
Is Essanté Organics A Scam? Organic Hype? [Review]

Is Essanté Organics A Scam

Looking for Essanté Organics Reviews?. Perhaps you have already heard all about this company, their products and are wondering if they are a scam or if they are legit. 

Then I welcome you to my independent review of Essanté Organics when I will answer those very questions. 

But before I get started I congratulate you for being on the ball and very internet savvy by doing your research. This is exactly how you avoid being scammed and find the very best way of making money online. 

Being an independent and unaffiliated review you will not get any sales pitches or any one trying to sell you on Essanté Organics nor a "false positive" review. 

What you will get is an open, honest unbiased review consisting entirely on my own thoughts and opinion. 

So, let's get cracking and let's get on with this review and find out if Essanté Organics is a scam. 

Essanté Organics Review 

Product: Essanté Organics

Founder(s): Michael Wenniger

Product Type: MLM Business In The Health & Wellness Sector

Price: $29.95 to get started with $199 And $499 up sells

Best For: Housewives, stay at home mom's parents. 

Essanté Organics Review

Summary: Essanté Organics is an authentic and genuine MLM business in the health niche which is a niche that is difficult to operate in online due too changes to googles algorithm. 

For a less complicated opportunity Click The Red Link Below.

Rating: 20/100

Recommended: No.

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What Is [Product Name]?

Essanté Organics was founded in 2004 by Michael Wenniger and was known as Essanté Worldwide until 2009 where and when the company underwent a process of rebranding and became what we know as Essanté Organics.

As a business they operate using the polemic multi-level marketing business model. 

The rebranding was related to the company having a need to emphasis their product line being Organic and with the time line of the rebranding taking huge advantage of social media in this aspect. 

The sells a range of organic products with a mission to help everyone to eliminate toxins from everybody's life by the means of using 100% certified and toxin free, wildcrafted and organic products. 

The unique selling point of the business is their products being organic, toxic free and wildcrafted. 

The company has undergone incredible growth having started with 35 employees and grown to 75,000. 

Similar Companies to Essanté Organics include:

  1. Norwex
  2. Melaleuca
  3. Now Lifestyle

As a business Essanté Organics generate $30M USD annually in revenue.

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Essanté Organics  Product Line

Essanté Organics have been is business since 2004 and have quite an extensive product line here is a short list of the main product categories: 

  • Body & Spa: Cosmetics, Hair Care, Body Care, Oral Care, Facial Care.
  • pH Nutrition: Supplements & Powders, Power Pops & Kids Pops, pH Balancing, Vegan Protein Shakes.
  • Essential Oils: Blends, Singles, Carrier Oils, Diffusers, Singles.
  • Baby Care: A Variety of lotions, shampoo, and products specifically for babies
  • Catalogs & Gear: Whole variety of differing products and gear here. 
  • Home Care & Outdoor Living: Detergents, soaps, range of cleaning products and products for outdoor living.

The products selling point are Toxic free, Organic and wild crafted. 

Wildcrafted means the ingredients are left "as they are" to grow in the wild in their natural habitat with  no additional chemical fertilizer or pesticide used. 

Organic, on the other hand are not grown naturally in wild as per natural habitat but farmed in optimal or ideal conditions free from GMO - Genetically Modified Organisms, pesticides and fertilizers. 

Essanté Organics Compensation Plan

With Essanté Organics you have 3 principle ways in which you can generate revenue for your business: 

  1. Direct Retail Sales: The Selling Of Essanté Organics products
  2. Recruitment: Recruiting others to join you at Essanté
  3. Bonuses: Rise the ranks and help your recruits to succeed and earn bonuses

To get started you need to be a Brand Partner or Wholesale customer which will cost you a one off $29.95 fee. 

Once you join it is likely that you will be pressured to buy one of their Go Green Packs, which will set you back $199USD or $499USD

The great thing is is that despite the pressure to buy the packs you are not obliged to buy them in order to start earning.

Essanté Organics Compensation Plan Detailed

With Essanté you have the possibility of 6 income streams from their Compensation plan, which uses the Binary commission structure - more on this later. 

1. Direct Retail Sales

To earn direct retails sales you promote the companies products and sell them at the recommended retail price, each sale will earn you a 30% commission. 

For direct retail sales that any member of your downline makes you will earn a commission of 5%. 

2. Enrollment Bonus

Remember those go green packs I mentioned earlier? 

  • Earn $50 For Selling $199 USD Go Green Pack
  • Earn $100 For Selling $499 USD Go Green Pack

Now you know why you are asked/pressurized to buy one of those when you join!

3. Express Start Gold Bonus

During your first month of starting you can earn a $500 bonus for enrolling 4 downlines and aiding each one of them to recruit 2 of their own. 

This might actually sound easy enough to do but lets be honest here - when was the last time you pitched a business opportunity to someone let alone 4 and then helping those four to recruit 2 each - that's 12 in total in a 30 day period, no mean feat unless you are good at networking.

4. Endless Team Bonus

This is where the Binary compensation model kicks in. You need to enroll two members, left leg and right leg and then help each one of those to recruit 2 more, a left and right leg each. 

This is where the shape starts to resemble a triangle. The image below show's what a typical MLM Binary compensation plan looks like. 

Binary Compensation Model

Before you can earn from your downline it is required that each member has at least 75 points of the companies autoshipping. 

5. 100% Matching Bonus

If you get this far you have pretty much cracked Essanté Organics and are incredibly successful. 

To qualify for this bonus you are required to have 5 downlines with each of them earning $5,000 USD per month, the bonus value is $25,000! 

6.Expansion Rate Bonus

Finally, this is what the company call their profit sharing bonus. To qualify you are required to generate $50,000 USD per month in revenue for two of your downlines. 

And then you are able to enter a competition to win a share of Essanté Organics annual profits.

Click play on the video below for an excellent explanation of the Essanté Organics compensation plan.

Is Essanté Organics Accredited By The BBB?

If you are anything similar to my own character, you will be the kind of person that gives credit and respect as well as a degree of trust to companies and businesses that are fully accredited and well rated by consumer groups, organisations and advocacy associations. 

Essanté Organics are not accredited by the Better Business Bureau. In their favor they do have a perfect A+ rating with the BBB. 

Essante Organics BBB Rating

Common Complaints

I could not find complaints about Essanté Organics on known consumer websites, employment sites or independent blogs.

Are Essanté Organics Products Truly Organic?

This is where it gets interesting and complex, while I am not referring directly to any specific company, business or brand the use of the word "natural" or "all natural" as well as Organic has become somewhat abused. 

In terms of technicalities everything found on earth is natural - including chemical compounds as all the elements to form the compounds occur naturally. 

For a product to be termed as natural, in the eyes of the law just a single natural ingredient is all that is required and "boom..its natural" plastered all over the label and marketing materials - even if it has 50, 100 or 1,000 other synthetic ingredients.

Similar applies to Natural, even if only 10% of the ingredients are organic. 

The term is abused and used as a selling point when in fact there are little natural or organic compounds in the true sense of the word found in common products claiming to be natural/organic. 

Also, Essanté Organics received a 60 day warning notice from the Environmental Research Center due to a number of their products containing lead and lead compounds above safety levels.

Given the company advertise themselves as "Toxic free". I guess they don't count lead as a toxin!

What I Liked About Essanté Organics

Essanté Organics has a lot of good things going for them, namely:

Long Established Company

Established in 2004 as Essanté Worldwide and in MLM terms that is like a lifetime!. You can certainly be assured that they will be in business for many more years. 

An In Demand Product Line

People are always looking for and interested in health and wellness products and I do believe that the sales of natural and organic products or those branded as such are going to become even more popular in coming years as Generation Y, Z and Digital Generation "flea the the nest". 

Highly Rated By The Better Business Bureau

It is always great to see a company and business that is highly rated by consumer organisations. It shows a degree of trust.

What I Did Not Like About Essanté Organics

There are some things that I don't particularly like about Essanté Organics. 

Some Products Contain Lead Above The Safety Limits

A huge kick in the backside to their claims that their products are free from toxins. The company received a penalty by the state of California for having excessive lead in a number of their products.

Products Might Not Be So Organic

Related to above, and the legal obligation for product labeling being rather weak - where less than the majority, significantly less - only a fraction of the ingredients used are required to be organic to qualify to be labeled as organic or natural. 

Essanté Organics Perhaps not so #Organic #ScamAlert

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Cloned Website!

A cloned website won't rank in search engines meaning you will get very little free traffic. Google does not like duplicate content.

Google Hate Health Sites!

Actually, google love health sites but not natural health sites and most certainly not health sites run non health professionals. They have a huge dislike for natural health sites run by non health professionals. 

This is easily proven by the Google Medic Update of August 2018. 

Can You Really Make Money With Essanté Organics

Although it is technically possible to make money with this company I am inclined to think that you will find it very difficult, incredibly difficult to make money with Essanté Organics.

The main reason being MLM's are notoriously difficult to earn a full time sustainable income from and statistically speaking you have only a 2% chance of achieving success. 

Also, give the direction that google has gone and continue what appears to be a hard push against natural health sites that are run by non health professionals is only going to make life harder. 

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Is Essanté Organics A Pyramid Scheme?

Given that Essanté Organics have a range of products attached to their mlm they cannot be classified as a pyramid scheme. 

Many MLM do look like a Pyramid scheme due to there being a number of similarities between the two but technicalities in the law mean that this company is not a Pyramid scheme. 

A Pyramid scheme typically has no products associated with it.

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Is Essanté Organics A MLM Business Opportunity?

Yes Essanté Organics is a Multi-level marketing business. This is evident from their compensation plan and binary method of paying out commissions. 

Is Essanté Organics A Scam Or Legit?

In my opinion Essanté Organics is not a scam. Evidence of this is from the companies compliance with legal obligations and the fact they have not been shut down by the FTC. 

Being in business for so long is testament to not being a scam. Scams typically don't last very long. 

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My Essanté Organics Review - The Final Conclusion

It is my personal recommendation that you don't try Essanté Organics as a business opportunity. 

The reason being I see it being very difficult for you to earn money with this company due to the difficulties involved with getting a site in the natural health niche to rank in search engines is very difficulty and thus a difficult market to be involved with. 

A healthy, to use a term, online business has a variety of traffic sources with a natural health site you will be missing out of a very targeted traffic source. 

Luckily there are many other opportunities available for you to try out. What has been working very well for me for a number of years now, since 2015 you can read about below. 

How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way for making money in the digital world both for those just starting out and those that are semi experienced. 

The reasons are pretty simple:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No Selling face to face!
  • No Stock to keep or manage!
  • No huge investment involved - (Get started for $19!)
  • No networking or recruiting required. 
  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passion!
  • Earn a full time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!. 

In fact...

I have created and built a regular mid 4 figure passive monthly income and fully enjoy a life of travel to where I want and when I want. With no boss to answer to and zero annoying co-workers I completely enjoy life and work when I choose to.

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To emulate what I have achieved, real freedom and a passive income stream, click that red button below..and watch the video that I have prepared for you. 

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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