
How To Get Your Money Back From A Scam

How To Get Your Money Back From A Scam

Have you been scammed and wondering How To Get Your Money Back From A Scam? 

Then this article will detail some known strategies and techniques that you can apply to claw back some of your lost and hard earned cash. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a legitimate way to make money online Test Drive My #1 Recommended Product For FREE!. 

Are you ready to fight back against those scammers and get your money back? 

Keep reading!.

How To Get Your Money Back From A Scam - Contact Your Bank!

  • 1. Collate And Gather All The Documentation Relating To The Scam And Scammer

Before you walk into your scheduled appointment with your bank, gather and collate all the information that you have in relation to the scam and scammer. 

This should include printouts of the following

  1. All email correspondence
  2. All text Messages
  3. Any interaction on social media 
  4. Calls made from mobile/land line phones and approximate duration. 
  5. Financial details if necessary including amounts and destination accounts that money was transferred to and when. Even if electronically to other means such as paypal.

It is important that you do not delete any communication and keep the original emails. You can store those in a special folder in your email account. 

There can be some information in the header when printed out that can help. Assist your bank by having the print outs in chronological order and mark them for ease of following. 

It would be good practice to have two copies, one for you and one for your bank. 

Include all the information that you have about the scammers, even if you have doubts, tell your suspicions. 

  • 2. Call Your Credit Card Company Or Bank. 

Get in contact with your bank and/or credit card issuing company and inform them about the scam. More often than not they have dedicated fraud line and staffed experienced in this area. 

This you must do with in 30 days of the transaction. 

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  • 3. Give All The Information That You Have About The Scam To Your Bank And Credit Card Company

Be as relaxed, calm and as factual as you can, while providing the details and the facts in the exact order that they happened. 

If you made multiple transactions, be prepared to be questioned and to explain those transactions. 

Get the following details: 

  • The full name and ID of the customer service representative that you are speaking with. 
  • How you can send the credit card company or bank a copy of the physical documentation relating to the scam. 
  • Request a physical transcription of the conversation you have with the credit card company/bank over the phone and have it sent to you.

Do keep a record of and request copies all conversations that you have relating to your case. 

  • 4. Answer As Accurately As You Can Any Questions That You Are Asked

It is likely that the credit card company or bank will start an investigation into the fraud and ask you a number of questions about the scam. 

Answer all questions as best and as accurately as you can.

It is probable that in order to get your money back from a scam you will need to provide a police report. 

  • 5. Stay On The Ball! 

If your bank or credit card company has not got back to you inside 30 days then you need to contact them.

The Law in the UK, Canada and the US stipulates that they must at the very least acknowledge your complaint and start an investigation in that time frame. 

The banks and credit card company's must resolve the issue in 60-90 days of your complaint.

This is not a guarantee of ruling in your favour and giving you a refund, it is just an obligation that either way the case must be resolved in this time frame. 

If they rule against you, you still have the option of legal action and consumer protection agencies. 

  • 6. File A Complaint With The Relevant Government Agencies

Assuming you have provided detailed evidence of the scam to your bank and or credit card company, it is possible that they are legally obliged to refund you your money.

This is why keeping detailed chronologic account of everything, including transcriptions of conversations had with customer service staff. 

If you reside in the US you can make your complaint here https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/

In the UK trading standards and Citizens Advice Bureau would be two good places to ask for information. 

Usually you will have a response in 14 to 21 days. 

At this point you can take your documentation to a lawyer, my advice would be to go for one that offers a free initial consulation and bring along your documentation to help them make a sound judgement. 

No win no fee could be a good option here. 

How To get Your Money Back From A Scam - File A Police Report

Although this second option is not particularly going to actually get your money back unless action is taken and they catch the scammer. 

Filing a police report is an integral part of getting your money back from a scam as it will absolutely be requested by your bank or credit card company

  • Call your local Police Station on their non-emergency line and enquire about making a complaint and where you should go and when. 
  • Don't call 911 or 999 or 112 as it is non-emergency!.

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It is possible that your local police department have a specialist fraud department and/or financial crimes division that handle cases like yours. 

Again, you should go along with your collated folio or dossier of information printed out and sorted into chronological order relating to the crime. With such details the police are more likely to investigate rather than a "he said she said" hearsay case. 

The documentation that you have is evidence of a crime. If they locate and catch the scammer you can claim your money back via the court system. 

When the policeman or woman takes your report get their details, name and badge number as this is something you will need when collecting your police report when it is complete. 

When you do get the official police report make a few copies of it, you will need it when dealing with your bank and credit card company and consumer protection agencies. 

Don't forget to file your complaint to the FTC using their complaints assistant

The FTC might not be able to help you much, but you will be doing a lot of good by informing them and helping prevent others from being scammed. 

I actively inform the FTC of all scams that I uncover while conducting reviews on this site. 

My Top Recommendation will help you to make real money online in a sustainable fashion thanks to their proven method, system and first class training and will lead to you building up a passive income source. 

Create A FREE Account Here!

While you are building up your online business and passive income, you can work from home as a freelance transcriptionist, Proofreader or Teaching English.

If You Have Paid By Paypal Do This!

If you have not got your money back from a requested refund, which has happened to me a couple of times, you can contact Paypal and open a dispute with Paypal. 

It is a very simple process. You must do this within 180 days of the disputed transaction. 

  1. Login to Paypal 
  2. "Under report A Problem" click "dispute a transaction"
  3. Click the transaction in question and then click continue. Select "item dispute"

The seller will have 20 days to resolve the issue with you. 

If you do not come to a resolution you have the option of escalating to a claim. 

  1. Login to your paypal account
  2. Click on your dispute and then click file a claim.  

Getting Your Money Back From A Scammer

Chances are when it comes to most scams it is likely that you have just bought a hyped up BS product that it is from a company like JV Zoo, Click Better Or Click Bank. 

As in many cases when it comes to those products you are not actually buying from the product owner themselves but from the marketplace's that I have mentioned. 

The easiest way of identifying this is the receipt that you were sent by email or revisiting the product page a scrolling down to the bottom or top of the page and seeing the details related to the marketplace. 

The example below, the product is Freedom HQ sold by a private individual on the clickbank marketplace. 

You will also be able to see who the marketplace was by checking your bank and/or credit card statement. 

How To Get Your Money Back From A Scam

The terms and conditions of clickbank, JV Zoo and Click Better are usually 60 day no questions asked money back guarantee. 

You just need to contact the customer support of the marketplace to get your refund processed. 

Contact The Vendor Directly

Believe it or not, most product owners are not all that fussy when it comes to asking for a refund. 

They may ask you to forward proof of purchase like a copy of your receipt and that is all. 

If you don't hear from them within 5 days (my time own time limit). Then just tell them you will contact the marketplace and take legal action. 

I have found that usually they will sing like canary and process your refund right away as they fear repercussion or getting kicked off the marketplace. Either way you get your refund pretty quickly!. 

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Warn Others About Your Experience!.

There are a number of complaints boards that you can let off steam and warn others about your experience, including filing an official complaint with the FTC, The Better Business Bureau, Rip Off Report, and countless others. 

By filing complaints you are helping many other and get good karma in return. You can also leave comments on blogs that are promoting such scams!.  

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Avoiding Scams In The Future

We all get scammed, I've been scammed before - too many times in fact!. 

I'm not ashamed to admit that. It is having been scammed that made me sceptical of online opportunities and learn how to investigate such opportunities. 

There are a few golden rules I stand by to avoid scams: 

  1. If all the talk is about money and how much you can make - avoid it. 
  2. If there are no details on how you will make the huge inflated sums of money - avoid it!
  3. If there is no solid and verifiable income proof - Avoid It. 
  4. If there is a lot of Hype and "razzmatazz" - Avoid it!. 
  5. No option of using paypal - avoid it!
  6. If it sounds too good to be true..it probably is!
  7. Never buy on impulse
  8.  A US$47 (or US$99) product is not going to teach you how to earn thousands in the next 7 days.
  9. No Free Trail No thank you!.

Those are my 9 golden rules of avoiding online scams. Particularly numbers 1 and 2. unsubstituted income is a huge give away - and is usually an illegal advertising practice that is frowned upon - regardless of how much or how little is claimed in how short or how long a time frame. 

Nobody can guarantee you an income from any particular program. 

This is actually what made me take a no brainer chance on what is now my top choice for learning the process of how to make money online. 

No claims in regards to earnings were made, I even asked a few members all I could get out of them was..."I can't tell you how much you can earn, there are so many variables at play all I can tell you is that if you apply the training you will make money". 

You can't get more authentic than that!.

How To Get Your Money Back From A Scam   - The Final Conclusion

You have learned a few techniques and methods to get your hard money back from a scam. 

To rest assured if you have been cheated out of your money then you should consider that not all is lost and do what you can to get your money back.

Your first port of call should be the scammer themselves and try to come to an agreement, secondly if it is some shoddy product you have the marketplace to get in contact with and then you can escalate to official levels with the police and your bank. 

By far the best way is to become educated and avoid getting scammed and do your research before buying.

We live in the information age and there is nothing wrong with being an informed consumer. 

Before you - I invite you to try out my top recommended product with a FREE Trial. As bonus get expert mentoring and coaching from me. 

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How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way for making money in the digital world both for those just starting out and those that are semi experienced. 

The reasons are pretty simple:

  • No huge startup costs!
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  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passions!
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In fact...

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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