fact based highly detailed investigation aimed to help you to make an informed decision in regards to the Enagic Kangen Business Opportunity. 

I will detail the company, the founder, conduct a full background check and detail their products, their compensation plan and answer some VIP questions like Can You Make Money With Enagic Kangen Water?. 

If you decide to join, good luck. If you don't, I also mention some very interesting alternatives for you to consider. 

Before I dig down and detail this company...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a proven way to make money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program for FREE!. 

Are you ready to find out if Enagic Kangen Water Is A Scam Or Legit?


Then Keep Reading!

Enagic Kangen Water Review 

Product: Enagic Kangen Water

Founder(s): Hironari Oshiro

Product Type: MLM Business Opportunity Focused Around Water ionisers and filters. 

Price: Free To Get Started And Join. 

Best For: Experienced Network marketers. 

Enagic Kangen Water

Summary: As fabulous as the distributors will tell you the products by Enagic are, you will have a really hard time trying to get people to pay in the region of US$4,000 for a water filtration machine. 

Keep reading to find interesting alternatives. 

Rating: 35/100

Recommended: No!.  

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Sisel A Scam? An MLM With Dark Shady Secrets?

Is Sisel A Scam

"Is Sisel A Scam?"

The very question I have been asking myself after hearing a lot about this company after visiting their superstore in Saigon. 

Hence, why I have decided to dig down deep, investigate and examine this company and their business opportunity in detail

By the time you have finished reading this article you will know all about the company, their leader, their products, compensation plan and just about everything that you need to know about about Sisel to make a well informed decision regarding their business opportunity. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a proven way to make money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program For FREE!.

Are you ready to find out everything about Sisel in a fact based review? 

Then keep reading!.

Sisel Review 

Product: Sisel

Owners(s): Thomas Mower Senior & Thomas Mower Junior

Product Type: Network Marketing Opportunity In The Health And Wellness Niche.

Price: US$10 per year +Monthly Autoship Obligation

Best For: Nobody!

Sisel Review

Summary: Flat boring, dull, average, Vanilla, run of the mill! That is a good description of this company who have no stand out products or unique angle and no dynamic marketing of their products!. 

There simply no reason to buy their products Vs others that are promoted and marketed with greater panache and vivacity. Consumers, read your potential clients will be thinking the same!

Rating: 10/100

Recommended: No.  

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Purium A Scam – Purest Of Scams Or The Real Deal? [Exposed!]

Is Purium A Scam

"Is Purium A Scam?", "Is Purium FDA Approved?"  "are they a good company?" 

The very questions echoing around my mind when I first started investigating this company and their business opportunity. 

In this article you can expect the high standard of impartiality, detail and fact based examination that I put into every single review I publish. 

I cover everything from the company background, the owners to their products, compensation plan and provide you with a highly detailed dossier on Purium to help you make the best decision for yourself regarding this opportunity. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a genuine way of making money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program For FREE!.

Are your ready to find out if Purium is a scam or legit? 

Then keep reading!

Purium Review 

Product: Purium

Owner(s): Amy Venner and David Sandoval

Product Type: MLM Business Opportunity Focused On Weight Loss. 

Price: Min US$199 To Get Started + Autoship obligation

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers

Purium Review

Summary: Purium appear to be a good opportunity in the health niche but, sadly appearances can be deceiving. I have concerns about this opportunity. Keep reading to find out what they are!.

Rating: 40/100

Recommended: No!. 

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Reliv International A Scam? An Honest Review!

Is Reliv International A Scam

Welcome To My Reliv International Review!. 

I got asked the question by a follower "Is Reliv International A Scam?"

Health an wellness is by far the busiest of all markets that multi-level marketing companies participate in with their lotions, potions, what not's and to be quite frank "Oleum De Serpente". 


I'll leave the health claims for the professionals and focus more on the business opportunity and present you with a deep independent investigation into this company

I'll talk about their product line, compensation plan and if you can or can't make money with Reliv International. 

Before I get down to it...

If you are sick of scams and looking for a proven way of making money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program For FREE!. 

Are you ready to find out if Reliv International Is A Scam Or Legit?


Then keep reading!.

Reliv International Review 

Product Name: Reliv International

Founder(s): Robert Montgomery And Sandy Montgomery.

Product Type: MLM Opportunity in The Health Aand Wellness Market

Price: Min US$100

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers. 

Reliv International

Summary: YABBO! Yet Another Bland Business Opportunity!. There is quite frankly no reason for Reliv International and about 80% of all opportunities in the health and wellness market that are all selling the same product to exist. 

Reliv are certainly YABBO and with no unique angle or selling point making me think "what's the point!"... in starting a business with them?.

Skip it and try something else!.

Rating: 20/100

Recommended: No!.  

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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