
Walmart Mystery Shopper Scam [EXPOSED]

Walmart Mystery Shopper Scam Featured

Are you looking for Walmart Mystery Shopper Reviews?. 

Sure you might have heard all about them, all over social media, and just how cool would it be to be a mystery shopper, a Walmart Secret Shopper?.

Let's dig down and investigate this opportunity and find out if it is a scam or if it is legit. 

First things first, I fully congratulate you for being in the ball and being sharp,and doing your research - this how you avoid being scammed and find the very best way of making money online. 

As I investigate this opportunity I break it down into easy to read sections as follows: 

  • What Is Mystery Shopping - A Walmart Secret Shopper?
  • Does Walmart Hire Mystery Shoppers?
  • How The Walmart Secret Shopper Scam Works
  • My Walmart Mystery/Secret Shopper Scam Review Final Conclusion
  • How I Make Money Online

Let's dig down, investigate and find out all you need to know about Walmart Mystery Shopper..is it real..is it a scam...

Walmart Mystery Shopper Review 

Product Name: Walmart Mystery Shopper

Founder: Various

Product Type: Fake job scam. 

Price: Can end up costing you $1,000's

Best For: Nobody!. 

Walmart Mystery Shopper Scam Review

Summary: Fake job scam that can really end up costing you not just thousands of dollars but some time inside too!. You end being not just the victim of a crime but being duped into committing bank fraud. Walmart actively warns that they do not employ the use of secret shopper in any form at all. 

Rating: 0/100

Recommended: No

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What Is Mystery Shopping?

Believe it or not mystery shoppers do exist - I kid you not!. Let's get this super clear - secret shoppers are real. Many companies actually do employ secret shoppers, usually by a third party, some kind of employment agency. 

Their job is to do a bit more than just act like a regular shopper.

They have to go in, check out the store, fully check out, product placement and position, retail price interact with shop staff to measure customer service level and of course purchase some products. 

As a mystery shopper you then have to document your experience and give feedback to your employer and in all essence this helps them in their business of selling their products and how they can improve.

I have a little insider experience as I was very close to being employed on an ad hoc basis doing this job near my locality when I was living out in Rural Thailand, way off the beaten track. 

The job was for irregular one weekend every 6 weeks and was for Khon Kaen, Chiang Mai and Hat Yai (if I wanted mor regular work) - way too far apart each of them several hours between each city like 12 to 17 by local transportation. 

The job was for an international hair care company who wished to check out how their product was being positioned and required fluency in both English and Thai (not a problem). 

Still, no guessing why I didn't quite get the job!...bald guy...hair care products..I wish the agency told be before hand - save from applying!. 

The functionality of this Mystery shopper scam works...because it is a real job. 

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Does Walmart Hire Mystery Shoppers?

In a word...


Walmart doesn't hire any mystery shoppers whatsoever. The clearly state on their own site that they do not participate in the practise in the hire of secret shopper or mystery shopper even by 3rd party associates. 

That above image is enough to bust the Walmart secret shopper scam right there!. 

The company itself is very well away of the scam artists and actively expose the scam and themselves even posting screen shots of known scammers and organisations posing as Walmart or attempting to do so.  

Walmart Mystery Shopper scam

How Does The Walmart Secret Shopper Scam Work?

This Walmart Secret Shopper Scam is based around the well known cashiers check fraud. There are many, almost unlimited variations of frauds involving cashiers checks. 

Cashiers Check Fraud Explained

This one is easy to explain and I'm guessing you already "half get it" or get the gist of it already. The beginning point in when the victim see an advert online or in a newspaper. 

You then exchange your details, be it email, phone number, home address and in all essence you apply for that job as a "Walmart Secret Shopper" (let's stick with Walmart and the topic, there are many variants of cashiers check fraud). 

You get the job, inevitably the case. And "the agency" sends you your check as an advance purchase for certain items in the store. 

This does seem pretty legit doesn't it? they send you the check, you go to your bank, it clears pretty quickly since it is a cashiers check and you can then take the money out and use to buy stuff...

The problem here is the check clears but it takes days even weeks to clear (even in this day and age!). But,  you have already spent that money ...The banks money, of which they will very quickly take back from you...when the check bounces!. 

Biggest problem here is if you have followed the instructions, cashed the check bought the items on the shopping list you were give and forwarded the remainder minus a fee for your employment as a Walmart Mystery Shopper...if you have just participated in bank fraud and can be prosecuted and investigated by the FBI!. 

They might not look upon you too much as a victim, more as a participant as you cashed the check and forwarded the monetary value (cash) to someone. You left a lovely little paper trail right to your home! 

Walmart mystery shopper fraud

Be prepared for a visit by the fraud squad!

The Walmart Giftcard Secret Shopper Scam

This one is quite elaborate... very cunning, very dirty scammers!.


This one costs you thousands!. 

As an established or semi-established mystery shopper at Walmart you will have received genuine check that did clear for your previous efforts. Each time winning your trust and increasing your fee and payment. 

The Walmart Mystery Shopper Scam Explaind #Scam #ScamAlert

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Now the gift card job... 

You have received a check for thousands of dollars typically around $2500-$3000 range. Sometimes more!. 

It has, I use parenthesis here "cleared" you have to head out to Walmart as a secret shopper and by a few $500 gift cards. 4 or 5 (4 for $2500  5 for $3000). 

The difference is your fee a nice $500. 

Then you have to scratch off the back of the cards and send images of them, front and back as proof that you have bought them.

The receiver of the images now has the cards and the pin code number and can use them for themselves all $2000-$2500 worth!

And you are left holding the $2,500-$3000 bounced check to pay back to the bank for the bounced check! (when it eventually bounces). 

This scam was reported on consumer affairs site  and in the media. 

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The Money Wire Scam

This is very much a variant of the check fraud scam that is connected to mystery shopping. 

You get mailed you cashiers check for an amount that runs into the thousands! When the funds are available you head out to Walmart and go buy the products that you were on your given shopping list. 

The difference between the cost of the shopping items and your fee you then send by MoneyGram to the agency/person that sent you the fake cashiers check. 

When the check bounces you have a bunch of items you bough and maybe don't need and debt to pay back the bank while the fraudster has YOUR money!. 

Again, await a visit from the boys in blue...and a nice friendly chat...

The Fake secret shopper scam and walmart is reported on the FTC website

Fake Mystery Shopper Reported By FTC

 My Walmart Secret Shopper Scam Review - The Final Conclusion

This is a know fraud. The dirty sneaky scammer play on it because they know the actual job is a legit one. 

The actual job of a mystery shopper does exist. Be careful!. If any money is asked for in advance - forget about it!. 

If they offer to send you a check in advance - forget about it!. In such circumstance a reputable company would refund your purchases as long as you keep your receipt. 

Also, do your research, that is what the internet exists for. A powerful research tool. Investigate the company like I did and uncovered that Walmart does not employ nor use secret shoppers. 

How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way of making money online both for those just starting out online and those that are experienced. 

The reasons are pretty simple:

  • No huge start up costs!
  • No Stock to keep or manage!
  • No Selling face to face!
  • No huge investment involved - Get started with less than $20
  • No Recruiting or networking required. 
  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passion!
  • Earn a full time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!. 

In fact...

I have managed to create and build a mid 4 figure passive monthly income and fully enjoy a life of travel to where I want and when I want and completely enjoy life and work when I choose to. 

This is all thanks to Affiliate Marketing!

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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