
RapidWorkers Review – A Waste Of Your Time?

RapidWorkers Review

Thank You For Checking Out My RapidWorkers Review!

In previous posts I detailed similar sites like Microworkers, Picoworkers, Amazon Mechanical Turk and Clickworker. 

In this article I will tell you all that you need to know about Rapidworkers in my regular open, honest and factual fashion to help you to make the best decision regarding this opportunity to earn money from the comfort of your home. 

Before I Get On And Detail RapidWorkers...

If you are sick and tired of low income opportunities and are looking for a legitimate way of earning a full time income from the comfort of your home Try My #1 Recommended Program Today! 

Are you ready to get all your pertaining questions about this opportunity answered? 

If so then keep reading!.

RapidWorkers Review 

Product Name: RapidWorkers

Founder(s): Undisclosed.

Product Type: Micro Jobs site. 

Price: Free To Join.

Best For: Those looking for a side hustle

RapidWorkers Reviews

Summary: RapidWorker is a site where you can earn some extra money from the comfort of your home and more than GPT sites and Survey sites. It is still a little quirky though. Keep reading to find out how much you might end up earning. 

Rating: 30/100

Recommended: No

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What Is RapidWorkers?

RapidWorkers (RapidWorkers.com) founded in 2009 is a microtask, micro jobs website where you get paid for completing some very easy simple tasks like signing up for websites, liking YouTube videos, adding alt tags to images, following people of twitter and much more. 

They are broadly similar to rewards sites but with a few distinct differences which change their classification. The main difference being they connect employers that need small tasks completed to workers that are willing to complete those tasks in exchange for payment. 

To be paid you must understand exactly what it is that the employer wants completed and complete the task to a standard in which they approve the work. 

I like the fact that they have a lot of different available tasks and that you can earn some extra money from the comfort of your home. Being established as far back as 2009 is proof that they are a legit site, they would not last this long if they were not!.

There are a number of sites that are similar to RapidWorkers.com, here are some of their competitors: 

  1. Microworkers.
  2. Picoworkers.
  3. Amazon Mechanical Turk.
  4. Clickworker
  5. Fiverr
  6. UpWork. 
  7. PeoplePerHour

These are all good alternatives that you can consider if you want to try something instead of or in conjunction with this platform. 

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How Does RapidWorkers Work?

 I like to look at how a website or opportunity generates revenue in this section as I see it as critical to determining if a site is legitimate or not. If they are simply not generating revenue or cannot generate the amounts that they claim to pay you then clearly there is straight red flag there. 

How RapidWorkers make money is very simple and very common with this kind of site. They use the agency business model where they act as the middleman between the employer and the employee. 

Their revenue is generated by taking a cut of what your earnings would be had you been employed directly by the person posting the job. This fee equates to between 5% and 20% across the industry. 

How you make money is super simple, you simply complete the tasks and work that you have agreed to complete to an acceptable standard and get paid for it. 

Who Is RapidWorkers For?

RapidWorkers is an international opportunity where anyone from any country can join. As long as you are over the age of 18 you can sign up and be one of their many international members. 

Although a minimum age is not specified on their platform, I conclude that the 18 years old or above is the required minimum age to participate as a PayPal account is a must have item for getting paid. 

You will notice that the available tasks will be significantly reduced if you are accessing their platform from a country outwith the United States or the United Kingdom meaning your ability to earn extra cash will be reduced. 

Be wary of trying to cheat or trick their system by using a VPN to change your location to get more micro tasks available to you - they have software in place to detect that and will ban your account.

How To Get Started With RapidWorkers

To Get started with RapidWorkers just look for the blue "Sign Up Now" Italic text on the right hand side of their website about 3/4 of the way up and click it. 

It will take you to their registration page where you need to fill in a simple form and click the captcha. 

You will then be sent a confirmation email with a special link in it. Once you have clicked the link you are good to go and get started earning some money with them. 

How Do You Make Money?

With regular and Top GPT Sites you get paid to complete tasks and and take paid surveys in your spare time. At Rapid Workers you are paid for your hard work in completing mini jobs, little easy tasks which don't take too much effort upon your part. 

Each task usually has a low pay rate and thus requires you to successfully complete a lot of these jobs. 

Each micro job listed will tell you the full details before you take it what is required and how long it should take you to complete as well as how much you will be paid. They also tell you who their target workers are.

If you don't meet the requirements of their target worker miss that particular task out. 

Some of the highest payable jobs may not be for people in your geographical location.

If you take up that earning opportunity, just to earn a few extra bucks you will end up just cheating yourself as it is highly likely that your work will be rejected and you will end up getting banned. 


If a lot of your work completed ends up getting rejected you could end up in hot water and face being prohibited.  

Some of the task that you will be paid for include: 

  1. Writing a short review
  2. Liking a Facebook Page, or Twitter account.
  3. Commenting on or Liking a YouTube video. 
  4. Downloading a file. 
  5. Downloading an iPhone iOS app. 
  6. Downloading an Android App. 
  7. Searching for something on the web and clicking a link. 
  8. Signing up for newsletters. 

As you can see all of these are easy, simple low income tasks and there are a LOT of them. 

How Much Can You Earn?

Each job that you take on with RapidWorkers.com will earn you between 2 cents and 2 dollars for successful completion depending on the complexity of your task and the target location. 

International workers, even if a newbie based in the US, UK or Canada will likely to earn more that those from else where. 

That might seem to be unfair and unreasonable. 

One of the plus points here is that there is an incredible number of jobs available and you are unlimited as to how many you take and complete in a single day. 

Within reason and considering how long it can take to complete tasks I estimate that you can earn around US$40 per month with RapidWorkers. 

How Do You Get Paid?

Every time you complete a task successfully you will earn the agreed amount in US$ be it 20 cents or 2 dollars. Upon earning US$8 you can make a pay out request. 

Unfortunately you have only one pay out choice and option and that is PayPal. For each withdrawal there is a 6% fee which will cost you US$0.60 per US$10 earned netting you US$9.40 for every US$10 earned on the platform. 

The estimated US$40 earning potential per month will end up as US$37.60 per month in your PayPal account. 

Something to keep in mind is that you will not see your earning as soon as you have completed the task. You need to wait until it is approved by the employer before you see the earnings in your account. 

Approval will not take longer than 6 days as if the employer has not approved your task in that time period it will be approved automatically. 

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RapidWorkers Income Proof

I checked out a variety of sources on the internet including social media and Facebook groups as well Reddit and a variety of forums like Beer Money Forum for income proof related to RapidWorkers.

Unfortunately I could not find any. 

Is RapidWorkers Accredited By The BBB?

I am personally a big advocate of playing safe online and I suggest that you take a similar approach yourself. 

Checking out independent reviews is one way of being safe, I advise that you dig a little deeper and do your background checks. I've got the ball rolling for you by checking out Rapidworkers at the Better Business Bureau. 

I can confirm that they are not accredited and not rated by the BBB

RapidWorkers BBB Rating

RapidWorkers Reviews And Complaints

I checked out a number of other Rapidworker reviews by independent website owners, some of which were affiliated with Rapidworkers but still gave their own open and honest opinion regarding the platform and it's earning potential. 

They were adamant that although this is is legitimate and well established your income is not likely to exceed US$40 per month. 

On Trust Pilot they are rated as average by 35 reviewers and similarly at a 3 star rating on Site Jabber by 26 reviewers. Foxy Rating rate them as the 62nd best GPT Site. 

What I Liked About RapidWorkers

There are a few things that I like about RapidWorkers which were:

  • They are free to join. 
  • You can earn money with them. 
  • All of the required tasks are very easy to complete.
  • You can get paid by PayPal
  • It is an international opportunity.

What I Did Not Like About RapidWorkers

There are a few things that I did not like about RapidWorkers which were: 

  • They are not accredited by the BBB nor rated. 
  • The 6% processing fee is too high. 
  • Your earning potential is low. 
  • Not something you can do full time. 
  • Lack of other payment options.
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Can You Make Money With WhatUsersDo?


I am absolutely confident that you can and will make money with RapidWorkers. How much will depends on a couple of factors like where you are located, how active you are and what tasks you take on.

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Is RapidWorkers A Scam Or Legit?

In my opinion and that of many other independent website owners conducting their own reviews is that Rapid Workers is not a scam.

I have not seen anything that is a cause of concern to me regarding fraud, non-payment or anything at all indicating a scam is taking place with this platform. It is accurate and fair to say they are legitimate. 

RapidWorkers Alternatives

There are a number of sites that are similar to RapidWorkers.com, here are some of their competitors: 

  1. CrowdSource
  2. Truelancer
  3. SEOClerks
  4. Freelancer
  5. SimplyHired
  6. PeoplePerHour
  7. GigWalk

These are all good site from which you can find regular work or task to do complete from the comfort of your home. How much you can earn will vary by site and the effort that you make. 

My RapidWorkers Review - The Final Conclusion

In my opinion Rapidworkers is a reasonable site that you can well out of if all you are looking for is a nice sideline or side gig income. If you are looking for a substantial income then I just don't see it as being possible at all with this platform. 

You will end up earning more than you do or would with survey sites or rewards sites but no where near a part time job. 

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How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way for making money in the digital world both for those just starting out and those that are semi experienced. 

It is not a get rich quick way of earning a living; it is more what I would call building a sustainable business online that can be profitable year after year for many years to come.

The reasons are simple:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face to face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No huge investment involved - (Get started for $19!)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!. 

In fact...

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I completely enjoy life on my own terms and work when I choose to, not when I have to!. 

This is all thanks to Affiliate Marketing!

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To emulate what I have achieved, real freedom and a passive income stream, click that red button below and watch the video that I have prepared for you. 

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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