
Category Archives for "Health And Wellness"

Is Jeunesse A Scam? An Honest [REVIEW]

Jeunesse A Scam

Is Jeunesse A Scam?

The very question you are searching for the answer to!.

In this independent investigation I'll examine in detail this company, their products, the management team, their compensation plan and every other possible detail that you NEED to know before you get started!. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a genuine way of making money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program For FREE!

Are you ready for the most comprehensive review of Jeunesse Global?

Then keep reading!

Jeunesse Global Review 

Product: Jeunesse

Founder(s): Randy Ray and Wendy Lewis

Product Type: MLM Opportunity Focused around the Health And Beauty Market. 

Price: US$49.95 plus upsells and a Monthly minimum Order of US$85

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers. 

Jeunesse Review

Summary: A global brand with plenty of products that might be easy to sell due to a woman's love for this kind of product. I do have major concerns about this company, keep reading to find out more about those!. 

Rating: 35/100

Recommended: No

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Anovite A Scam Or Can You Milk This One?

Is Anovite A Scam

Welcome To My Anovite Review!.

I am sure you are asking yourself "Is Anovite A Scam?" and perhaps wondering if you can really milk this MLM opportunity or will you be milked for everything that you have!. 

In this article I will review Anovite from the perspective of the business opportunity in a detailed fashion aiming to give you, the reader the most comprehensive in depth article about the company. 

I'll cover their opportunity, their product line, compensation plan and examine if you can or can't make money with this company or not. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a legitimate way of making money Test Drive My #1 Program For FREE!.

Are you ready to dive in deep and find out all you need to know about Anovite? 

Then keep reading!.

Anovite Review 

Product Name: Anovite

Founder(s): Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith 

Product Type: MLM Opportunity in the health and wellness market

Price: US$29.95 annually then US$299.99 in products.

Best For: Experienced network marketers. 

Anovite Review

Summary: Anovite is not quite one to be milked and you certainly wont be making money "until the cow's come home".

No income disclosure statement, no BBB listing and no membership to the DSA and compensation plan that is open to abuse means you should leave this one out as you are not going to be the cream of the crop!. 

Rating: 35/100

Recommended: No!

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is NewULife A Scam? A Miracle Gel Or Genuine Opportunity [Review]

Is NewULife A Scam

Welcome to my NewULife Review. 

I am sure you are curious about this opportunity and are wondering "Is NewULife A Scam?". 

This opportunity and their Somaderm gel has been attracting a LOT of attention both online and offline.

But still the question remains...

Is NewULife A Legitimate Business Opportunity? 

This is exactly what I will dig down deep and fully investigate in a comprehensive manner to help you to decide if this is a business that you should jump on and get started with right away or just completely avoid!. 

I'll talk about the company, the owner, their products, the compensation plan and just about every other VIP piece of information that you must know before getting started. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a legitimate way of making money Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program For FREE!

Are you read to get the low down on NewULife? 

Then keep reading!

NewULife Review 

Product Name: NewULife

Founder(s): Alexy Goldstein.

Product Type: Network Marketing opportunity in the health and wellness field. 

Price: US$199 to join then US$499 Or US$899 for products.

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers. 

NewULife Review

Summary: NewULife have small and limited product line and despite the founder's best intentions regarding his brain child SOMADERM Gel it is one that could very well end him and perhaps his distributors a lot of hot water. 

Keep reading to find out why!  

Rating: 10/100

Recommended: No.  

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Avisae A Scam? Yet Another Pyramid Scheme? [Review]

Is Avisae A Scam

Looking for 3rd party independent Avisae Reviews? Or are you curious about the business opportunity and wondering If Avisae Is A Scam Or Some kind of Pyramid Scheme!.

I have reviewed hundreds of Network Marketing opportunities and have quite a nose for sniffing out what a Pyramid Scheme is, what a Ponzi Scheme is and what is genuinely legit. 

Before I get down to examining and investigating Avisae, allow me to give you a warm and cordial welcome to my site and thank you for seeking out independent reviews by independent bloggers. 

This is exactly how you find out the real truth about a company and opportunity, avoid getting scammed and find a genuine way of making money.

Still curious to find out if Avisae Is a Scam And A Pyramid Scheme? 

Then keep reading to find out!.

Avisae Review 

Product Name: Avisae

Founder(s): Brooks Yates

Product Type: MLM Business Opportunity In The Health And Wellness Sector. 

Price: US$49 To US$1,180 +Minimum Autoship obligation and annual fee.

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers. 

Avisae Review

Summary: Avisae, sounds rather like the Spanish word for warning (Aviso) and for just reason too!. Due to the autoship obligations, this opportunity can end up costing you on an ongoing basis if you don't make the neccessary sales. 

I am not so convinced at all by this company and their products, keep reading to find out why!. 

Rating: 40/100

Recommended: No.

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Pruvit A Scam? An Independent Review [Updated]

Is Pruvit A Scam

Thank You for checking our my Pruvit Review!

Are you looking for independent Pruvit Reviews by independent bloggers? 

There has been a lot made and said about Pruvit in the digital world. They are certainly one of those "marmite" kind of companies and opportunities - either you love it or you hate it. 

Similar can be said of the Keto Diet and lifestyle which seems to be promoted by the company - it is either a diet that works for or against you!.

But, Is Pruvit A Scam? - Can you make money with them or they a pyramid scheme in disguise? 

Well, before I answer those questions, I give you a warm welcome to my site and congratulate you for being smart for seeking out independent reviews by independent bloggers. 

This is how you find out exactly what a product, company and their opportunity is really like, avoid getting scammed and find a genuine way of making money.

Curious to find the answers to those question? 

Let's scratch that itch and dig deep and investigate Pruvit!

Pruvit Review 

Product Name: Pruvit

Founder(s): Brian Underwood

Product Type: MLM Network Marketing opportunity in the health and wellness sector. 

Price: US$37 annual fee + product purchases of Minimum US$130 Per Month

Best For: Nobody!.

Pruvit Review

Summary: Pruvit - pronounced "prove it" takes a very good angle of approach at the weight loss market, the rather popular subsector of Ketogenic diet. However with such a comprehensive compensation plan it is easy to see why their products are up to 2x the price of similar ones found on Amazon. Other Warning signs include that of the owners history and the BBB Warnings. 

Rating: 40/100

Recommended: No!

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


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Is Rain International A Scam? A Growing Seed Of Doubt? [Read This]

Is Rain International A Scam

Looking For Independent Rain International Reviews?. Has the seed of doubt been sown in you mind and you are wondering "Is Rain International A Scam?". 

Rather that let the seed of doubt grow into a bitter fruit of doubt, I welcome you to my independent 3rd party review fo Rain International. 

First things first, I congratulate you for seeking out independent reviews.

This is where you find out the real truth about a product or opportunity and what it is really like, avoid getting scammed and find a genuine way to make money online.

Let's get on with this review and find out if Rain International Is A Scam Or Legit!. 

Rain International Review 

Product Name: Rain International

Founder(s): Byron Belka

Product Type: Health And Wellness MLM Opportunity

Price: USD$249

Best For: Nobody

Rain International Review

Summary: Rain International have a very unique product and unique angle in the rather busy and crowded health and wellness market sector.

A Complicated compensation plan and structure and product pricing make them more of a buying club than a business opportunity. 

To learn how to build your own passive income Click The Red Button Below!.

Rating: 60/100

Recommended: No!

Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?


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Is Limu A Scam? What The Fu Is Fucoidan? [Review]

Is Limu A Scam

Looking for Limu Reviews?

Then look no further than this wholly and fully independent review of The Limu Company and their Business Opportunity. 

While other may yell at the top of their voices how fabulous Limu is and and how it helped them with "whatever" condition and uggh how much money you can make!. 

You won't get any of that in this review - nobody is here to pitch you into joining their team or to buy the products!. 

First things first, I congratulate you for being pretty smart and seeking out independent and unaffiliated reviews.

This is how and where you will find the real uncovered truth about a product, service or company, avoid scams and find a genuine way to make money online.

Let's get rocking on with this review and find out if Limu is a scam or legit!.

The Limu Company Review 

Product Name: The Limu Company

Founder(s): Gary Rase

Product Type: Health & Wellness MLM

Price: US$499 To US$999

Best For: Experienced Network Marketers

Limu Review

Summary: Despite a colourful history in the MLM world it does appear that leopards can change their spots.

Limu does look like an exciting opportunity to get involved in and those videos do make it look like it is all so easy, and their product, oh so healthy - until you discover that Limu Seaweed has adverse side effects.

The compensation plan oddly is focused on distributors being tied to autoship of products.

Click The Red Button Below For A Much Better Non MLM Opportunity

Rating: 30/100


Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?


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Is Genesis Pure A Scam? The Absolute Truth! [Revealed]

Is Genesis Pure A Scam

Looking for Genesis Pure Reviews?. You have heard all the stories and all the claims but are they true? Can You really make money with this opportunity or Is Genesis Pure A Scam? 

Let's find out in this unaffiliated and Independent review!. 

Firstly and most importantly I congratulate you for seeking out independent reviews. 

This is how and where you will find out the real truth about a product, system, or service, avoid scams and find a genuine way to make money online!.

Let's get banging on with this review and find out if Genesis Pure Is A Scam?

Genesis Pure Review 

roduct Name: Genesis Pure

Founder(s): Dae Geun Jung and Dr Lindsey Duncan (removed) The Current CEO Is Daren Hogge.

Product Type: Health And Wellness MLM opportunity

Price: US$25 per year + "optional" Enrolment pack of US$449.95(300PV) or, US$699.95 (500PV) Or 1899.95 (1500PV)

Best For: Nobody

Genesis Pure Review

Summary: Genesis Pure Is quite a company and incredibly expensive to join. They are in my opinion too difficult for most to even qualify for commissions unless you buy in at almost US$1,900.

The history of the company and former CEO and fines by the FTC of close on 8 figure is enough to make me nervous about joining!. Let's not mention the Fake Dr!.

For A Far Better Way To Earn Online Click The Red Button Below!. 

Rating: 30/100

Recommended: No.

Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?


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Is Valentus A Scam? Shocking!! – [REVIEW]

Is Valentus A Scam

Looking for Valentus Reviews?. 

I'm sure you love a good cuppa Joe, I certainly know that I do. Coffee is something I couldn't live without!. 

Before I get started! I congratulate you for being on the ball, very sharp and internet savvy by doing your research. This is how you side step questionable opportunities and scams and find the best way of making money online.

Healthy coffee?

I love that idea! why not bring health to people in a natural and effortless way!. If you are going to have a cup of coffee (or tea) why not have one that is beneficial for you health?. 

And your wealth by promoting it!. 

But is it real, is it true or Is Valentus A Scam?. 

Let's find out!.

Valentus Review 

Product Name: Valentus

Founder(s): Dave Jordan

Product Type: MLM Company Based around Coffee and health

Price: US$20 One time activation fee then US$59.95 to US$499.95 per month.

Best For: Nobody. 

Valentus Review

Summary: This company has a great USP - unique selling point and product. But I do feel terribly uncomfortable recommending a company that has a bit of a colorful history and a polemic leader. I also feel that you will find it difficult to sell a box of instant coffee sachets for $60 really difficult.

For A More Interesting Opportunity Click The Red Button Below!

Rating: 0/100

Recommended: No!

Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?


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Is Zrii A Scam? – SHOCKING Truth Revealed [MUST READ!!!]

Is Zrii A Scam

Looking For Zrii Reviews?. I'm pretty sure you have heard all about this company from a friend or on from some social media group or another - Zrii are causing quite a stir particularly those photos of people with big fat checks! 

But Is Zrii A Scam Or Legit? 

That you will find out in my fully independent and unaffiliated Review Of Zrii. 

But, first things first!.

Congratulations for being smart and rather internet savvy by doing your research. This is precisely how you stay safe from scam and find the best way of making money online.

Ready to find out all you need to know about Zrii? 

Then keep reading?

Zrii Review 

Product Name: Zrii

Founder(s): Bill Farley

Product Type: Health And Wellness MLM Company.

Best For: Nobody

Zrii Review

Summary: Zrii are a legit company and business opportunity and do have a very interesting product line that is endorsed by Deepak Chopra. But a strong focus on recruitment is enough to tell me that there are difficulties in earning from Zrii unless you rise in the companies ranks. 

If You Are Tired Of MLM's Click The Red Button Below!.

Rating: 20/100

Recommended: No.

Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?


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