
20+ First Blog Post Examples That Will Get You Wild Traffic!

First Blog Post Examples Featured

In this article I will show you some First Blog Post Examples and ideas for you to get kick starting and boot strapping yourself into the world of blogging. 

And that is where it all starts - Your Very First Blog Post!. I remember my first one, distinctly. Pretty awesome, ranked bang in no 6 for a low competition keyword. 


Low competition or not, an epic job considering I outranked an article by Harvard University!. 

We have all been there, You, Me, John Morrow, Yaro Starak, Jeff Bullas, Pat Flynn, to name a few. The nerve wracking "what should I write about in my first blog post" kind of thing. 

Awesome First Blog Post Examples! #BloggingTips #Blogging 

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I just kept it on topic in regards to what my blog is about and let my keyword research, and article research do the "talking".

Now-a-days, being far more experienced and know what I am doing I can pretty much drive crazy traffic and social shares to the first blog post that I make for a new blog. 

Given that with a passion for the topic what to write about is never really going to be an issue, neither really is the content of the article, given again a passion and expertise for the subject of which you wish to blog about. 

If ever you are, you can always refer to this article about First Blog Post Examples, to keep you on the right track.

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First Blog Post Examples That Drive Awesome Traffic!

Let's get right down to the nitty gritty and get talking about some pretty awesome first blog post ideas that rock and drive incredible traffic. 

Firstly, I very much advise that you take notes always! these days there is really no excuse as we all have a smart phone and can easily and readily take notes on some app or another. When you get ideas for a blog post be it your first one or whatever - jot it down - physically or digitally!. 

20+ Ideas For Your First Blog Post

  • Write An Ultimate Guide!

This is very much something I always do for a very first blog post these days, a series of 6-9 10,000 word ultimate guides. 

The reason being I want my ultimate guides published and out of the way as soon as I can and of course ranking for hundreds of keywords and pulling in both traffic and links. 

However, this not something I advise you do unless you are an experienced blogger and have a firm grasp of on page SEO. 

  • Create A Template 

Create a template that is of use to your audience and teach how to use the template and get the very best out of it. 

BOX OUT: The Absolute Essentials That You Will Need For Starting A Blog Today

  • Join My 7 Day Free Course and discover all that you need to know to build a successful blog!
  • Sign up for A Free Account With They Guy's that taught me! And Get Full Success Coaching And Assistance from me!.
  • If you plan on building an email list And Properly Owning Your Traffic, start a free trial of ConvertKit
Templates is agreat idea and example for a first blog post
  • Create A Blog Post Sharing Stats, Numbers And Figures 

People are suckers for statistics. Create an informative blog post in relation the the latest number and figures related to the topic of your blog. 

  • Quotes 

Don't quote me on this but...people love quotes. Create an entire blog post dedicated to quotes by famous or well known bloggers in your industry or famed quotes about the subject matter of your blog. 

You can also make a blog post in regards to inspirational, motivational and success quotes, which are incredibly popular for everyone. 

I recommend And Suggest that you bookmark this guide and article (Ctrl +D) so that you can come back to it and start reading where you left off and not miss out on any of the awesome tips and techniques 

Better still, take a few seconds to sign up for my 7 day 100% Free E-course on blogging and you will get absolutely everything you need to succeed delivered via email over the next week!

  • Be A Myth Buster!

You can write a whole post dispelling crazy rumours, myths or outright BS in regards to your niche topic. 

Set the facts straight. People love that!. 

  • Perform And Publish Research

Again, people love facts and figures, I certainly know and personally confirm that I am a sucker for research related to personal interests of mine.

  • Tell Your Audience Your Particular Way Of Doing Something

There are always certain thinks and skills that you do in relation to the subject of your blogs that will help your audience. 

For example, on this blog I show my particular way of Niche Research, Finding Keywords, Getting more traffic and doing SEO

Do you have a particular way in which you do something in regards to your niche topic? 


Write about it!. Help your audience!. 

Show Your Way Of Doing Something First Blog Post Examples
  • Share A Particular Tactic Or Technique That You Use To Get Results!

This something that could become wildly popular amongst your crowd and audience, particularly if it helps them to get the results that they desire.

Name it, give it particularly catchy name and if you are lucky you could be associated with the technique and elevate your status in the niche. Akin to Brian Dean and the Skyscraper Technique. 

The technique I particularly like to talk about from time to time is what I call the Spanish Inquisition Technique - Find the questions your audience is asking and answer them. 

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  • Create A Time Saving Template Or Checklist!

This is something that I see quite often in many niches and not so much in others. People, us blogger too! want to save time and do something in an efficient time saving way. 

....And if you are anything like me, a good old fashioned checklist is handy to make sure nothing is missed out. These make for great first blog post examples

Personally, just above my work station at clear eye level is an On Page SEO Checklist that I got from some site! 

...Proof in the pudding they do come in handy!. 

  • Make A List Of Techniques, Tactics And Methods Used By Other Known Experts!. 

There will be in your niche a particular group of people that are associated with a specific technique that helps readers to get awesome results. One such example in the Blogging industry I mentioned is the Skyscraper Technique by Brian Dean, Another Keyword Golden Ration By Doug Cunnington. 

Make a list of the experts, techniques and mention the use and benefit of such techniques. 

  • Show Your Audience How They Can Make Money In Your Niche

A light bulb will strike off in many of your readers mind "I can do that" and they probably will, and will certainly appreciate your help, appreciate your planting of the seed in their mind. 

Also, I can personally testify, it is very satisfying helping people to set up their own successful niche sites and how to make money with a blog that makes a sustainable and sizeable income for them. 

It might come as no surprise to you, but people do love to make money from their passions. 

Because You Know You Need To Get On The Right Path To Build A Sustainable And Successful Blog!. The Question Is: How Hard Are You Willing To Work To Earn Your Freedom?!?

  • Find The Questions That Your Crowd Is Asking And Create A Great Introductory Blog Post!

Create a great and lengthy introductory blog post in regards to answering the most common questions that are being asked by your target audience. Find 5 - 7 questions and create 5-7 posts, one each of each question and answer it in detail - better than anyone else has to date. 

Do this well and you could end up being featured in the coveted position zero in the search results page. 

And get a ton of traffic for your efforts!. 

  • Write An Analysis Of The Prominent Bloggers In Your Niche Area

A great introductory blog post example could certainly be a full analysis of the very top bloggers in your market and say what it is about them that makes them particularly successful. Mention them, and you might just get a shout out or a link to your article from them. 

  • Create A Highly Detailed FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions Post

This as per above, can indeed end up being a traffic magnet with some of the popular questions that are being asked in your niche being featured in position zero. 

You can find the questions easily using ​Buzz Sumo or AnswerThePublic 


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  • Write About Free or Very Low Cost Products Or Training That Could Help Your Followers

It goes without saying, in a particular hobby, past time or interest people are always looking to improve their skill set and to get better. 

Low cost or introductory offers and Free products are going to scream out "hell yeah" to your audience. 

Despite my years of experience on the topic of blogging and SEO I am always looking to improve it and spend money every year on it. Cheap, good quality courses and hidden gems I don't know about are always appreciated!. 

(And you might just pick up a few bucks here and there in affiliate commissions!) Nice!. 

First Blog Post Examples

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  • Teach Your Audience About Something That You Do Regularly In Regards To Your niche That Will Help Them

You have a particular skill or have developed one by perhaps a daily routine, became particularly excellent at it. Share how you achieved that and what you do.

My particular thing is how I go into incredible detail when it comes to researching a niche to find its viability. The process is pretty easy, the detail, awesome and outstanding!.

  • Write An Expert Round Up Post!

These Are pretty awesome posts and they are very popular. Set a question and send it out to 30-40 or more of the well respected experts in your industry and feature them.

Once published, send an email to inform the participants. They might link to your or give you a lovely social media shout out and help you get traffic to the post! nice.

  • Create A Blogger Round Up Post

Similar to above but with a specific problem related to your niche ask bloggers in your market how they tackle and solve a particular problem.

  • Create A Debate Post

People love debates, so chair and present a debate of something polemic in your niche, which could be what is better A vs B or for blogging and SEO example Are PBN's good Yes Or No...and then invite parties of both camps to participate.

Chairing a debate could make for a great first blog post

  • Write A Comparison Post A Vs B

This, particularly when comparing two different products, in a review style this type of post can convert wildly into sales. Make this kind of post highly detailed and informative as you can. The devil is in the detail as they say.

This kind of post also gets a lot of traffic.

  • Create A List Post As A First Blog Post

People love lists, so much so they are nicknames listicles. Make a bigger and better one than anyone else has ever done. In fact if you can make it so large nobody dare to better it!.

You can end up with a ton of traffic!.

Warning! - F.O.M.O ALERT!

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  • Write A Best Of Post

Bets of posts are incredibly popular and like Product A Vs Product B they tend to pull in a lot of sales, particularly when you make a Best Post related to a product or type of product.

  • Hack It!

Write a hack post or list of hacks that help your crowd and readers to solve a particular problem or to do something better and quicker!.

  • Interview Known And Up and Coming People in Your Niche!

This kind of post is very good and easy to do, and people are all too happy to be interviewed, and when they are..for sure you will get a shout out on social media and pull in some good traffic.

When starting a new blog for the first year I always interview at least one blogger or respected influencer on a monthly basis.


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First Blog Post Examples - Conclusion!

You should now have plenty of idea of what to write in your first blog post thanks to the examples given. If you are ever stuck, do come back and refer to that list - there is enough to get your through your first month or two of blogging and by then - wow you ought to be well on your way!. 

What you going to do what what you have learned? Do nothing and just hope that some first blog post idea jump into your mind magically (hey, sometimes, just sometimes it does happen!). 

Or you can take action and dramatically improve your blogging skills and get absolute expert help from a whole host of thriving community members!


The community is the very best part! 3 million and counting members, that like me are all to willing to genuinely help you and support you in your journey to earning a substantial and job quitting income online. 

Despite dominating the skill and art of blogging and having several businesses online myself, I am still a member...these guys...and my support...my cheer leaders and yep they got my back. Which is great as I consider myself as only "moderate to intermediate" skill IT wise - far form an IT grad or professional.

And any issues I have...boom! I'm on there and asking my questions getting help!. 

Want To Find Out What This Super Fab Community Is And Learn How To Start A Blog The Right Way? 

Take action and pop your email in the box below!. 

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I hope that you enjoy this article and now have plenty of first blog post examples and are no longer stuck for ideas. 

If you have any questions, leave a comment below and I will get right back to you as quickly as I can. 

To Your Success And Blogging Best!


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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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