
Is Avisae A Scam? Yet Another Pyramid Scheme? [Review]

Is Avisae A Scam

Looking for 3rd party independent Avisae Reviews? Or are you curious about the business opportunity and wondering If Avisae Is A Scam Or Some kind of Pyramid Scheme!.

I have reviewed hundreds of Network Marketing opportunities and have quite a nose for sniffing out what a Pyramid Scheme is, what a Ponzi Scheme is and what is genuinely legit. 

Before I get down to examining and investigating Avisae, allow me to give you a warm and cordial welcome to my site and thank you for seeking out independent reviews by independent bloggers. 

This is exactly how you find out the real truth about a company and opportunity, avoid getting scammed and find a genuine way of making money.

Still curious to find out if Avisae Is a Scam And A Pyramid Scheme? 

Then keep reading to find out!.

Avisae Review 

Product Name: Avisae

Founder(s): Brooks Yates

Product Type: MLM Business Opportunity In The Health And Wellness Sector. 

Price: US$49 To US$1,180 +Minimum Autoship obligation and annual fee.

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers. 

Avisae Review

Summary: Avisae, sounds rather like the Spanish word for warning (Aviso) and for just reason too!. Due to the autoship obligations, this opportunity can end up costing you on an ongoing basis if you don't make the neccessary sales. 

I am not so convinced at all by this company and their products, keep reading to find out why!. 

Rating: 40/100

Recommended: No.

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?



What Is Avisae?

Avisae Is a multilevel marketing company, founded in 2013 by Brooks Yates, and headquartered in Murray Utah. The founder Brooks Yates has been associated with the operation of other MLM related businesses such as MonAvie. 

Avisae operates in the rather busy and crowded health and wellness market with a wide range of products covering weight loss, fitness, skincare and personal care. 

One unique angle the company has is is their focus on gut health and call themselves "the love your gut company"

Similar companies to Avisae include: 

  1. Total Life Changes
  2. Pruvit
  3. Rain International
  4. Genesis Pure
  5. Seacret
  6. Valentus
  7. Riway International
  8. LifeVantage

As you can see there is no shortage of competition in the health and wellness area, you could say the competition is healthy!

What Is Avisae Blue Membership?

For everyday visitors to the Avisae website, there is no obligation to buy a membership plan. This side and aspect of the business functions just as a regular eCommerce business would. 

You can check out their products, if there is anything that takes your fancy you can buy it. 

If you are considering the Avisae business opportunity, then you will need to join and sign up as a Avisae Blue Member. 

This membership gets you your Avisae starter kit. Prices vary for US$49 right up to and beyond  US$1,180. 

If you decide to get started - you will probably feel a bit of pressure from your sponsor to "buy in" and start with a more expensive and extensive starter kit than your are comfortable with. 

Remember - If the opportunity works, it works regardless of what starter kit you buy!. 

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The Avisae Product Line

The Avisae product line consistes of 4 main product categories: 

  • Optimall Nutrition
  • Reflexsyons Skincare
  • Love Your Gut
  • Envai Personal Care

These four products categories include various packages including powders and supplements as well as lotions and creams for the Reflexsyons skincare line. 

In all there are a total of 13 product and business packages that you can buy should you decide to become a distributor for Avisae with prices starting at $49 and costing all the way up to US$1,180. 

It does seem that packages for potential IBO's are designed in a way that you buy in well above the US$49 package. 

When it comes business and network marketing it might seem impressive to have a lot of products but leading MLM expert and analyst Dr Jon Taylor regards any more than 5 products as a red flag for Independent Business Owners operating a MLM opportunity. 

Are Avisae Products Healthy?

A really good question, and I am not about to play Doctors and Nurses with you - I'll happily leave that to the professionals. 

I can tell you one thing there is a distinct lack of information available on their website with nothing more than generic statements that are pretty meaningless. 

I talking about statements like:

Collaboration & innovation with the Scientific community keeps Avisae a step ahead of the product development curve

There is if you read that statement absolutely no information at all. I'm guessing that the founder, who was heavily involved with MonAvie, holding the position of Vice President. 

MonAvie were charged by the authorities for misleading advertising claims back in 2008. I'm guessing Brooks Yates is being overly cautious in this aspect and not revealing the ingredients or how their products are formulated. 

This is not exactly good for the consumer nor the seller. The consumer in the digital age, particularly where health is concerned like to be very well informed. 

You, as a seller the information can help you to sell products. 

Until more product information is published, nobody can independently go ahead and research the ingredients and make their own conclusions. 

The Avisae Compensation Plan

With Avisae being a a multilevel marketing opportunity there are 2 main ways in which you can make money with the company, which are:

  1. Direct Retail Sales: As simple as easy as it sounds - You sell products and earn a commission for your efforts. 
  2. Recruitment: You bring other distributors into the Avisae Opportunity and earn pass up residual commissions. 

The Avisae Compensation Plan - A Short Brief!

There up to 8 different ways in which you can make money as a Distributor for Avisae.

Rather than give you a huge long monologue to read I'd outline the main ways and then present you with a couple of videos to watch to get a much better idea of how the Avisae Compensation Plan works. 

  • Retail Bonus

This is something that I have lightly touched on already. These are the direct retail sales that I mentioned earlier.

When you sell an Avisae product you will be paid a commission for selling it and saying hello to a 10% commission. 

How you sell is your own choice.

As an Avisae Blue Member you will be given your own website and a referral code. Drive traffic to your website and earn commissions. 

Leveraging the power of the internet will help you a lot. 

Avisae Compensation Plan
  • Launch Bonus

I slightly briefed you on this earlier also. 

This bonus is a paid when you recruit new distributors into the Avisae Business opportunity and they buy a starter kit. 

If your new recruits starts out on the US$49 starter kit, the least expensive option, you will not earn a Launch Bonus. 

If you get a new recruit to part with US$299 for a more extensive starter kit you can earn a US$50 commission. The more expensive a starter kit that your recruit starts on the bigger the bonus. 

See, as I mentioned earlier this is where your sponsor will lean on you to get a more expensive starter kit than you are comfortable with. It is in their best interest, at least financially speaking and not necessarily your best interest. 

As I said - If the opportunity works - it works regardless of what starter package you buy or what point you start at!. 

  • Team Business Commissions

This, again has been slightly touched on previously. This the recruitment part of the business and from what I see the main part. 

The Avisae Compensation plan operates using the Unilevel compensation model. 

This compensation structure is very easy and very simple to follow.

Those that you recruit are your level 1 recruits, often referred to as your front line or more commonly your direct recruits. Those are coloured Orange in the image below. 

You can go infinitely wide on this level. 

When your direct recruits bring in new members those are your level 2 recruits - coloured yellow in the image below.

The unilevel compensation structure continues in this fashion to infinity or the depth level in which the opportunity pays out on.  

Unilevel compensation Plan example

How you are compensated is based on team business volume. The greater your team business volume the greater your income.

The objective here is to help your team to generate sales, and of course to keep recruiting. 

The bigger your team, the more sales you can make. 

  • 300 Business Volume - Earn 3% Commission
  • 600 Business Volume - Earn 6% Commission
  • 1200 Business Volume - Earn 10% Commission
  • 3000 Business Volume - Earn 14% Commission
  • 6000 Business Volume - Earn 19% Commission
  • 12,000 Business Volume - Earn 25% Commission
Avisae Compensation Plan

When it comes down to the products - you need to sell them. Currently you are obliged to hit 150 minimum Personal Business Volume to remain as an active consultant or buy 100 Personal Business Volume on autoship every month. 

If you don't meet those requirements you are not allowed to remain as an active seller. 

Often when a MLM opportunity has an obliged Autoship to remain active it functions like a buyers club!. #NetworkMarketing #MLM. 

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When this happens - distributors encourage new members to sign up for an autoship package - if this continues perpetually it makes the opportunity function as if it is a buyers club. 

For a more details in regards to the compensation plan watch the following Video

Is Avisae Accredited By The BBB?

One thing I always check out is how a business is seen by the Better Business Bureau. 

By taking this step I can see how professionally and legally a company conducts business and from there form a based of how trusting I can be of them. 

Avisae are listed as selling health products. They are not Accredited by the BBB but do hold a perfect A+ Rating. 

Avisae BBB Rating

What Are The Side Effects Of Avisae For Life?

A lack of product information and what ingredients are used in the products make it difficult, almost impossible to determine any possible contraindications and side effects.  

Is Avisae FDA Approved?

No, Avisae's products are not FDA Approved. 

By the very definition the FDA do not approve of supplements and foods for the use or treatments of any conditions relating to human health. 

What I Liked About Avisae

There are some good points to Avisae and some things that I did like about the company. 

  • The company holds a Perfect A+ Rating with the BBB. 
  • They have a unique approach to the busy health market - Gut Health. 
  • Their products are well rated on amazon

What I Did Not Like About Avisae

There are some things that I did not like about Avisae, namely: 

  • A distinct lack of product information
  • The opportunity appears to be recruitment heavy. 
  • No income disclaimer on their site!.

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Can You Make Money With Avisae?

It is possible to make money with Avisae, the real question is how much and how possible!. 

Given the lack of an official income disclaimer on their site - something that is a legal obligation I am inclined to think that the average earning for Avisae distributors are low, and they company has a high failure rate. 

Why else would such a document be hidden?. 

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Is Avisae A Pyramid Scheme?

I have seen a fair few sites ready to jump on the bandwagon and call Avisae a pyramid scheme. 

In reality, at least legally speaking Avisae is not a Pyramid scheme. The 1979 Amway ruling states, in it's wording that a MLM opportunity must have a retail side and element to their operation, which Avisae has. 

Meaning, technically and legally Avisae is not a Pyramid Scheme. 

Is Avisae A MLM Business Opportunity?

Without a doubt, Avisae is a MLM business opportunity. This is easily determined by the business model adopted and the way in which they compensate their distributors. 

Is Avisae A Scam Or Legit?

Avisae is not a scam. 

The company and opportunity from my investigation and analysis are not committing any kind of fraud, intentional deception or illegal activity that would justify branding them as a scam. 

It might be a recruitment heavy MLM opportunity or one that is difficult to make money from, but that is not just cause to label them as a scam. 

My Avisae Review - The Final Conclusion

Network marketing is notoriously difficult to make money from for number of reasons, namely a lack of proper training given when it comes to sales, recruitment and managing your team. 

Avisae is no different - I don't see anywhere that they will train you or offer to train you. It is also very rare that your upline will give you much help either - unless you are in the inner sanctum of those that are 3,4 and 5 levels above you in the opportunity. 

Instead of driving yourself crazy - and your family and friends to by trying to get them to join your team give some serious thought and consideration to learn the skill set that it takes to succeed online. 

Once you have that skill set you can join any opportunity and make it work for you!. That is the difference between those that succeed online and those that don't.

Those that that succeed have the skills, those that fail don't!. 

It really is that simple when you strip it down to the bare bones of the matter. 

So, I suggest that you give some serious thought to putting in the effort and learning the skills that you need to succeed online. 

After that you see just how easy Making Money Online is!. 

MMo Is Easy

How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way for making money in the digital world both for those just starting out and those that are semi experienced. 

The reasons are pretty simple:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No Selling face to face!
  • No Stock to keep or manage!
  • No huge investment involved - (Get started with a FREE TRIAL!)
  • No networking or recruiting required. 
  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!. 

In fact...

I have created and built a regular mid 4 figure passive monthly income and fully enjoy a life of travel to where I want and when I want. With no boss to answer to and zero annoying co-workers I completely enjoy life and work when I choose to.

This is all thanks to Affiliate Marketing!

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To emulate what I have achieved, real freedom and a passive income stream, click that red button below..and watch the video that I have prepared for you. 

Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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