
Category Archives for "SEO Techniques"

How To Get Https For My Website? How To Install SSL In 3 Easy Steps!

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So, you wondering, searching,  possibly struggling and asking yourself the question “How To Get Https For My Website?”

Well, congratulations! – you have come to the right place as in this article I will show you exactly how to get that must get and very much needed SSL certificate for your website and display that beautiful green secure site padlock.

How To Get Https For My Website? | How To Install Your SSL Step By Step!.  #SEO #Security #BloggingTips

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In this article I am going to go a step ahead of others and tell you step by step how to do WordPress Http to Https Migration, how to deal with any problems and issues that may occur or come up by showing you exactly How To Fix The Http Not Secure Message In Chrome and I’ll show you where and How To Get Https For Free and Where You Can Get The Best Free SSL Certificate!.

Keep reading to find out exactly how to get an SSL certificate for your website and why it is an absolute must.

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How Long Is A Typical Blog Post? + 7 Actionable SEO Tips!

How Long Is A Typical Blog Post Featured

If you are Scratching your head and wondering How Long Is A Typical Blog Post or How Long Should A Blog Post Be in order to rank on page one of google you have found the right article!. 

In this article I discuss the Ideal Blog Post Length that you should be aiming for to get your site and your articles riding high in the SERPS and getting a bunch of beautiful and free organic search engine traffic. 

And that is exactly what we all want - and a whole bunch of social shares to boot!. 

"How Long Is A Typical Blog Post?" #WordPress #BloggingTips #SEO

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There is one thing I like to keep crystal clear - the length of your content is only one factor that search engines take into consideration when it comes to ranking, and just because you wrote an article that was longer than other that are ranking high it is by no means a guarantee that you will rank higher. 

There are some 200+ known ranking signals taken into consideration when it comes to sorting out who and what should rank where, and according to research there does seem to a correlation between Blog Post Length and its position in the rankings. 

There is also data relating the number of shares and length of content!.

If you are an avid blogger or a highly motivated newbie - keep reading to find out what the ideal blog post length is!. 

The very answer might surprise you!

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How To Do SEO For WordPress The Best Ways To Boost Your Blog’s SEO

How To DO SEO For WordPress

So you want to improve your organic traffic and wondering How To Do SEO For WordPress, right? 

Well you have certainly come to the right place as I am going to show you exactly How To Do SEO For Your WordPress Blog focusing on the aspect of on page SEO with this ultimate guide. 

When you freshly install WordPress on your brand spanking new domain, it is kinda, at best "Okish" SEO wise, but that "Okish" state is not going to get you excellent rankings!. 

"The best place to hide a dead body is on page 2 of google" #SEO joke. #BloggingTips

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And that is the problem right there! "Okish" outta the box SEO is not going to draw in the traffic or get you sales, some, sure, tons? - nope!.

Keep reading this article if you want to turn "Ok" into excellent! and get much better results in the search engine rankings pages, and sales as a direct result of that!. 

And learn some key WordPress SEO Tips that nobody else is telling you!. 

All in all after reading (and implementing) the strategies in this WordPress SEO Tutorial you will have a blog that is as fresh and clean as a whistle SEO wise! Sparkling diamond white hat on page SEO!. 

Remember, this information and what you learn means nothing unless you take something and apply what you have learned to your blog. 

Keep reading and Happy SEO-ing!.

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How To Get More Traffic For Your Blog – The Ultimate Guide [UPDATED]

How To Get More Traffic For Your Blog

So, you want to know How To Get More Traffic For Your Blog? right?. Let's face it! just who exactly would say no to that!. 


Do you know what the absolute most important thing about getting traffic for your blog is?.

Clue: It is not Social Media, nor is it google or any other search engine!. It is something far more important than that!. It is something that very few so called "Internet Marketing Guru's"out there are teaching you!. 

Keep reading If you want to find out what this VIP thing is...and stay safe and unaffected from algorithm updates forever!. 

But first, while I reveal that well kept secret let's discuss some awesome traffic generation and growth hacking secrets!. 

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