
WARNING! Email Processing Jobs ARE SCAMS!

Email Processing Jobs

WARNING! - ALL Email Processing Jobs Are A Scam!. It does not matter which company or what website you have seen it on or for "Earn US$25 for processing emails" it is a scam!. 

It is certainly a hot one on social media - I have seen this one doing the rounds on social media for at least 7 or 8 years now!.  

They are all scams, I'll prove it and show you how the scam works so that you are left in no doubt as to the criminal activity involved!. 

Before I get started...

If you are sick and tired of scams and looking for a genuine way to make money online, then Test Drive My #1 Recommended Program For FREE. 

Curious as why and how all email porcessing jobs are scams? 

Keep reading to find out!.

Email Processing Jobs Review 

Product Name: Various Email Processing Jobs

Founder(s): Various, all unknown and hidden. 

Product Type: Earning Money processing Emails

Price: US$25 "activation fee".

Best For: Nobody but the Police to investigate and shut down.

Email Processing Jobs

Summary: This is actually an age old scam dating back to the 1920's and is adapted for the digital age!. An absolute scam! All of them!. Keep reading and you will find out why!

Rating: 0/100

Recommended: No!

Because You KNOW You Deserve A Better Life. The Question Is: Will You Step Up And MAKE IT Happen?!?


What Are Email Processing Jobs?

There is a rise in the popularity over the past couple of years in the Email Processing Jobs Scam with EPS - Email Processing System being one of the more popular ones. 

Some people are, unfortunately falling hard for this scam and others swearing blind that it is a legitimate money maker!. 


It only really takes a little bit of thought and you can see that this one is far too good to be true!. 

Think about it for a second!. 


Just who is going to pay you US$25 to process emails? 


How do they legitimately make more than the US$25 per mail that you process? 

It is just not possible!. 

Besides, processing is something that gets done by software or in house for quite literally pennies per email!.

In reality this scam is a new millenia and digital age variation of the classic mail fraud dating back 100 years!. 

Making it a legitimate century old infamous scam!. 

Affiliate Marketing

How Does The Email Processing Jobs Scam Work?

There is no company on this planet that will pay you a single dollar per email to process emails - so forget about the wild claims of US$25 per email. 

That is just not going to happen at all. 

The scam normally works something like this!

1. You See An Advert Like The One Below Claiming To Pay You US$25 Per Email

Legit Email Processing Jobs

This ad tells you all you need to know to get your pulse racing and excited at the possibility of earning a wild crazy amount of money - the money is guaranteed

US$750 x 365 days = US$273, 750 per year!.

Yeah right! top end CEO and executives are going to be lucky to get that much! we are talking about a US$22,800+ per month for an unskilled job. 

One site goes as far as saying you can easily process 50 email per day and earn US$1,250 per day!. 

(if this was true I'd propose everyone to process a maximum of 2 emails per day each and end world poverty!).

Unfortunately All Email Processing Jobs Are Scams #Scam #ScamAlert Please Share to Help Warn Others

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2. You Must Pay And Activation Fee Of US$25!

And this is where the scam begins. You pay your "activation fee" to the person who's ad you seen and replied to. 

3. Spam Social Media & Public Forums With Your Ad

Time for you to make money and get posting your ad everywhere and anywhere on the internet, YouTube, FB, Twitter, Instagram, Forums, You name it!. 

Get Posting. 

Those that respond and reply send you US$25 and you, well you keep the process going by teaching them how to do the same. 

This is a cash gifting Ponzi Scheme!.

Similar Cash Gifting Schemes I have uncovered even function on a full MLM structure with uplines and downlines with no product - just cash gifting! Such examples are: 

In case you are wondering - taking part in the Email Processing Jobs Scam would make you guilty of participating in a Ponzi Scheme and of computer fraud. 

This opportunity is best forgotten about is not going to help you to earn a passive income and will end up with you losing money as these systems collapse quickly and sprout up again just as quick under a new name.

My Top Recommendation will help you to make real money online in a sustainable fashion thanks to their proven method, system and first class training and will lead to you building up a passive income source. 

Create A FREE Account Here!

While you are building up your online business and passive income, you can work from home as a freelance transcriptionistProofreader or teaching English.

Are Email Processing Jobs Accredited By The BBB?

No, there is absolutely no listing for any email processing jobs on the Better Business Bureau website at all. 

Oddly they used to have a video and warning page regarding this kind of scam, which has unfortunately disappeared!. Poor Show BBB, poor show!

However, the FTC do warn about this scam here

How Much Do Email Processing Jobs Scams Cost You?

Email processing jobs scam will cost you no more than US$25 and might, should you be unlucky and get caught and charged, well, enjoy your view from a window with bars!

What I Liked About Email Processing Jobs

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know that I am regular positive Pete and like to see the good in all things and state something positive here like a technique or skill learned...or a money back guarantee, unfortunately there is zero to say in regards to that.

There is genuinely speaking nothing good to say about Email Processing Jobs. 

What I Did Not Like About Email Processing Jobs

The biggest thing that I do not like about Email Processing Jobs is that it is a scam  and an obvious one at that. 

It gets you involved in criminal activity also, I really don't like that at all!. 

WA Success CTA

Can You Make Money With Email Processing Jobs?


Loaded question!. 

Being a man of integrity and honesty, I will not deny that you can make money with these Email Processing Scams.

I most certainly do not encourage you to take part in such scams; I in fact discourage you. You have to ask yourself the following question.

Would you be comfortable taking money from desperate hard-working people who are struggling to feed their kids just to participate in and perpetuate in a scam or would you rather find a more honest way of making money? 

Affiliate Marketing

Are Email Processing Jobs A Scam Or Legit?

Email processing jobs are a scam!. Let me say that again!

All email processing jobs are a scam!. 

My Email Processing Jobs

 Review - The Final Conclusion

In all honesty and from the bottom of my heart - you have no reason at all for taking part in any email processing scam. 

Seek out much better and more honest ways of making money online, opportunities and business models that have been around since 1996 and will do for many more decades to come. 

That business model is Affiliate Marketing. 

There is a pretty Amazing training program that I can personally testify is not only 100% legit but the very best you will find online anywhere - I know because I am a member and it is where I learned!. 

Making Money Online Is Easy CTA New

How I Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketing is my Number 1 recommended way for making money in the digital world both for those just starting out and those that are semi experienced. 

The reasons are pretty simple:

  • No huge startup costs!
  • No Selling face to face!
  • No Stock to keep or manage!
  • No huge investment involved - (Get started with a FREE TRIAL!)
  • No networking or recruiting required. 
  • You can operate in any market you wish! - even your hobbies & passions!
  • Earn a full time income & more!. No limit to your earning potential!. 

In fact...

I have created and built a regular mid 4 figure passive monthly income and fully enjoy a life of travel to where I want and when I want. With no boss to answer to and zero annoying co-workers I completely enjoy life and work when I choose to.

This is all thanks to Affiliate Marketing!

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To emulate what I have achieved, real freedom and a passive income stream, click that red button below..and watch the video that I have prepared for you. 

Because MORE MONEY IS Waiting For You. The Question Is: WILL YOU TAKE IT?!?

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Derek Marshall

Hi folks, I'm Derek and like yourself, I was struggling along in the digital world, and yes I got scammed once or twice..but not thrice!. I noticed most of these low quality programs and methods like surveys and yes...most MLM don't teach you the process nor the skills of earning money online. If you are willing to put in the effort and take the time to learn the process and the skills then do Try My #1 Recommended Program FREE For 7 Days and get personal mentoring from me as part of your bonus!.

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