
CardCash Review – Is CardCash Legit? [UPDATED]

CardCash Review

Looking for CardCash Reviews?

Then what better than a "warts and all" independent review that will tell you the good, the bad, and shockingly ugly things about CardCash? 

Those marketing folks certainly are wired up, clued in and very savvy as to what is going on inside our minds..they just have that knack of making us come back to their shops and stores time and time again. 

They use a variety of smart tactics and techniques and gift cards is one of them!. 

Come on!! admit it...you gone back to a store to use your gift card haven't you, or rushed back to use it just before it expires...

It is a very smart ploy that very much guarantee's return custom.

But what what if you just wanted some sweet beautiful money instead?.

This is where CardCash Comes in!. 

Before I get started I am congratulating you for being very internet savvy and doing you research - this is exactly how you stay safe online and find the very best way of making money online.

Let's get on with this review and find out if CardCash is A scam or legit? there is definitely something you need to keep an eye out for so read right to the end!.

The Bauman Letter Review 

Product Name: CardCash

Founder: Marc Ackerman And Elliot Bohm

Product Type: Gift card Exchange

Price: Free To Use

Best For: Those with unused or unwanted gift cards

CardCash Review

Summary: Money for unwanted and unused gift cards..hell yeah! what's not to like about that?. There something to keep a watchful eye for - explained in this review, so keep reading to find out. 

This is not a way of paying the bills but mostly just cash here and there. For a more sustainable way of making money online click the red button below. 

Rating: 65/100

Recommended: Yes.

Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?



What Is CardCash?

CardCash was founded in 2008 by Marc Ackerman And Elliot Bohm is a rather unique and brilliant business idea behind it - gift card exchange. 

Remember I asked you above if you had ever received from a store that you visited? Guess what!...

Over $60 Billion USD worth of gift cards are laying around expiring and doing nothing - this company helps you to make good use of those unwanted and unused gift cards by allowing you exchange them for cash!. 

Pretty cool idea huh!. 

Now, given the company has the largest selection of gift cards anywhere in the world you can easily get an idea of how successful the company is. 

For three years in a row they have made the Forbes List of Most Promising Companies in America and for 4 years in a row they have found themselves on the list of the fastest growing companies by Prestigious Inc. 

The company has helped its users to earn millions of dollars by exchanging and "cashing in" their unwanted and unused gift cards. 

As a business CardCash Generate $164.1M USD in revenue annually. 

Affiliate Marketing

How Does CardCash Work?

CardCash acts as the middle man between you and another person that would make good use of your unwanted and unused gift card, like a "go between" or a super agent for both the buyer and the seller. 

Let's say for example you have a gift card that you are not using, not likely to use and you want to "cash it in" using CardCash. You simply visit their website, select whom the merchat that the gift card is for, confirm the balance that is on your gift card.

The CardCash Website will then make you an offer, if you accept their offer you can then get that amount in cash. 

You can be paid in a number of ways including Paypal, Check And Bank Deposit!. 

It is a pretty simple process and very straight forward. You can also buy a discount gift card from them - just browse their site and see what they have and buy it for a nice discount!. 

Who Uses CardCash?

CardCash is used by two particular types of person. Buyers and sellers...of giftcards. 

First type of user of this website is looking to sell their unwanted gift card and to get some money for it. 

The second type is those that are looking to buy a gift gift card at a discount and get themselves a good deal.

CardCash Prices

If you decide to cash in your gift card and sell it on this website you won't get the full value for your gift card. The maximum offered is 92% of its value.

Note: I said Maximum value is 92% - often you can find the price offered is much less. It is only popular brands that are able to get the 92% valuation. Target, Walmart, and Amazon are their most popular one's and most likely fall in that 92% band. 

Selling your gift cards is obviously not a way of making a stable income, you are limited by the actual amount of gift cards that you have and their actual amount and popularity. 

If you are looking for a more stable and constant ways of making money that can lead to a full time passive income then check out this opportunity.

Is CardCash BBB Accredited?

CardCash Is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau, Currently their rating is a satisfactory B rating. 

CashCard BBB Rating

Common Complaints

There are a couple of complaints the seemed to occur on a regular basis that caught my attention and certainly worth talking about here. 

Their gift cards seem to expire quickly - well before the 45 day guarantee given by the company.

This was highlighted and investigated by the better business bureau who recommended that the company put in placements to resolve the issue and warn consumers. 

Still, to date this issue occurs. 

Cardcash Complaints

An alarming complaint that caught my attention is that credit card fraud is apparently rife in the secondhand cards industry. It really tells me one thing...don't enter your credit card details on their website - period.

The company has admitted to problems of fraud in this industry. 

Complaints About CardCash

What I Liked About CardCash

There are a lot of good things that I liked about CardCash, let's talk about those for a moment. 

Different Payment Options:

CardCash has several options in which it pays you for you unwanted gift cards from check to bank transfer to even you Paypal account. They make it easy for you to get your money. This always a good thing!. 

No Need To Send Your Unwanted Gift Card:

This is actually an awesome feature!. In the digital age all the company needs is the actual details of your card and not the actual card. So, there is no actual need for you to mail your unwanted gift card to them when you sell it!.

What I Did Not Like About CardCash

Nothing is ever perfect and there were a few things that I didn't like about CardCash. 

Poor Customer Service:

A pet hate of mine is a business having poor customer service. My opinion a $164.1 Million/year business should have first class customer service. They seem to very "missing in action" when it comes to resolving customer complaints and issues. Not something I like at all!.

The Houdini Vanishing Act!

Although the real Harry Houdini Vanishing Act is great to see - it most certainly is not fun watching your CardCash gift card credit magically vanish!. This is something that seems to happen far too often!.

Gift card credit disappearing before the 45 day guarantee is something that happens frequently with this company and little action has been taken to counteract this problem. 

Low Amount Paid For Gift Cards

Sure some are lucky to get the 92% higher amount and a lot of users are happy with the price offered to them, also many who are not. Often it is said you are lucky to get 65% of the value - like selling a $30 gift card for $20. 

Can You Make Money With CardCash

In a word no. 


It is quite likely that you had to spend money to get your gift card in the first place and you didn't just magically get it for nothing - unless it was a gift from a friend. 

As a money making means - you are very limited as to your gift card type and value. This is not a way of generating a full time income but more of a way of getting cash for unused gift cards. 

I sure suggest that if you have gift cards laying around going unused that you use them and get some money for them but as far as making a living I suggest that you look else where. 

Affiliate Marketing

Is CardCash Safe?

A really good question!. 

Given the problems with credit card fraud in the second hand gift cards industry and the admission of the problem by the company I would suggest that to be super safe that you sell you gift cards and accept payment by check or paypal - very safe options.

If you are considering buying a discounted gift card don't use any of your bankcards on this site - use Paypal much safer using a 3rd party intermediary in my opinion. 

If you do that you should be safe. 

Is CardCash A Scam?

No. I really don't think that this company is a Scam they have a good rating with the Better Business Bureau and have been in business for well over a decade now. If they were a scam, authorities would have shut them down a long time ago. 

Totally legit business, company and a pretty cool way to sell off your unwanted gift cards and get cash for them!. 

My CardCash Review - The Final Conclusion

CardCash is actually a great idea in my humble opinion - waste not, want not as the old saying goes and seriously - why let your gift card balance expire and run down? 

If you are not going to use it - sell it and cash it in.

Sometimes you might have to bite the bullet - you might end up getting only $20 for a $30 card but if you were not going to use that card then that is really $20 gained rather than $30 lost.

Swapping out your cards for cash is most certainly not going to help you to pay the bills for that you really need to be seeking out something more viable like how I make money online. 

How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way of making money online both for those just starting out online and those that are experienced. 

The reasons are pretty simple:

  • No huge start up costs!
  • No Stock to keep or manage!
  • No Selling face to face!
  • No huge investment involved - Get started with less than $20
  • No Recruiting or networking required. 
  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passion!
  • Earn a full time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!. 

In fact...

I have managed to create and build a mid 4 figure passive monthly income and fully enjoy a life of travel to where I want and when I want and completely enjoy life and work when I choose to. 

This is all thanks to Affiliate Marketing!

Proof WA Photo 1

To emulate my achievement of real freedom and the creation of a passive income stream, click the button below and watch the special video I have prepared for you.

Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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