
Everything You Need To Know To Start A Mom Blog [UPDATED]

Start A Mom Blog

Do you want to start a mom blog? yes, sure! that's great!. 


Do you know what the most difficult thing is about starting a mommy blog is? 

(Clue it is not getting started!)

It is knowing How To Start A Mom Blog and do it the right way, gaining exposure, traffic and yes, earn an income doing so. 

Sadly, there are way too many sites out there that want to teach you some kind of "loop hole" or "fancy trickery" and techniques to "cheat the system".  

This article is not one of those kind of post.

“Let me love you a little more before you aren’t little anymore.” Unknown Parenting Wisdom

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In this post I show you some rock solid ways to start a mom blog that are backed by hard facts, solid data and top earning mommy bloggers that use them themselves!.

And these techniques work on all blogs, not just mommy blogs!. So if you want to expand out and start another blog, just use the same techniques and methods that I teach you in this article. 

So If you have a desire to become a mommy blogger, keep reading!

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How To Start A Mom Blog

So, you got kids, it changed you life forever and for the better...but the boss is calling and you just don't want to go back to the office...

I totally get it! 

Like all good mom's you'd rather stay at home with you little munchkins..if you only you knew how! And is the point of this article.

To give you a complete "how to".

From a short investigation into the market, a little bit of research to reassure the "Doubting Donna" in you that the market is big enough for everyone to grab their share. 

BOX OUT: The Absolute Essentials That You Will Need For Starting A Mom Blog Today!

  • Join My 7 Day Free Course and discover all that you need to know to build a successful blog!
  • Sign up for A Free Account With The Guy's that taught me! And Get Full Success Coaching And Assistance from me!.
  • If you plan on building an email list And Properly Owning Your Traffic, start a free trial of ConvertKit

I also show you some top and interesting way to monetize your blog, how to generate organic and free traffic. 

I also share with you some kick ass Search Engine Optimization Techniques to help you rank higher in google, bing and yahoo for free and highly targeted traffic. 

Don't worry if you are not an IT girl, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is easy peasy lemon squeezy!. 

You will also find a section dedicated to some pretty awesome mom blogs and mom bloggers to inspire you.

Finally, you will find a FAQ at the end, if your question is not answered - ask away in the comments section!. I'll be delighted to add it to the FAQ!. 

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Starting A Mommy Blog - Niching Down

"Niching down" is really as simple as narrowing down on your niche and getting specific. This is great as it is really homing in on your audience and reducing the amount of competion and number of competing sites. 

From the get go you are making sure that you are onto a winner!

On the face of it, mommy blogging is a whole category on it's own and does not particularly need niching down, but if you can do it, do it!.

Finding a unique angle will help you to dominate a specific sector much quicker and easier. 

Some Ideas To Help You Find Your Unique Angle

  • Twins Mommy Blog
  • Natural Living Mommy Blogger
  • Vegan Mom blog
  • Sex Of Child Specific Mommy Blogger
  • Single Mom Blogger
  • Divorcee Mom Blog
  • Older 35/40+ Mom Blogging
  • Area Specific, NYC Mommy Blogger for example
  • Career Girl Mommy Blogging
  • Stay At Home Mom Blog
  • Work From Home Mom Blog
  • Green Living Mom

You can create a unique almost lifestyle blog incorporating and centring around the topic of parenting and mixing in other topics that are either ones that you love and are passionate about or are hobbies of yours. 

This technique of mixing and matching topics or niches is called sexing. 

Some Topics Or Subjects To Incorporate In To Your Mommy Blog

  • Travel
  • Fitness
  • Fashion
  • Food
  • Make Up
  • Finance (money saving)
  • Green Living

This by no mean a fully comprehensive list, do jot down your fave past times, hobbies and things of interest and see what pop's into your mind. 

You can mix in two or three topic. I have seen successful "Sexed" niches mixing and matching 4 topics but I strongly advise sticking with 2 and then expanding to 3 and keeping it at that.

Sure many years down the road you can add in a 4th topic but it is a lot of work building and managing a blog based around 4 topics. 

I recommend And Suggest that you bookmark this guide and article (Ctrl +D) so that you can come back to it and start reading where you left off and not miss out on any of the awesome tips and techniques 

Better still, take a few seconds to sign up for my 7 day 100% Free E-course on blogging and you will get absolutely everything you need to succeed delivered via email over the next week!

Some Great blog ideas that really suit you as person and individual can come about by using this technique. 

Mommy & Fitness - Awesome for that target niche of women who love working out and are mommies too!. Great category would be getting in shape post partum!

Make Up & Mommy! - Mixing your parenting blog with make up! quick tips and tutorials on how to look your best while looking after your kiddies. 

Money Saving Mommy! - Great site for new mom's to flock to find out where to make great savings of general house hold goods and living expenses. 

Travel Mommy! - Travel with Kiddies, no matter how big or small they may be can be difficult and you can monetize in many cool ways such as recommending child and family friendly hotels, travel packages, insurance. I actually recommended this to a travel loving Vietnamese friend of mine a few days a go, lovely mom of one lovely little girl!.  

Mom To Be Blog! - Not a mixed blog but that idea just sprung to my mind! Pretty Awesome, expectant moms would flock to it in their droves! 

I hope you have good idea for niching down and finding your niche and angle. It is this unique angle that will help draw in your traffic and audience. 

...and then later some of that universal lubricant that helps the world to turn! The green stuff!. 

So, sit down, do book mark this site (Control + D) and have a good think about your angle of approach before moving on to Start A Mom Blog

Because more money IS waiting for you. The question is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?

Start A Mom Blog

Mommy Blogger Basics - Set Your Goals!

Defining your audience now, before you start your blog is fundamental to your early and long term success. It is a little bit like reverse engineering your success path. 

And I am giving you the map right here in this article. Starting with an end in mind is an integral part of succeeding in life, in any and every aspect!.

Trust me on that, you're talking to a guy here that had to go through the very toughest of tough things in life - learning how to walk again when Doctors said it would be impossible!. 

I started with that end goal in my mind and never doubted it, not for a millisecond!. 

So, think hard about what your goal is, which is building a successful mommy blog that earns you a full time income so that you can replace your job and work from home. 

That is the very minimum of objectives!. 

Now lets get down to defining your Audience. 

  • Define Your Audience

It is absolutely imperative and part of the reverse engineering process that form the very rock solid foundation of your success is knowing your exact target audience. 

Think hard now about your mommy niche:

  • Who does it appeal to?
  • Who would be drawn to your site? 
  • who is your ideal reader?
  • What is their job and income level? 
  • First Time Mommy? (great mommy niche idea!)
  • How old are they? 
  • Where are they from?
  • What are their shopping habits, online and offline?
  • Why would they be interested in your site?
  • How does your site help them?
  • What are their pain points and frustrations?
  • How can your site help them? 

Knowing your target audience before you get started with the full aspect of blogging helps you in creating content that is...there's that magic word again...targeted... to your readership. 

It also helps in certain underlying aspects of traffic generation as more targeted audience will hang around on and revisit your site more often than generic and untargeted content.

This, is something that helps your to rank your mommy blog higher in the search engines meaning more traffic!. 

Also, you will tend to get better and more activity on social media platforms which in turn increases your exposure and more people interacting with your social posts on facebook increases the number of people that see your posts. 

Such is the facebook algorithm, not everybody that is on your friends list or fan page or group see all of your posts. It has a lot to do with engagement rate, the more social engagement, likes, shares, comments the more people will see it. 

So get your thinking cap on again, get that note pad out and start taking notes and defining your audience. Because I want you to get as much free traffic and exposure as possible!. 

Free traffic increases your profitability and bottom line. It is the life blood of your business. 

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Let's talk now about something that currently no other site is teaching you in regards to starting a mommy blog!


When you start a mom blog or any blog for that matter how you brand your site will define your success!. 

Branding Your Blog

Branding your blog is what will set your apart from wishy washy websites and set you up for success as people, consciously or not take brands and professional looking sites more seriously...much more seriously. 

Internet users tend to trust great looking sites and brands a lot more and that leads to more authority within a market and more transactions and buying decisions being made on your site. 

That is regardless of your site being a full eCommerce with your own products or an affiliate site recommending other peoples products for a commission.

People will make the decision to click on your links based on a variety of factors, trust, professionalism and branding form a large part of that equation. 

The great part is branding your site or creating a brand is a pretty simple and straight forward process that requires, a bit of effort and thought and very little more.

It soon becomes pretty effortless and second nature.

Start A Mom Blog

There is nothing difficult about branding and creating a brand. 

And as a woman, this is probably something that comes as second nature to you. Besides being born beautiful, of which we all are!.

You learned throughout your life and Tween and Teen years how to make yourself more attractive. Applying a little cosmetics here and there, a little lipstick, some blusher, some eye liner and a touch of mascara. 

All of which is quickly followed by some fashionable, cool, elegant clothes and a mind set attitude, personality and integrity that is completely congruent with who you are and what you stand for and viola a more attractive, alluring lady!. 

That essentially is what creating a brand is all about, creating a beautiful site that is fully aligned to your niche market and audience, creating an image in which you and your blog wish to be seen. 

As being classy and aligning yourself with quality products that you promote and standing by a set few, 6 or 7 maximum ideally and not promoting everything and anything! The reason being, brand integrity. 

The same goes for your marketing strategy and drawing in your audience. This is why you must always be aware of and never spam social media or anywhere else!. 

Sure, you might get $5 or $50 in sales but what if you are doing greater damage to your brand and image? Sure you would still be making money but it may mean that you never hit those really big numbers like a 6 figure mommy blog!. 

Forego the pennies now to pick up the pounds later!. You are in this for the long run girl!. 

Because YOU know you can make it as  Mommy Blogger! The Question is Will you be TAKING ACTION or getting ready for the 9-5 drudgery!

  • Creating A Personal Brand For Your Blog

Creating a personal brand for your site a viable option for starting a mom blog it can be as simple as your name with the preferred .com ending plus the above mentioned elements of aligning with quality products, creating great content, and an overall quality and attractive site. 

The branding part involves a fair bit of YOU being on the site so that your audience can associate the site with the person. In short you are the name and the face of your blog and business. 

Great examples of personal branding include famous sports stars that are known as a brand also and the Carcrashian or Kardashians who are famous for being, well famous and are actually a brand!. 


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  • Business Branding

If your name is unavailable as a .com or simply you are rather like me and unassuming character you can easily go for the business branding option.  

Simply think long and hard about a great and catchy name for your blog that is memorable and clearly states what niche market you are in. There are countless great names on the internet and I am sure you can, and will come up with one. 

Some names of sites springing to my mind right now is Bangkok Hookers (a fishing site and club!) and New York Bitch - it's a dog site!.  In The Mommy Blogging niche Mommy Poppins and Scary Mommy spring to mind!.

If you are struggling to come up with a site name try playing around a little on the DomainWheel.com website and see what inspires you. 

Do make sure you get a .com, .net or .org. as these are Top Level Domains (TLD) and tend to not only rank better but are taken more seriously and are better for branding purposes than many of the other options available. 

Start A Mom Blog

Apple is an excellent example of branding and business branding done very well. 

  • Co-Branding

Co-branding is something that I consider to be jointly branded and a hybrid between a business name and personal branding. It is very much a business name with an individual as the personal brand and "face" of the website. 

Such example are Pat Flynn and Smart Passive Income, Brian Dean and Backlinko to name a couple. 

In the internet world or indeed the blogosphere the two best branding methods are Personal Branding (Your name and you the face of the business) and Co-branding. 

The particular reason being people trust you more when they see your face, know who your are and connect with you on a deeper level. This is in comparison to a cold corporate brand - which is better and more effective for full on E-commerce. 

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  • Some Branding Basics

Have a great website name that stands out and is clear as to what niche you are in. create a tag line that is aligned with who you are and what you and your site stand for. Consider the tagline as like a slogan. 

Create a logo and use it on all of you main featured images, socially shared images and on your social media accounts. 

Make those background and header images that you use on social media highly relevant and related to your niche as well as quality. There are plenty royalty free images from Pixabay for you to use. 

Align yourself with only a few but high quality products and brands that you recommend. 

Create top quality content. - It is easier than you think!. 

Have beautiful well designed site that is clean and easy to navigate. 

Have a mission statement and state it clearly in your "about me" page. 

Humanise your brand!. When writing, aid your readership to see you as a person a real person. That includes an image of you on your blog. This is where personal branding or co-branding comes into play. 

As part of humanising your brand, share, if appropriate stories about yourself!

(remember that bit where I was talking about starting with an end in mind and shared a very personal example of mine of when I had to learn how to walk again and started with that end goal..walking!)

As a mommy blogger, this only gets easier for you as you can easily segway in stories about toilet training your Daughter or how you dealt with temper tantrums or taught nursery rhymes to your 2 year old!

“Raise your words, not your voice.  It is rain that grows flowers not thunder.”  Rumi

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Or your own method of dealing with your sisters first born who was a terrible eater. All those kinds of stories aid in helping your audience to deeply associate and connect with your site. 

(now see actually how easy creating great content is!). 

Using PODcasts and YouTube help tremendously with humanizing your brand and site. 

Start A Mom Blog

Share your own stories and experiences with your audience to humanise your brand - like how you dealt with your child's tantrums

Let's now talk about something else that few others (if any) are teaching you about starting a blog. 

And that is the business model for your blog. 

Because there is more money to be made as a mom blogger!. The question is: Will you take it and become a mommy blogger?!?

Choosing A Business Model For Your Mommy Blog

Before we move properly forward to the meat and bones of blogging - getting traffic, monetising the traffic and generating an income and finding awesome affiliate programs you must first know a bit more about the business model that you will using and one that best suits both your own needs and preferences and that of your blog. 

I hope this is getting solid in your mind now that it is a business and a brand that you are building. Accept this fact, the sooner the better and the more professional your attitude will be towards it. 

Because it is a business and brand that you are building. Most likely you will be using the Authority Site model. 

  • Authority Site

An authority site is like those big banging blogs that you see. Do keep in mind that these kind of sites still involve you having "niched down" and got more targeted in your sector. 

It is most certainly not blogging about absolutely everything under the sun. 

The monetisation method is fully independent of any one source and the traffic is independent of any single traffic "fountain". 

Authority sites tend to have at income from at least 3 sources. Affiliate marketing (multiple companies at least 3), Advertising and their own physical or digital products. 

Some authority sites have a 4th or 5th source of income such as sponsored posts and membership subscriptions as well as brand sponsorship/partnership of the site. 

Don't over go on the methods of income, do use what is fully functional and viable for your site, when you go down the road of creating an authority site. 

Usually in authority site blogging your monetization strategy happens in stages. With stage one being affiliate marketing. Later once more traffic is rolling in advertising is added. 

Finally a stage 3 site, is when you add in your own products. It not obliged to use more than one source of revenue generation but it is advised. It is not an absolute must to create your own products either - only do so if you are comfortable with that. 

Traffic sources are wide and varied including social media, search engines, push notifications, email, related forums and even offline advertising for the more famed blog sites!.

Quick Recap Thus Far

  • How To niche Down and define your mommy blogging niche
  • Setting goals and defining your audience.
  • Branding your site, personal brand, business branding, co-branding and how to humanise your brand.
  • Your Business model. 

This is quite a comprehensive guide and tutorial that can seriously help you to break free from poverty, the rat race of the 9-5 and seriously help you to stay at home with your kiddies and pull in a sizeable income online.

I Highly suggest that you bookmark (control +D) this page for reference and come back to when need be or simply continue where you left off. 

Better still Join My 7 day 100% Free Email course and learn exactly how to build a blog and a sustainable business online. Learn Directly from the guys that taught me and get 100% personalised coaching from me as your blogging and online business mentor. 

Start A Mom Blog

Traffic sources for authority sites are wide and varied. 

One of the large plus points about authority sites is the unlimited traffic and earning potential. 

It really is a case where the sky truly is the limit!. Some authority sites are earning in excess of $1 Million a year with a few doing that monthly! 

With some hard work and time you can turn your mommy blog into a six figure a year blog!.

Of the notable plus points are the multiple sources of traffic making for independence from search engine and social media algorithm updates. Not to mention the longevity of such a site - can be measured currently in decades!. 

Affiliate marketing is not going to die anytime soon, neither is online advertising or ECommerce. Digital marketing and affiliate marketers are the life blood of all businesses and products online. 

And that won't change. Online or offline all businesses need advertising and sales people.

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The Best Ways To Monetize Your Website

Ok, so you have your niche, a fair idea of your website name and branding strategy and you know about your business model. 

Let's now go into a little bit more detail in regards to Authority blogging and discuss the best ways to monetize your website and show exactly how to monetize your blog. 

When it comes down to website monetization strategies at the beginning it really is choosing to earn pounds over pennies!.

Google adsense is great, but with just a trickle of traffic to new a blog and getting paid pennies per click (ok few cents on the dollar!) you are not going to earn enough to get your car outta the drive way. 

Thus starting off your mom blog you are far better off, strategically speaking and starting out with affiliate marketing and then progressing to a second monetization method. 

This is the same when it comes to making money with your products. If a tree fall in the forest and there is nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound? - kind of like that is you have no traffic and brand new website will you make any sales? 

Thus, far better waiting until much later before spending your time making your own products than doing it now. I'm pretty sure you can make a pretty good potty training course, or an ebook on the tips, methods and techniques of breast feeding and teaching the little ones how to walk, sing, alphabet, an amazing cookbook for kiddies meals. 

But that time is best spent else where!

Your time is better spent building out your site and slowly and surely generating traffic and getting some interesting dollar amount sales for you blog by means of affiliate marketing. 

Start A Mom Blog

When it comes to making money online through website monetization strategies starting off with affiliate marketing is your best option. 

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is best described as the marketing of products in the digital world in exchange for a direct commission. 

No sales means no commissions, and many sales means a lot of commissions can be earned for your marketing efforts. 

Commission structures vary from merchant to merchant. To say, each individual business that has products for sale and an affiliate program have their own commission levels, methods and structure. 

Some offer a set percentage of the total amount, some have a sliding scale where the more you sell the higher your commission will get.

Some companies offer a two tier program where you get a nice commission, usually 5% of the total sales value of other affiliates signed up beneath you!. While others give you a very handy ongoing recurring commission for as long as your client remains a customer of theirs!

  • A Little Word On 2 Tier Affiliate Programs!

While it sounds great to have 10, 20, heck even 100 or a 1,000 sub affiliates below you on a two tier program all working away earning you a great income while you laze around at the beach.

Don't treat such programs that way! Promote the products if you think and believe that they are of quality and help your audience.

Running around chasing and trying to get people to sign up under you for the 2 tier program rarely works. Let it happen naturally and don't force it.

Many new marketers and bloggers see two tier affiliate programs and end up focusing on recruiting sub affiliates, who end up seeking other sub affiliates, who seek sub affiliates...in the end no products are being sold, nobody is making money and it is very much like a dog chasing its own tail!. 

How To Start A Mom Blog

Focus on results and not chasing your tail when it comes to two tier affiliate programs

Focus on the products and how they can help your audience. 

Because being a mommy blogger can seriously affect your wealth!. The question is: Are you going to TAKE THE MONEY?!?

  • Website Monetization strategies - Display Ads

Display ads, more often than not are ads that get clicked on your site and you get a share of the revenue on a per click basis.

There is no need for you to hunt down specific advertisers and get them to put their ads on your site.

There are many programs such as Google Adsense which you just register for, and then set up your details with them and once accepted you can start displaying ads on your site that are provided by google. 

Essentially speaking it is google's website advertising service.

Google Adsense is by far the most popular for those that are starting out and wish to put ads on their site straight away. Personally, I advise against that due to having very little content and few pages to display adverts on. 

And there are better paying services out there such as Media Vine, of which your earnings can be as much as $20 to $40 per 1000 unique visitors. That may not sound like much. 


And big but...

You did n't do anything to get that $20-$40 bucks! It was completely passive and due to media vines quality standards and process to be accepted you need to get at least 25,000 visitors to your site per month. 

$500 to a nice round $1,000 completely passively coming your way!.

And if you ask me that is pretty freaking awesome!. Even more so when you realise it is in addition to affiliate sales and commissions!. 

How To Start A Mom Blog

The potential of passive income ought to be enough to inspire you to take action and keep going and keep building your site. 

  • Adsense Alternatives

One of the problems with google adsense that it is sadly quite common to get your account banned or terminated due to an error on their part or yours such as misunderstanding of the terms and conditions. 

Thankfully there are alternatives that you can try out, other than the aforementioned media vine. 

  • Amazon Advertising

Yes, other than being an affiliate with amazon, (talk a little bit later about that) you can have amazon display ads on your site. This, in my humble opinion is a little bit like Affiliate Marketing On Steroids, particularly if you have an amazon affiliate site.

A quick word on income strategy here. If you are monetizing your site as an amazon affiliate I advise against amazon ads when it comes to generating advertising revenue.

The key to continued business success online for many years to come is a diversified source of income.

The key to continued success online is having diversified source of income. #Bloggers #blogging

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When you are generating an income from amazon from both affiliate sales and ad revenue you are effectively drinking your water from the same well. 

Although the Amazon well is massive, just be prepared for when the well runs dry! 

....or for when they make your water bucket smaller... like when they cut commission or rates of pay for the ads program...(yes it has happened!). 

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  • Media Net

Media Net is probably the second biggest advertising network online behind adwords. This is very much a similar program and you could consider it as the adsense for bing and yahoo search engines. 

definitely worth considering and their approval process only takes 2 business days. 

  • BuySellAds

This is perhaps one of the very few display advertising agencies out there that can challenge Media Vine in terms of your advertising revenue earnings. However, they are absolutely stringent in terms of what sites they accept. 

For example you need at least 100,000 traffic per month before they will accept you and that is a hell-of-a-lot of traffic.  

(and a significant income from just having ads on your site!) 

How To Start A Mommy Blog

Get the crowds flocking to your blog and you could make a small fortune from the advertising revenue!

  • Ways To Monetize Your Website - Your Own Products. 

I did pay a little lip service to the creation of your own products as a method of monetizing your blog earlier in this article. 

This is what is considered the final stage of being an authority blogger. 

Don't in any way feel intimidated by the prospect of creating your own digital or physical product. It is not an "absolute must do" thing. By the time you are at this stage, in all probability you are earning a full time income from your site. 

And you can continue to do so happily ever after and ride out into the sunset with your money earning mommy blog.

However, if you do wish to push your earnings into the stratosphere then do give serious consideration to your own products or your own series of products. 

Something to keep in you mind at all times, regardless of selling your own products or not is your brand and your brand's reputation. 

Warning! - F.O.M.O ALERT!

Fear Of Missing Out On Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course May Lead To You A Melancholic State Of Infinite Sadness Due To Missing Out On The Opportunity To Change Your Life For Ever And For The Better, Leaving You With The Eternal State Of Mind Thinking "What If I Actually Built That Darn Blog!" 

This means producing a product of the highest possible quality. Which, under normal circumstances means investing your money, how much will depend on a number of factors - including your own current skill set and yes, friend's that owe you a favour or two!. 

I am incredibly lucky in this aspect that my stunningly beautiful girlfriend works at the national radio station processing and cleaning up the audio files, and she is a dab hand at graphic design too!. 

The kind of niche related and targeted to your audience products that you can make and sell on your own site include, but not limited to are and can be informational products related to:

  • Teaching Kiddies Baking! 
  • Developing And Nurturing Healthy Eating Habits For Children!
  • Toilet Training!
  • How To Make Bedtime Fun Time!
  • Guide To Dealing With Autistic/Disabled/Handicapped Children
  • How To Manage Being The Parent Of An Autistic, Handicapped Or Disabled Child. 
  • Developing A Child's Language Skills and Acquisition. 
  • Caring For Children With Behavioural Issues. 
  • Teaching Child To Walk/Ride A Bicycle. 
  • Managing Children That Are Fussy Eaters!
  • Fab Cookbook or Video Series Making Fun Children's Meals!
  • Helping Your Child To Deal With Grief. 
  • The Facts Of Life! How To Approach The Awkward Issue!
  • What To Do If You Child Is Hanging Out With The Wrong Crowd. 
  • Reassuring A Bullied Child. 
Start A Mom Blog

You can create a whole bunch of your own digitally downloadable courses and eBooks. The great thing is...You have no stock to hold and ship!

The kind of products that you can make and sell, you really are only limited by your own imagination. 

Because you know that building a blog will be so easy with the help of my guiding hand and expertise!. The Question is: Will You BUILD THAT BLOG?!?

Physical products that you could make involve a little bit of thinking or creativity. Maybe the product already exists - which is fine, just make better one, more attractive product.

You can either while label, which is contacting a manufacturer either in your own country or in China (try Alibaba as a sourcing agent). You can also contact factories directly and give the specific instructions on what you want made.

And that can anything from bamboo diapers to organic or vegan baby food to high tech baby stroller to, well anything related to parenting, being a mom and taking care of the family including natural baby food!. 

  • Consultancy Services

As surprising as it may sound you can even offer your own services as a parenting expert in certain areas and aspects that you are particularly good at. 

That can include:

  • Toilet Training Children (yes, it is a legitimate service!)
  • Helping Rebellious or Tantrum Children to Behave better. 
  • Getting fussy eater to eat their food!

And of course being an all round super nanny! 

Top Affiliate Programs For Mommy Bloggers

Lets get down to the nitty gritty and start discussing affiliate programs that you can join and use to generate some revenue for that awesome mom blog that you have your heart set on building!. 

  • Amazon Associates

This is amazons affiliate program. And it is suffice to say that they have a freaking ton of different products for you to review and promote.

While it is best practice that you stick to only a handful of top recommended products you can feasibly review a dozen baby strollers and state which one is best in your opinion based on your own thoughts, experience and opinion, not on which one will earn you the highest commission!. 

You can review all of the top 10 or 12 baby strollers together in one article "best baby strollers" or "top X baby strollers" (where X = a number), or individually.

At the end of each individual article you can state your opinion on the product reviewed and and divert or state that another is better and is your top recommended baby walker for example. 

This is essentially creating a traffic funnel to your highly recommended product. 

This you can repeat for a few more different types of products, like baby changing tables or baby monitors, for example. 

In order to make reasonable money from amazon look for products that are available on prime, highly rated (4 start and up) and have a reasonable number of reviews. 

The reason being, if a product meets those specifications, usually they are easier to convert your website visitors into sales. 

And don't forget to promote the amazon baby registry offer, each successful registry completion is a nice $3 commission. Don't forget the Amazon family ($3 commission) or the Wedding registry ($5 commission) - hey some of your readers may have older children that are getting married!. 

And student too $3 commission, as many of your readers might have older kids that are leaving for university or college. 

Mommy Blogging

Example of two interesting Programs on amazon that have nice commissions. 

(Hint: Is someone getting married soon?, is this the first time I announce it or hint at it?...hmm maybe there is a reason for all this baby talk...?)

Side note: I may be mentioning "baby" products a lot, the mom blog area is so wide and varied it can include all sorts of products for sorts of people and families from diapers to prom outfits and everything in between!. 

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  • eBay

eBay has an interesting affiliate program and like Amazon being a massive and well established business that just about everyone has heard of they carry a huge trust factor. 

This ought to be of interest to you as trusted retailers and brands tend to convert better for you getting that affiliate commission due to two main reasons. One is brand trust, the other?

They have spent a huge amount of money on conversions and conversion rate optimisation and hiring experts in that area!. 

eBay, is a program to use should you not be able to be an amazon associate in your country or state. 

It is suffice to say - eBay also has a ton of products for you to promote on your blog.

Start A Mom Blog

eBay, you sure a heck knew that you can put stuff up for auction and make some money on ebay but I bet you didn't know they had an affiliate program too!.

“I think it’s necessary to let kids get bored once in a while.  That’s how they learn to be creative.” Kim Raver

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Worth mentioning in regards to ebay and Amazon is the fact that you can sell your own products on their market place and seamlessly integrate cross selling on Amazon, eBay and your own website and have them deliver your physical products for you when you use amazon's FBA program. 

You just need to ship your physical good to amazon's warehouse!. 

You can also do this with digital products with the exception that you don't need to ship your product to amazon's warehouse!. 

  • Ebates

Ebates is a pretty awesome coupon program and lets face it who in this day and age does not want or like to save money? 

One of the hot points is coupons and having them on your site is a huge money earner as because people who are seeking coupons are very much ready to make a buying decision and action right away!. 

So they darn well might as well do so with your coupons!. 

Thankfully Ebates has a influencer program for you to apply and join.  Currently everyone that you refer to them earns you $25. 2 referrals per day..that is a nice income!..for one program only!. 

The best method of earning those referrals is by writing articles about coupons and the savings or cashback that can be made on certain purchases related to your site and audience and give them your link to click to join ebates and grab your $25 referral fee!

Interestingly, should you wish to offer discount coupons to your audience in order to stimulate sales check your affiliate dashboard (log in area) for coupons and special promotions that may be going on from time to time.  

  • ShareASale

The aptly names ShareASale is an affiliate network that has a whole host of independent affiliate programs and offers in their network.

One of the major benefits of using an affiliate network as opposed to an independent program is the fact that you will reach the minimum payment threshold easier and quicker. 

Another benefit is everything being hosed under the one roof. Checking your stats and income is much easier doing it once than several times. Also, there is no need for you to fill out a form for every single merchant that you wish to promote. 

The very nature of mommy blogging and the diversity of what you, as an individual can promote on your site makes in very difficult for me to say "you can promote this product" or that product...

But what you MUST do is promote the best possible products for your particular sector of the mommy niche. 

Hence forth, I am naming affiliate networks and possible merchants within them that may interest you. 

For a very specific niche like travel, for example I can list the best hotel booking agents, flight companies and all things travel related. Mommy blogging crosses so many industries that it is just not possible to narrow down in that way. 

However, if you have any questions about a particular affiliate program or product type do reach out to me by joining my email list (and then hit reply!) or leave a comment below in the comments area.  


I Absolutely LOVE Helping People, I Reply To ALL Emails, By Taking My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course You Get My Personal Attention And Coaching. All Your Questions Will Be Answered As Quickly As I Can. I Really Do Want You To Succeed And Win Back Your Freedom And To Live The Life You Have Always Dreamed Of And Quite Frankly Deserve!. It Is Time Now To Take Action And Stop Procrastinating And Join My FREE 7 Day Blogging Course.

ShareASale deal with the following companies that you could incorporate into your sites monetization method:

  • Craftsy - $15 per referral, could be of use if and when you write about craft based activities and stuff for kiddies. 
  • Food Blogger Pro - Varies from 20% to 40% might be handy if you are sharing delicious family recipe ideas or food for the kiddies. 

Other merchants on this network include Frecklebox, minted, fanatics, and one kings lane. There are literally thousands of very well known brands on their network. 

Payment is made by a variety of methods including direct bank transfer, check and some online methods!. 

Get more info about ShareASale Here!

Start A Mom Blog

ShareASale has a ton of merchants, do check them out!. 

Because You will be sharing your sales success with your family! But only if you start your mom blog!. The Question is: Will you let this opportunity pass you by or will you TAKE ACTION?!?

  • CJ AKA Commission Junction

CJ - the new name for Commission Junction has some of the very best programs for monetizing your mommy blog. Like ShareASale above, they payout in a variety of very convenient methods Including direct transfer to your bank, cheque and Payoneer. 

Commissions vary from merchant to merchant, here are some of the more interesting ones that are popping into my mind for mom bloggers:

  • HomeDepot
  • Stein Mart
  • Sears
  • Quickbooks
  • World Market

Do have a real good look on CJ as they have far too many affiliate programs to mention and ones that will be of interest should you wish to mix beauty, fashion and mom blogging

Also plenty food programs on there for monetizing a cooking section should you want to add in food blogging

  • Awin

Currently the biggest affiliate network in the world with many different programs and offers across a number of different industries. It is impossible to ignore and not find something that can be promoted from Awin. 

There is a lot in the retail sector that might be of interest to you and your audience. 

Check them out here.

  • Momselect

This is pretty good for helping you to align yourself with the right brands for your site and audience.

Very much for influencers in the mommy blogging area. You as a blogger and a publisher with a social media following to back you up are a bonafide influencer. 

 Lets be honest here, the original influencers are us bloggers! - I have been blogging long before Zukerberg has his big idea..and way before myspace, bebo and friendster too!. 

Get More Info About Mom Select Here!.

Start A Mom Blog

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Getting Traffic To Your Mom Blog

This is the part that perhaps intimidates you most! Getting traffic is the end all and be all of your blog. No traffic equals nada!. 

Not all traffic is created equal! 

And that is something to keep in mind when it comes to your traffic generation methods and strategy. You want the best possible and highest quality traffic. 

Despite the fact that traffic equates to money, as the more traffic you get the more money you can usually earn. You should never be thinking "money, money, money".

This stands true when it comes to content creation also. Be all salesy and money hungry and folks are just not going to hang around on your site much, they will smell it a mile away and won't have anything much to do with what you have to say or offer. 

The same goes for your marketing strategy, be all spammy and you are going to get the lowest possible quality of clicks to your site. At best you'll get curiosity clicks - worse still bots!. 

Spamming and being all salesy is absolutely horrendous for your brand integrity and value. 

Quality targeted traffic is best. You don't want anyone and everyone visiting your site. You don't want a 16 year old spotty teenage boy visiting your site - you do want 20 something plus mom or mom to be visiting your blog!. 

How To Get Quality Targeted Traffic

Thankfully this is very easy to get. Remember that little exercise we did before?

The one where you I asked you to define your target audience and your ideal customer/reader? 

Bring out that sheet right now and have a quick read and a think about it a little. Where do they hang out online? 

What sites do they visit other than your own? Other than mommy blogs? Parenting forums..which ones? Social media sites...again what ones? 

Any particular hash tags that they may be using or following? Groups that they are in or boards that they follow? 

That is as simple as it gets. Find them and go get them...but do it subtly!. 

Getting Traffic Is A Simple As Finding Where Your Audience is Hanging Out And Go Get'em! #Blogging

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Start A Mom Blog

Getting targeted traffic to your blog is as simple as finding out where your crowd is hanging out and reeling'em in!. 

Finding Your Audience On Social Media 

  • Facebook

Finding your audience and drawing in your targeted crowd on facebook is as simple as joining a few targeted and highly related and relevant facebook groups. 

Use Facebook search facility and look for pages and groups related to mom blogs, mommy bloggers and if you can, ones that are very specific towards your exact sector in this niche.

The more targeted the better. 

Because the only job better than being a mommy is being a Mommy blogger. The question is do you want to leave your kiddies and go out to work or do you want to work from home and be with your kids? 

Once you find some good sized groups with frequent and regular activity. Join them.

Abide by the group rules like it is your religion! 

'Cos holy smokes they can provide awesome traffic on many levels! and I mean many deep levels!! - It is not just about folks clicking your links!. Hell no!. 

Besides, in other folks groups you should not be spamming or putting your link where it is not wanted and where it has no value for you or your brands reputation, integrity and value. 

This not to say never ever..post your link in a group you don't own...occasionally and with permission!. Hell even ask the admins and owner if they would mind posting for you once they are your online buddies. 

If they do that, post for you or allow you to post occasionally in their group you will end up getting more shares and likes on that post...and those smarty pants at google know that you got good social activity related to your blog article which aids in your rankings. 

Later you can collaborate with them and maybe guest post on their site, and them on yours leveraging each others audience...and this is awesome for search engine rankings and traffic!

See I told you...social media is awesome for your traffic on many deep levels, and I have still to tell of one other ways!

How you get folks to your site organically is by having your own link in your FB profile, and by posting quailty helpful replies and becoming a valued member of those group(s). 

Once you become a valued member of that group folks will naturally gravitate towards you and your own profile, friending and perhaps seeing the odd thing that you post on your profile about your own FB group, fan page and your blog. 

Don't be one dimensional on your facebook group, page and profile and post only about your fabulous new blog...trust me, nobody cares!, besides there nothing that makes social crowds (on all social media) run for the "unfriend" button than a person that just post the same stuff over and over again..and again and again...

By the same stuff I mean, different post but all about your site..or your group ..and your fabulous page!. 

Make your posting varied and interesting... above all engaging. Come on, its a mommy blog...Y'all women...talk about about girlie things like....

...That hot footballer or sportsman from the game last night..and post a pic of him in all his glory...for the yummy mummies out there...! 

It gets shares,likes, comments and maybe just you more followers/fans and members increasing your exposure and growing your audience!. 

(Be creative, have that X factor,.. and who am to talk social media with you...you're a woman you were born for social media! it's in your DNA!)

And once you grow that audience of genuine members, fans and followers as this applies to all forms of social media make sure your Group name, profile is properly branded by using your site name and putting your URL somewhere. 

Guess what? 


Branding! Google will then know and recognise you are brand and set you apart for better rankings than non-branded sites.

It is part of their algorithm to set apart branded domains and put say the Huffington post, New York Times, Nike, Addidas and so on, on one side and...well, internet junk on the other!. 

But spam social media and google is gonna be like ewww...we made a mistake here! good brands don't spam!. End of story!. Period!. 

So don't do it!

Mommy Blogging Facebook Groups

Getting targeted traffic to your blog is as simple as finding out where your crowd is hanging out and reeling'em in!. 

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  • Twitter

Finding your audience on twitter is very much the same way as facebook and the same rules apply!. No spamming and make your content diverse and varied. 

You can post your link, about every 5th post or so. 80/20 rule applies here!. Do tweet out other mommy bloggers stuff.

Do unto others what you want yourself. Thus tweet your competitors tweets from time to time and and they might just return the favour!. 

Do Unto Others What You Want Yourself. Tweet Out Your Rivals #Blogs If You Want Your Posts Tweeted #Blogging

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Do add in hash tags at maximum of....2! 

Yes just two! research show that the optimal amount of hash tags on twitter is 2!. More social activity and action occurs on tweets with just to relevant and related hash tags. 

Building your following in twitter is so easy. It takes work and but keep at it. And do do the hard work. There is no short cuts on the road to success. No buying followers, or likes or shares or fans on any social media network. 

You'll end up with fake accounts following, or fake fans and this kills your reach...may even get you banned!. Besides...Fake followers don't interact with your posts or visit your blog and they certainly don't buy anything! 

Find other bloggers in the mommy blogging area and check out their followers. It is very likely that their followers are interested in mom related things. They are following mommy bloggers for reason right?

And then follow them. Some will follow back, some wont..that is the nature of life. 

Just type "Mommy blogger" or "mom blogger" in to the search area of twitter and a few big twitter accounts show up that have thousands of followers. 

  • Growing Your Twitter Account 

Thankfully there are easy ways and plenty of tools out there to help you to grow your twitter account.

Tweepi is probably the best one out there. they have both free and premium versions. Obviously the free version has limited features but you can use it to grow your twitter account to 2000 followers in about a month and 5000 within 2 to 3 months. 

Remember you want targeted following and not every Tom, Dick and Harry or every Tracy, Debbie or Hannah for that matter following you - unless they are mom's of course!. 

And you want active followers!. 

Thankfully Tweepi allows you to filter followers based on their activity on the platform. Personally, I don't follow anyone that has not been active for longer than a week!. 

I want active targeted followers. This ensures a higher potential of social activity on my tweets and greater exposure of my tweets and thus more traffic and awareness of my brand. 

Premium versions allows you to filter who you follow by language and location for better quality traffic.

For An English language blog obviously, English Language is best and Location USA - Assuming you don't have location dependent mommy blog like South African Mommy Bloggers or UK Mommy Bloggers..in which case select the appropriate location for better and more targeted twitter traffic. 

Frequently and periodically I flush my twitter account of inactive followers. also no following of accounts with no bio or no photo. These accounts are not exactly serious accounts. 

Start A Mom Blog

Grow your Twitter presence in just 5 mins a day with Tweepi. 

Because being a mommy blogger means you can be there and not miss any of your kiddies firsts!. The Question Is: Will You BE THERE TO SEE them or will your nanny tell you all about it?!?

Finding the right tags to use on Twitter is as simple as using...RiteTag!. One of the real strong points about this free tool is that it shows you what hash tags are effective both short term and long term. 

Ideally you want to mix your content up and use varying long and short term tags for maximum exposure, growth and interaction on your tweets. 

That one of the strong point about the data shown by this tool. It shows how many tweets and retweets happening on an hourly basis as well as how many views a hash tag has generated. 


When it comes to using hash tags, research indicates the optimal number to use is 2. #Marketing #Blogging

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One of those, "less is more" things!. SO use them wisely. 

RiteTag has the ability to show you what tags are effective on Instagram also. In my opinion, there is no need to go premium when you are starting out building your twitter following.

Sure the automatic feature and others can help a lot. But only when you really have a big following. 

Finally, when you tweet, add in video and photos, this takes up more real estate in the twitter news feed and gets you more noticed. 

But shhhh just don't tell Donald Trump!

Effective Mom Blog Hash tags
  • Pinterest Marketing

This social media can be a haven for you due to its target audience and most common users being women aged 25-34 and that to me just screams out mommy blogger audience!

That vast majority of that audience will already have children, gonna have children or have one in the oven right now!.

That just yells out loud and clear! use Pinterest!. 

A huge plus about pinterest is it only takes a few seconds to add your photos to a board or make your own board. Use existing images on your site and the free Pinterest Chrome extension. 

When your post is published it is as quick as 2 or 3 clicks! 

This social network behaves more like a search engine as your boards and pins stay there forever and can bring in pretty awesome traffic for as long as folks search for related search terms and click your pins. Making for very good consistent long term traffic. 

Also very effective is pinning to popular boards that allows you to put your pins there. Don't be selfish, do repin other users pins.  

What works good on this platform is good related descriptions some relevant hashtags and worthy of note infographics work very well on Pinterest. 

Building a targeted audience is very much the same as with twitter, find popular pinners in your niche and target their followers. 

Start A Mom Blog

Pinterest has plenty of boards and pinners for mommy bloggers

For other social media platforms, the process is very similar, grow your audience with active targeted followers and fans maintaining brand consistency and integrity in the process. 

I do highly suspect that for mom bloggers instagram would be a great hit. In the images that you use, put your logo in the bottom corner to aid in awareness of your site and brand. 

Let's now talk about one of my fave sources of free traffic!. Search Engines. 

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Getting Search Engine Traffic

Obtaining traffic from search engines is something that is very easy. There is nothing to it at all. Nothing complex or complicated involved. 

It is as simple as using a keyword research tool to find what to write your blog post about. They help to brain storm ideas and give you an idea of the level of competition, competing sites that are targeting that keyword. 

A keyword or keyword phase is simply the word or words that internet users type into search engines like google, bing and yahoo.

Finding keywords for your blog is very much an easy process that you can learn about in the article aptly titled "how to find keywords for a website".

Types of keywords that work best and are very effective are "how to", "Best", "top" "buy" and "product name or type review". Question based keywords are great too. 

"How To" And Question based keywords are good because they help your audience with their problem questions and teach them "how to" do something. 

Do this well and you establish yourself as an authority in a niche area. You will also earn trust from your crowd and that is a great thing as people buy from people they trust. 

Content and what to write about is something that should come pretty easy as you are a mom yourself and you can write about your own life and your own experiences as a mom and offer advice to problematic areas that mothers face. 

  • "Dealing with you daughter first boyfriend" 
  • "Helping Your Daughter with boyfriend issues" 
  • "How to help a heart broken daughter/son" 
  • "Kids activities for summer"
  • "Keeping Kids entertained during long cold winters" 
  • How you toilet trained your kids.
  • How you dealt with awkward in laws.
  • Share recipes. 
  • Have Kiddies corner...written by your star guest posters - you kids! 
  • How you dealt or deal with sick kids. 
  • Homework help topics

You are almost unlimited as to what you can write about!. Other successful sites make for great inspiration and ideas. 

Your content should be 100% original and your own work. Plagiarism is a big no-no.  Google WILL kick your ass for that and not rank your site...or worse still ban your site from the search results altogether!.

Once your have your blog topic or idea of what to write about and an appropriate keyword simply put your keyword in the article title, opening sentence. One H1 heading, at least one H2 heading and in the final paragraph. 

During your article you do want to drop your keyword in there, but naturally and not forced. Use variations of your keyword or keyword phrase.

Start a mom blog, starting a mommy blog, how to start a mom blog are all keywords that are similar and mean the same thing - as does become a mommy blogger!. 

Using variations like that of your target keywords only help google to identify what your blog post is about and help you to rank for your target keyword. 

Because as a mom you have plenty of advice that you can share on your blog!. The question is: Will you keep all that advice to yourself and be selfish or will you share it with the world?!?

Top Mom Blogs To Inspire You To Blogging Success 

When it comes down to the nitty gritty having a look at awesome blogs in your market sector can indeed inspire you to greatness and keep you on track and aligned with your goals of building that highly informative and helpful revenue generating blog. 

Thankfully in the mommy blogging arena there are many blogs that can and will inspire you to success and of course greatness when it comes to motherhood and taking care of your family and aiding others with top class advice. 

This list is a list of what I consider to be some of the very best ones out there. Do check them out!. 

  • Mamavation

This blog is a very unique site in the blogging world and provides women with sound advice and tips in relation aiding hormonal balance and the non-use of products that disrupt a woman's hormones. 

Blogger Leah Segedie is an empowering healthy food advocate and has helped members of her community to lose weight in a healthy way. 

Mamavation is an excellent example of finding a niche in this this blogging market!. 

Start A Mom Blog
  • Scary Mommy 

You have heard me banging on about branding and how important it is. Great branding of a mommy blog is exemplified here in this fabulous blog!. Initially it was created by site owner Jill Smokler as a personal mom blog. 

It is now the authoritative blog of all mommy blogs out there and an inspiration to many blogger in the sector as well as a great help for millions of  mothers. 

Check Out Scary mommy Here!:

Start A Mom Blog
  • Tech Savvy Mamma

Another fabulous example of finding your own unique angle and standing out from the crowd. This site is aimed at helping non-tech savvy mothers to get with it and understand the gadgets that their kiddies are using. 

There is plenty of information regarding parenting and taking care of your children and how to set those parental controls on tech devices on certain websites like YouTube. 

Very well thought and has age appropriate tech gift guides. Visit the site here!.

Start A Mom Blog
  • Mommy Poppins

One the most fabulous a very original names for a mommy blog just has to be Mommy Poppins and gives a very cool tilt at a mommy blog and that is events, activities, and interesting excursions as well as experiences for you and your kids to enjoy. 

Top class information in regards to family holidays are abundant on this site. Have a good look at this pretty amazing and inspiring site.

Start A Mom Blog
  • Rookie Moms 

As they say two heads is better than one! Site owners and brilliant bloggers Whitney and Heather have created a banging blog that is a resource for all thing parenting from pregnancy to preschool and much, much more!. 

living just 2 miles apart the collaborate frequently and have certainly made a brilliant inspiring and informative blog for all mothers to enjoy and mommy bloggers to aspire to. 

Have a look at this excellent blog right here!

Start A Mom Blog

How To Start A Mom Blog FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions!

If your question is not answered here, do ask it in the comment section below. I will be delighted to answer you as best I can and as promptly as I can. 

  • What Are Mom Blogs? 

Mom blogs are blogs that are dedicated to parenting, motherhood family life and all things related to the aspect of parenting. 

Some specialise in specific areas such an twins, pregnancy, first mom, green living or take a very specific or unique angle to standout from the crowd and gain the attention of their audience. 

Mom blogs dedicate to publishing quality helpful content in the area of family and parenting, often gaining money from affiliate sales, advertising revenue, their own digital products or a combination of all 3 generating traffic from social media, YouTube and Search Engines. 

  • Are Mom Blogs Successful?

Absolutely!. Some mom blogs are incredibly successful gaining millions of visitors every single month and earning more money than most small businesses!. At that level you can viably consider that a business...because they are a business and run like a business. 

  • How Do Mom Blogs Make Money?

Mom blogs make money predominantly from affiliate marketing, the sale of their own physical or digital products, advertising revenue, sponsored posts and brand partnerships where applicable. 

Each blog owner will choose which method of revenue generation is best for their site and audience and may even include coupon give away's for products related to their market and following or price comparisons to aid sales. 

  • Why Start A Mom Blog?

There are a variety of reasons as why someone would want to start a mom blog. It all depends on the reason and the person.

Here Are A Few Reasons Why You May Want Start A Mom Blog:

  • To share your expert advise and experience about parenting and motherhood. 
  • Because you love blogging and you are a mom! (like my Vietnamese Friend). 
  • To help other other moms to become better mothers. 
  • To share in the sisterhood of being a mother. 
  • Because you want to work from home and be a stay at home mom. 
  • Because the extra income can and will come in handy and you just don't want to go back to the office. 
  • Because you want the freedom, both time and money related to have a better life for you and your family.

These are only some of the reason as to why someone would want to start a mommy blog.

Mostly, and predominantly blogs, especially mom blogs that help their readers are the very best ones both informational, traffic and in monetary terms. 

Have a good think about that and your own reason for wanting to start a blog on this topic. 

  •  Can I Run A Mommy Blog On Instagram?​​​​

Of course you can, you can run your mommy blog on and from any social media that you so wish. 


Under no circumstances should you run it on it own.  without its own (your own) Domain. You don't own instagram, or facebook and algorithm updates can leave you with just a few visitors...your husband, your kids and your mom!. 

Divert your following on social media to your site where and when appropriate and use good branding strategies to help augment awareness of your brand and blog. 

Because working from home and giving your undivided love and attention to your family is far better than going out to work and leaving them!.

How To Become A Mom Blogger - The Conclusion!

Becoming a mom blogger is something that you, as a woman and mother can easily do and not run out of content ideas or what to write about. If ever you are stuck, there are a whole host of keyword research techniques and tools that will help you. 

And an internet full of web sites that can help you to brainstorm ideas. Truly, and absolutely there is nothing to stop you, only hurdles to overcome and walls to knock down!. 

Niching down, finding your angle and standing out from the crowd and being a bit unique in that way is something that will help your to stand out. 

This article, if you have read this far has outline many techniques and strategies to help you take a big leap down the road of building a successful mommy blog and blog in absolutely any niche that you wish to. 

Use those social media and traffic generation techniques that I have taught you how to build an audience, get traffic, monetize that traffic and build a brand and sustainable business online in the mommy blogging niche. 

Take Action

You are now ready to take action and join my Free 7 Day Blogging Course and start building your mommy blog, putting your knowledge and what you have to good use.

Being able to spend more time at home with your family giving them the love and attention that they need and require is just one of greatest things you can do as a mother, wife, blogger and woman!. 

You are now ready to start building that sustainable online business and establish your brand just pop your name and email into the box below to get started with my free 7 day blogging course. 

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If you have any questions about starting, or you wish to start a mom blog leave a comment below and I will reply back as quickly as I can.  

To your success and blogging best, 


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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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