
Hiving Review – Is Hiving Worth It?

Hiving Review Featured

Welcome To My Hiving Review!. 

Hiving is a very interesting site that is often mistakenly classified as a survey site.

Due to the varying other task in which you can earn money from on JoinHiving.com I prefer to call them a rewards site as you are rewarded for completing various task and not only online surveys. 

In this article I will detail JoinHiving in an independent manner focusing only of the facts and leave you to form your own opinion. 

By the time you have finished reading you will know everything that you need to know about this platform and what is required for you to make money with them, how much you can earn and how they will pay you. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams or low income opportunities and looking for a legitimate and proven way of making money Try My #1 Recommended Program Today!. 

Are you ready to rock'n'roll and dig down and find out all you need to know about Hiving and how to make money money with them? 


Then stay tuned and keep reading!.

Hiving Review 

Product Name: Hiving

Founder(s): Operated by Hiving, founder unknown. 

Product Type: Rewards Site. 

Price: Free To Join.

Best For: Nobody. 

Hiving Review

Summary: Hiving looks like a very interesting and great site due to the additional ways in which you can make money with them but there are some very concerning complaints that I draw your attention to. There are a number of ways that you can earn money from Hiving and they will pay you by Paypal but how much?

Rating: 20/100

Recommended: No!. 

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?



What Is Hiving Surveys?

Hiving (JoinHiving.com), founded in 2012 and headquartered in Paris, France, are an online survey panel that expanded to include more tasks to help their users to earn money online with them. 

The tasks you can earn money with include: 

  1. Completing Paid Surveys. 
  2. User Testing Of Products.
  3. Taking Micro Jobs.
  4. Their Sweepstakes.
  5. The Hiving Referral Program

Currently Hiving is available for citizens in 50+ countries worldwide. Just Click the "Choose Your Country" Text on their homepage to see if your country is on the list.

They offer you a variety of payment methods for getting paid and thankfully have low and easy to obtain minimum payout thresholds. 

Similar sites and competitors to JoinHiving.com include: 

  1. 20 Cogs.
  2. Rewarding Ways
  3. CinchBucks
  4. Keep Rewarding
  5. Ysense.
  6. Opinion World
  7. Enjeo.
These are are all viable alternatives to Hiving that you are free to try out - but first get the low down on this opportunity and find out if it is worth your while or not!
Affiliate Marketing

How Does Hiving Work?

Hiving is owned and operated by a French Market Research Company whose main goal and business model is to help their clients to improve their marketing campaigns and profitability. 

This is where you come in, your participation in their surveys helps their client base to better understand their marketing campaigns which aids their clients and their own business objectives.

The additional tasks like Micro Jobs and Product Testing work by means of them using the agency business model and being the middleman between you and the tasks that need completion. 

For every task that you complete they will earn revenue, a portion of which will be shared with you. 

Who Is Hiving For?

Hiving is available in 50+ countries and for anyone, male or female aged over 18 years old or more for most countries but does vary, I have seen as low as 15 for some. You will have to look at their terms and conditions for a list of the minimum age for each country. 

One of the stand out benefits I have seen with Hiving is the ability to have the surveys and task in your own language and currency by selecting your country which is unlike other similar platforms operating internationally but only in English. 

Hiving is also for businesses and brands that are seeking to grow their market share and expand their audience. 

How To Get Started With Hiving

Getting started with Hiving is simple you can either join by email using the form on their home page or sign up directly using your Facebook Account. 

If you join by email you will need to confirm your email address. 

You next step is to then complete your profile information and getting ready to complete some tasks and get paid for them. 

How Do You Make Money With Hiving?

Making money with Hiving is as easy as completing as many of the 5 tasks that they have available on their site, which are: 

  1. Completing Paid Surveys. 
  2. Their Sweepstakes.
  3. User Testing Of Products.
  4. Taking Micro Jobs.
  5. The Hiving Referral Program.

As smart and clued up individual you will know to start with the highest paying tasks and then work your way down the list to the lower paying ones. 

1. Completing Paid Surveys

Being a survey site that expanded to include other tasks naturally you can expect that they have some surveys for you to complete. 

You can check frequently for when surveys become available, in the most part they will email you when a survey becomes available. 

You will be informed as how long each survey should take you on average but rather strangely no mention of how much you will earn for completing the survey. 

All 300+ survey sites that I have reviewed to day tell you how much you will be paid prior to deciding to take part (or not) in the survey. 

To find out how much you will earn for a survey you will need to check on their website as this information is not provided in the emails.

There are not so many surveys available for the average person, around 3 to 4 per week at most. 

Each survey you will need to qualify for by taking a pre-qualifying survey. Naturally, some you will be disqualified for. It's nothing personal it only means that you did not meet the target audience for that particular survey. 

2. Their Sweepstakes 

Once every so often there is a sweepstake that you can take part in. There is no indication as to when the sweepstakes are or any form of regularity to them. 

To participate you need to keep an eye on the members area where they will be announced. Taking part will cost you some of your hard earned points which is not something I like to see at all as it is encouraging gambling and to a degree gamification of the platform. 

Many other rewards sites the participation is free and only requires you to be active on their site - thus not encouraging gambling which is more palatable in my opinion. 

3. Product Testing

Product Testing a new feature added that allows you earn for testing products and providing feedback. 

....And as a bonus you get to the product for keeps!. It has to be said though this is not available globally and only in select countries. 

Product Testing, on its own is a legitimate way of earning money as there are a few specialist sites like: 

  1. User Testing
  2. Validately
  3. American Consumer Opinion
  4. Slice The Pie

If you see product testing available jump in give it ago, get paid and grab yourself a free product!. 

4. Micro Jobs

Micro Jobs is a fun way of earning some extra money for completing short, quick and easy tasks that can range from completing captchas, leaving comments, checking websites for errors and a variety of data entry Jobs. 

The micro jobs are not provided by Hiving themselves but by a 3rd party provider Figure Eight, who are owned by Appen

The pay tends to be low when you get started and the tasks you are limited to are the lowly ones. Once you build up a trust rating you can rise and get better paying tasks unlocked and available to you . 

Other viable specialist micro jobs sites include: 

  1. Picoworker.
  2. Clickworker. 
  3. Amazon Mechanical Turk.
  4. Microworkers.
  5. FOAP

Longer term if you manage to stick at it micro jobs could lead to a being a reasonable side gig. 

5. The Hiving Referral Program

This referral program is very disappointing as the majority of the programs with other rewards site pay you and percentage, typically 10% to 20% of what your referral's earnings are, without affecting their income. 

Here you are only awarded 600 points per referral which is currently only 60 cents with no percentage of their earnings as a bonus. 

How Much Can You Earn With Hiving?

How you can earn is going to very depending on your location as more tasks will be available to you for you to complete. 

Also a large contributing factor will be how active you are on the platform.

After investigating this site and my experience of reviewing 300+ other similar sites I can estimate that with reasonable amount of effort and tasks being available to you will be able to earn around US$60 or so per month for around 50 to 60 hours of effort. 

How Do You Get Paid By Hiving?

Once you have accumulated enough points you can then exchange them for cash, use them to take part in their sweepstakes, gift them to a friend or a charity. 

To get cash you are limited to only using PayPal. Minimum pay out threshold is 1,000 points which is US$1.00 or 4,000 points US$4.00 for PayPal. 

Hiving Review, Is Hiving A Scam?  #GPT #RewardSite Low Income Opportunity Please Retweet To Help Warn Others!

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Hiving Income Proof

I have not seen any Hiving income proof and I am unlikely to either. Sites of this nature and their users are really not into the habit of posting income proofs as the earnings are usually low. 

Is Hiving Accredited By The BBB?

I am always encouraging readers to be proactive in their background checks and staying safe online. 

As little thanks for checking my independent reviews I always check out their listing and rating with the Better Business Bureau. 

Due to being a French company Hiving are not subject to the BBB and are not listed on their database. Their official standing, if there was to be one would be unaccredited and not rated. 

Hiving Reviews And Complaints

I checked out the top 10 Hiving Reviews on google by website owners and bloggers. This group of reviewers appeared to be reviewing independently with one or two being affiliates for the site. 

They are all of the opinion that the Hiving is legitimate and is not a scam but is also a low income opportunity. 

Users of Trust Pilot Rate it poorly at 2.3 Stars, 104 reviewers on Foxy Rating Rate Hiving at 2.4 Stars. There are no ratings on Site Jabber for this platform. 

The most common complaint is quite concerning - not getting paid. 

Hiving Surveys Reviews

What I Liked About Hiving

There are something that I did like about Hiving which were: 

  • It's free to join and you can make money with them. 
  • They are an international opportunity.
  • You can get paid by PayPal. 
  • There are many different ways for you to make money with them.

What I Did Not Like About Hiving

There are a few things that I did not like about Hiving which were: 

  • There is a lack of payment options. 
  • Earnings are limited with this platform. 
  • You are not likely to earn at All that much with them.
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Can You Make Money With Hiving?


It is very clear that you can earn money with hiving, this is not in any doubt but your are only likely to earn a sideline income and nothing significant. 

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Is Hiving A Scam Or Legit?

There are some claims that Hiving are a scam due to some irate reviewers claiming not to have been paid by the platform and that they are very unresponsive to emails. 

Despite this I can't prove beyond a doubt that this site is a scam or committing fraud in any particular way. A couple of complaints is not enough to go by. 

I'll err with caution and say that they are not a scam as it cannot be proven, you too I advise caution not only in regards to the allegations but the low pay also!. 

Hiving Alternatives

Viable alternatives to Hiving are the short list of the 7 best and highest paying rewards sites below: 

  1. EarnHoney
  2. Timebucks
  3. Fusion Cash
  4. WowApp
  5. SendEarnings
  6. Earnably
  7. Swagbucks

These are what I consider to be the top rewards sites on the internet yet you will still need to labour away for around 80 to 90 hours to earn around US$100 per month making them not worth your time nor effort. 

you will be far better off doing any of the following: 

I'm sure that if you are anything like I am you not looking to trade more of your free time for money or get another bunch on annoying work mates and a pain the butt boss!. 

A Much Better Alternative 

A far better idea is to start your own successful online business. I have a preference for affiliate marketing as unlike full on eCommerce, Amazon FBA or drop shipping I don't need to handle or manage any stock or process orders. 

I am just the middleman between the interested buyer and the seller. When I manage to match the two up and help the buyer to make a purchasing decision I earn a commission. 

The websites that I run are my invisible salesmen that work 24/7/365 without taking a day off!. 

Affiliate marketing is also very easy to learn, it all comes down to a very easy 4 step process as indicated below: 

4 Step Process To Making Money Online

Can you see just how super easy that looks? 


You can build a profitable website around any topic be it Pets, Golf, Fishing, Drones, Laptops & Tablets, Interior design, Fashion, Power Tools, Green Living, Solar Power, Beauty, Photography, food and cooking, Travel, Sports, MakeUp, Parenting, Smart homes, Wearable Technology, VR headsets, AR Headsets, dating, car maintenance, musical instruments, health, frugal living, camping, fitness and computer software. 

You can build an income producing website that leads to a full time income and a more around any topic that you wish to. 

My advice is that you build one around a topic that you are passionate about as when you are building your business it will not feel like you are working at all and earning a living from something you are highly passionate about will feel like your lifes calling. 

If you are determined to succeed and dedicated to building an income producing digital asset then Click Here And Get Your FREE Starter Account Now!. As Bonus I am giving away UNLIMITED FREE Mentoring And Coaching to keep you focused and on the right track. 

My Hiving Review - The Final Conclusion

Hiving is in my opinion not a scam and is something that I do not recommend due to the low income potential. 

Rewards sites and survey sites can be fun and easy ways of earning a few bucks here and there but that is all you will be earning - a few bucks. 

My suggestion is to move forward forget about rewards sites and survey sites and seek out earning a full time income from something that you are passionate about, a hobby, a passion or personal interest. 

Do this and life will be much more enjoyable. 

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How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way for making money in the digital world both for those just starting out and those that are semi experienced. 

It is not a get rich quick way of earning a living; it is more what I would call building a sustainable business online that can be profitable year after year for many years to come.

The reasons are simple:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No selling face to face!
  • No stock to keep or manage!
  • No recruitment involved!
  • No taking of endless surveys!
  • No huge investment involved - (Get started for $19!)
  • And no working for someone else!
  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full-time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!. 

In fact...

I have created and built a regular mid 4 figure passive monthly income and fully enjoy a life of travel to where I want and when I want, with no boss to answer to and zero annoying co-workers!.

I completely enjoy life on my own terms and work when I choose to, not when I have to!. 

This is all thanks to Affiliate Marketing!

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To emulate what I have achieved, real freedom and a passive income stream, click that red button below and watch the video that I have prepared for you. 

Because YOU WANT TO Work For Yourself. The Question Is: Are You Going To TAKE ACTION?!?

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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