
Panel Champ Review – A Complete Waste Of Time?

Panel Champ Review

Welcome To My Panel Champ Review!.

Something you can bank on is online survey sites being around literally until the end of time.

Brands and Businesses will always need to know what their customers are thinking and have the need to gather market intelligence.

This is one of the many reason that there are hundreds of survey sites online all clamouring and willing to pay you for your opinion!. 

And Panel Champ is one such site. 

The question is how can you earn with Panel Champ, how will they pay you and are they worth it?. 

...or are they just one huge waste of your time? 

In this article, I will answer all your questions - If I miss anything out, or your particular question is not answered just ask away in the comments box below!. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick of low income opportunities and are looking for a genuine way to earn a full time income from home Try My #1 Recommended Program Today!

Are you ready to find out if Panel Champ Is A Scam Or Legit? 


Then keep reading. 

Panel Champ Review 

Product Name: PanelChamp

Founder(s): Previously operated by Quest Global Research Group, Now Operated by Cint AB. 

Product Type: Online Surveys. 

Price: Free To Join. 

Best For: Nobody At All. 

Panel Champ Reviews

Summary: Panel champ is more like a Chump when it comes to earning money. They are legitimate, and provide you with some very interesting ways of making money other than surveys. 

But you won't end up earning much at all. Keep reading to find out about better alternatives. 

Rating: 35/100

Recommended: No!. 

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?



What Is Panel Champ?

Panel Champ (PanelChamp.com), founded in 2018 and previously known as Quest Mindshare while under the ownership of Quest Global Research Group prior to being rebranded as Panel Champ after being acquired by Cint AB who are headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. 

They are Survey Panel site that features short online surveys with an occasional opportunity to take part in longer, more extensive and higher paying surveys.   

What is particularly interesting is that Panel Champ works with some well known brands and companies like CNN, Disney, Coca Cola, Ford, Ikea, Honda, Budweiser, Cisco and CBS to name only a few. 

Similar sites to, and competitors of PanelChamp.com include:

  1. PureProfile
  2. Product Report Card
  3. Surveyeah
  4. Swagbucks
  5. SurveyOn
  6. Opinion World
  7. Survey Time

These are all reasonable and viable alternatives to Panel Champ should you want to check them out.

But before you do make sure you get the low down on this platform first!. 

Affiliate Marketing

How Does Panel Champ Work?

Panel Champ, ultimately is owned, operated and run by a market research company. They get paid by their clients that are well known brands and businesses to conduct upon their behalf market research to help them to discover what they are doing right, what they are making a right mess of, and what they need to be doing more of. 

In short, 

Their goal is to help their clients to improve their products and services by better understanding their target audience. 

This market intelligence helps them to improve their business, gain more sales and if executed well reduce their marketing costs while getting more sales. 

Your role is in this is super simple - you complete their surveys as best as you can and in exchange you will get paid. 

Who Is Panel Champ For?

Panel Champ is available to residents and citizens in 17 different countries which are: US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Norway, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden, India, Japan, China, Indonesia and The Philippines. 

To take part you must be over the age of 16. 

Other users of Panel Champ is of course the businesses and brands that seeking to improve their knowledge of their market and how their products are seen by their target audience.

Panel Champ is not a fantastic way of making money.  

My Top Recommendation will help you to make real money online in a sustainable fashion thanks to their proven method, system and first class training. 

How To Get Started With Panel Champ

To get started with Panel Champ just select your country from the drop down menu that you see on the centre of the screen on their home page. 

This will take you to their country specific registration page. On this page you will find a brief registration form to fill out. 

Simply just fill out the form. You will then receive an email with a confirmation link - just click that line and then proceed to complete your profile information. 

When you have got to and completed your profile information you are ready to get started!. 

How Do You Make Money With Panel Champ?

Surprisingly you some very interesting options and ways of making money with with Panel Champ that are out with regular surveys, which, naturally are the main way of earning money with Panel Champ. 

1. Completing Online Surveys

Naturally the main way of earning money with a survey site is by completing online surveys. One of the plus points to this particular site is the wide range of different survey types and topics meaning they can be more stimulating than just filling out surveys that are of the same topic. 

Most of the surveys pay only a mediocre amount but once in a while you will see longer higher paying survey, but these are very rare. 

2. Online Polls

Panel Champ has some very interesting Polls that you can earn from. These are very simple survey questions, multiple choice questions. Most take just a couple of seconds to complete. 

It is very common for surveys sites to have quick polls. 

3. Video Feedback

From time to time you will see the option of reviewing videos and giving feedback. Most of these will be video adverts and trailers. 

Either way it is a nice fun and very easy way of earning and a nice break from regular surveys. 

4. Music Feedback

This was music to my ears! All you need to do with this task is to listen to music and provide some feedback. It required some experience in the music industry to qualify, but if you get the chance to take part do it!. 

This is fairly similar to the music review site Slice The Pie

How Much Can You Earn With Panel Champ?

From what  have seen in my investigation of this site, the amount you can earn per survey and the frequency of surveys being available I can see you earning more pennies than pounds!. 

As a survey site this one is definitely on the lower end. At most, and assuming you are highly active on the site you will be able to earn US$25 to US$30 per month. 

How Do You Get Paid By Panel Champ?

You have choice of getting paid by Gift Card or PayPal - meaning your only option for cash is PayPal.

The minimum pay out threshold for PayPal is US$12.50. If, for any reason you wish to exchange your amazon gift cards for cash you can do so using CardCash

Panel Champ Review, Is Panel Champ A Scam?  #OnlineSurveys #WorkFromHome Low Income Opportunity Please Retweet To Help Warn Others!

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Panel Champ Income Proof

I searched for some income proof for Panel Champ, hardly surprising I drew a blank. 

It is very rare for users of surveys sites to post income proof - if you see a survey site doing that examine them closely to ensure they are genuine. 

Is Panel Champ Accredited By The BBB?

I beat the drum of internet safety and security loudly and proudly!. 

I encourage you to be safe online and always do you homework, look for independent reviews, do your background check and ensure that any site that you are legitimately interested in is safe and sound. 

While I did find a listing for Quest Mind Share - the former owner it is not accurate to list their rating at the Better Business Bureau. 

Unfortunately I could not find a listing for Panel Champ nor Cint AB their new owner. By default their status with the BBB is unaccredited and not rated.

Panel Champ Reviews And Complaints

I examined my fellow peers for their Panel Champ Reviews and found their reviews to good, accurate and very informative. 

They telling their readers that Panel Champ is a legitimate survey site and one that you can make money with. 


They are failing to tell their readers that the income is on the very low side.  

On Trust Pilot they are rated at 3.1, there are no reviews on Site Jabber or Foxy Rating.

There is a very concerning complaint made, which I'd like to bring to your attention. I have reproduced it below as evidence and for you to read. 

Panelchamp Complaints

What I Liked About Panel Champ

There are a few things that I like about Panel Champ which are: 

  • It is free and easy to join. 
  • You can earn money with Panel Champ.
  • You can get paid by PayPal. 
  • There are other options for earning other than just taking surveys.

What I Did Not Like About Panel Champ

There were some things that I simply did not like about Panel Champ, which were: 

  • This is a low income opportunity. 
  • You only have one option for getting cash - PayPal. 
  • Completing your profile survey can take forever!.
WA Success CTA

Can You Make Money With Panel Champ?


There is little to doubt the fact that you can indeed make money with this platform, just be fully aware that you are only going to be able to earn some pocket change. 

Affiliate Marketing

Is Panel Champ A Scam Or Legit?

No, I am absolutely confident that Panel Champ is not a scam. 

I have seen nothing at all that would suggest illegal activity like fraud or deception by this site. I can say that in my opinion that Panel Champ is legitimate.

Panel Champ Alternatives

There are plenty of alternatives to Panel Champ that you can consider. Here is a list of the 7 highest paying survey sites:

  1. SurveySavvy.
  2. Toluna
  3. Survey Junkie.
  4. Panda Research
  5. Pinecone Research.
  6. Harris Poll Online
  7. Vindale Research.

You are free to try any or all of those site, but first let me tell you that you are unlikely to earn much more than US$70 to US$90 dollar per month for 60 to 90 hours completing surveys. 

You would be far better off trying any of the following: 

if you are anything like how I am you will not be excited about selling more of your free time for a few measly bucks, more lousy work mates and narky boss. 

Thankfully there is something much better for you to consider. 

A Much Better Alternative 

Something much more interesting and more enjoyable is working for yourself building your own successful online business. 

By far the best business model is affiliate marketing as the start up costs are low, you have no stock to buy or manage, no orders to take or process and you can end up with an unlimited passive income. 

Affiliate marketing is very simply helping interested buyer to purchase a product that they are interested in. When that happens you earn a commission!.

The commission can be either a one off payment or an ongoing recurring payment.    

The process of making money with affiliate marketing is very easy to understand and learn. At the very heart of it is a simple 4 step process as shown below: 

4 Step Process To Making Money Online

To give you a helping hand with the first step I'll list for just some ideas that you can build your website around. All of these website topics are capable of earning a full time income and more. 

Travel luggage, patio heaters, Power Tools, Solar Power, Beauty, Power Generators, Photography, Fishing, Sports, Drones, Gaming, Smart Homes, web hosting, Interior Design, AR Headsets, Yoga, VR Headsets, Pet care, Golf, Anti RF wallets, Fashion, Meditation, Parenting, Fitness, Garden Furniture, Aquariums, wearable technology, cycling, Standing desktops and home gyms.

Anything you can think of can make a great niche. Start with something that you are passionate about, like a hobby for example. 

If you are determined to succeed and willing to put in an effort to build an income producing digital asset Then Click Here To Create Your FREE Starter Account Now!. As a bonus and to keep you on track I am giving away FREE Unlimited Mentoring And Coaching to keep you on the right track. 

My Panel Champ Review - The Final Conclusion

Panel Champ is, in my opinion a complete waste of your time!. The are legitimate and what we would call above board but they are not going to earn you anything significant at all!. 

It my suggestion that you forget all about Panel Champ and low earning survey sites and give some serious though to building a digital asset of your own, something that you can and will end up earning a full time income from.  

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How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way for making money in the digital world both for those just starting out and those that are semi experienced. 

It is not a get rich quick way of earning a living; it is more what I would call building a sustainable business online that can be profitable year after year for many years to come.

The reasons are simple:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face to face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No huge investment involved - (Get started for $19!)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!. 

In fact...

I have created and built a regular mid 4 figure passive monthly income and fully enjoy a life of travel to where I want and when I want, with no boss to answer to and zero annoying co-workers!.

I completely enjoy life on my own terms and work when I choose to, not when I have to!. 

This is all thanks to Affiliate Marketing!

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To emulate what I have achieved, real freedom and a passive income stream, click that red button below and watch the video that I have prepared for you. 

Because YOU WANT TO Work For Yourself. The Question Is: Are You Going To TAKE ACTION?!?

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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