
Category Archives for "Niche Ideas"

Awesome Blog Niches That Make Money – With EXAMPLES!!!

Blog Niches That Make Money

So, you are interested in making and building Blog Niches That Makes Money? yes? well, you have come to the right place.

Firstly, I gotta add and say that building out blog sites is hard work and fun, particularly if you are interested and have a genuine passion for the subject and topic of your niche.

And it can be very rewarding, particularly if and when you stick it out and see it through in the long term...and when you find the ones that are making good money!. 

Sadly nobody seems to be all secretive in regards to what niches or types of blogs are the ones that make good coin!. 

Keep reading to find which ones are very much top banging blogs to be doing just that! 

One of the saddest and most frustrating things for me personally when I see people who have a massive love and heart of blogging like I have...and they give up far too easily.

Approximately 80% of "wannabe bloggers" will give up within 3 months And 90% within the first year.

That's to say only 10% individuals that set out with great aspirations of making it online and earning money as a blogger are still going after 12 months.

The reason is success.

Everyone wants instant success, instant gratification. And in today's world of short attention span's, instant messengers and click to tweet instagram world of celebs ..everyone was instant success...but either don't want to work for it - or just don't have guts and "cojones" to see a project through and build a sustainable business.


what do YOU want?

Instant success or a sustainable income?

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How To Start A Beauty Blog And Make Money [UPDATED 2019]

How To Start A Beauty Blog And Make Money

So. you want to Learn How To Start A Beauty Blog And Make Money, right?. Sure you are awesome with cosmetics - and fashion too, maybe even a great with a certain perfume that matches certain look or occasion!. 

Basically you got it going on, and all that info you have in your brain would make for a fabulous blog full of make up tutorial and videos and so on....


You just don't know how to get started with your awesome idea - or even if it can generate a sufficient income for you!. Or how to get folks to flock to your beauty blog. Or how to monetize it!. 

#Beauty is power; a smile is its sword #Blogging

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And you most certainly don't want to waste your time, energy or effort on building a brilliant blog that might just not work - despite your amazing tutorials, beauty tips and top advice because you took some bad or poor advice about blogging and ended using the wrong techniques. 

Keep reading if you want to become a beauty blogger and make money using proven and time tested techniques that work! techniques that I use myself to build my own blogs, and soon you will be giving up the day job, firing your boss and becoming a bonafide full time successful beauty blogger. 

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In this article you will learn How To:

  • Start A Beauty Blog And Get Paid For It!
  • Find Your Beauty Niche.
  • Brand Your Blog For Maximum Effect. 
  • Generate Free Traffic To Your Blog
  • Monetize The Traffic To Your Site, And Different Monetization strategies. 
  • Find Top Affiliate Programs To Join. 
  • Top Beauty Blogs To Inspire You To Greatness.
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What Type Of Blogs Make The Most Money? – 10 Top Money Making Niches Revealed!

What Type Of Blogs Make The Most Money

So you are wondering and searching to find out What Types Of Blogs Make The Most Money? Well, congratulations you just found the right place as I will, in this article give you full on Examples Of Blogs That Make Money as well as popular and thriving Blog Topics That Make The Most Money. 


Firstly, let me ask you a little question!.

Do you know what the singularly most difficult thing is about Affiliate Marketing and Blogging is?.

"Opportunities don’t happen, you create them." Chris Grosser #BloggingTips #Quotes

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It is not finding what to blog about - I laugh in the face of that! There are literally thousands and thousands of niches out there!. 

Most definitely You can rule out a lack of keywords - Every niche has quite literally MILLIONS of keywords right there for the taking!

It is not the competition either!. Sure each and every niche has it own "King Pin" and really good top quality blogs out there but most blogs are of average quality and a lowish Authority in the sector. Meaning...you can with time rub shoulders with the "King Pins" in your niche area. 

BOX OUT: The Absolute Essentials That You Will Need For Starting An Awesome Blog Today!

  • Join My 7 Day Free Course and discover all that you need to know to build a successful blog!
  • Sign up for A Free Account With They Guy's that taught me! And Get Full Success Coaching And Assistance from me!.
  • If you plan on building an email list And Properly Owning Your Traffic, start a free trial of ConvertKit

"So, Derek!" I hear you say....

"What is that most difficult thing?"

It is getting started and getting the right training, getting yourself set up for success from the very start, from day darn one baby!. 

Throughout this article I will go a step further that what other sites and reveal Top Money Making Blogs In each niche mentioned to help you on your way to succeeding online and in that niche and I will show you exactly where you can get top class affiliate marketing training. 

Keep reading to find out what type of blogs make the most money and where you can get world class affiliate marketing training!. 

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Everything You Need To Know To Start A Mom Blog [UPDATED]

Start A Mom Blog

Do you want to start a mom blog? yes, sure! that's great!. 


Do you know what the most difficult thing is about starting a mommy blog is? 

(Clue it is not getting started!)

It is knowing How To Start A Mom Blog and do it the right way, gaining exposure, traffic and yes, earn an income doing so. 

Sadly, there are way too many sites out there that want to teach you some kind of "loop hole" or "fancy trickery" and techniques to "cheat the system".  

This article is not one of those kind of post.

“Let me love you a little more before you aren’t little anymore.” Unknown Parenting Wisdom

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In this post I show you some rock solid ways to start a mom blog that are backed by hard facts, solid data and top earning mommy bloggers that use them themselves!.

And these techniques work on all blogs, not just mommy blogs!. So if you want to expand out and start another blog, just use the same techniques and methods that I teach you in this article. 

So If you have a desire to become a mommy blogger, keep reading!

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42 Good Names For Fashion Blogs That You Can Use Right Now!

Good Names For Fashion Blogs

In order for you to be a successful fashion blogger you will need to think of some Good Names For Fashion Blogs and from that list that you come up with you will need to select the one that your potential audience and following will relate to and identify with the most. 

When you are brain storming and scribbling down some Cute Fashion Blog Names you will need to keep in mind that you are building much more than a blog - you are establishing your brand and building a business!.

The most difficult thing about starting a blog in the fashion industry is not actually coming up with catchy and Creative Fashion Blog Name Ideas - bah! that is the easy part! 

"Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them." #Fashion #Quote #BloggingTips

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So easy, that I will hand you dozens that you can sit on, think about or even grab for yourself!. If you are still struggling I'll point you in the direction of a pretty awesome Fashion Blog Name Generator!.

It is building a successful fashion blog that gets tons of traffic, sales and even very lucrative brand partnerships!

Just imagine that!

You, building that dream fashion blog, driving tons of traffic and engagements and aligning yourself with specific brands and winning huge brand partnership contracts. 

Did you know Pink Peonies Owner Rachel Parcell earns over $1M USD from his brand alignment with Nordstorm? and Kristina Bazan of Kayture.com also earns a 7 figure sum from L'Oreal as a brand ambassador?

Don't waste your time, effort or energy in following a method or system when building your fashion blog that is not as effective as one that has been proven time and time again to work and earn a full time income online for many bloggers and across a whole plethora of niches and industries. 

Keep reading!

Because I will reveal in this article exactly where to get that world class training and get you on that right track to get your fashion blog in the spot light for success. 

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How To Start A Fitness Blog And Earn A Living As A Fitness Blogger [Updated 2019]

How To Start A Fitness Blog

If you want to learn How To Start A Fitness Blog you have definitely found the right place. Fitness blogging can be a fun, exciting and very rewarding hobby. 


Can fitness blogging be turned in to a financially rewarding career path? 

Well, that is what this article is all about! tune in, kick off your training gear and focus on this article as I really show you how you can start your own fitness site and earn a living as a fitness blogger!. 

Keep reading as I show you the potential of the market, the best ways to monetize your fitness blog. Top affiliate programs for fitness bloggers and how to get traffic to your funky kick ass website....and where you can learn the skill of creating a top class blog. 

Perhaps maybe even inspire you to become a fitness blogger yourself!. 

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Can You Make Money Travel Blogging? A $400B/+Year Industry Revealed!

Can You Make Money Travel Blogging Featured

In this article, I am going to detail and respond as best and in as much detail as I can to the often asked question “Can You Make Money Travel Blogging?”.  So be prepared for some incredible detail!

Without a single doubt, travel blogging is one of the most fun sectors to be involved in and perhaps one of the easiest to be writing about. 


is it profitable? 

Is it one that you can enter? 

It is a very busy niche, and you better believe it!. 

Can you cut it as a travel blogger? Is there space for you in this sector? 

Keep reading to find out!

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How To Be A Fashion Blogger And Make Money!

How To Be A Fashion Blogger

So, you are cool, you're stylish, a bit of an icon amongst your friends - maybe even they are a little bit or secretly envious of you and you want to learn How To Be A Fashion Blogger!. 

Or maybe you're just one of those gals or guys that is, as the 80's song goes..."A dedicated follower of fashion" and you want to become a fashion blogger to share your thoughts on what to wear, when and more importantly "how to" wear it!. 

Fashion blogging is huge, diverse, fun and very much always a "hot" and "on" topic. 

And just how freaking awesomely cool would it be if you could actually earn a living as a style guru and fashion icon with your own blog?. 

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And that is what I am going to detail for you. The Fashion industry, Blogging, and can you make money as a fashion blogger? 

So, pull up a chair, grab your fave latte and kick off those Jimmy Choo's and read on to find out How To Become A Fashion Blogger!. 

Fashion Fact: Penangite Jimmy Choo, his original and actual family name is "Chaw" the "Choo" was a spelling mistake made by the Maternity nurse who wrote down his family name incorrectly. 

The original place where he first learned his trade, now a lovely restaurant, is on the corner of Muntri Street and Lebu Leith in Penang Island, Malaysia and has a lovely artwork dedicated to the fact. 

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Be A Lifestyle Blogger And Get Paid To Blog About Your Life!

Get Paid To Blog About Your Life

So, your "juices" are flowing and and you are curious about starting a lifestyle blog and you want to Get Paid To Blog About Your Life! 

That's great!. 

...But do you know the most difficult thing about becoming a lifestyle blogger?

It is not creating content - heck! your passion will carry you through there!. For sh*t sure it is not traffic - darn it...the internet is not short of users and people connecting to it on a daily basis!. 

It is not monetization or making money - there are whole variety of strategies to employ and deploy. 

"I Think, Therefore, I Blog" #Blogging #Quotes #BloggingTips

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You gotta be kiddin' me if you think that it is "techie know how" - These days you can set up a real bangin' blog in about 30 seconds! and all easy peasy to use. So easy my grandmother can do it!. 

So what is it? 

In two simple words "getting started" 

BOX OUT: The Absolute Essentials That You Will Need For Starting A Lifestyle Blog Today

  • Join My 7 Day Free Course and discover all that you need to know to build a successful blog!
  • Sign up for A Free Account With They Guy's that taught me! And Get Full Success Coaching And Assistance from me!.
  • If you plan on building an email list And Properly Owning Your Traffic, start a free trial of ConvertKit

Imagine that... getting paid to write about what you love! How cool would that be? 

If you really do want to know how to get paid to write about your life, keep reading this article as I reveal some cool technique and methods that other blogging tips sites won't reveal or even dare to tell you about!

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How To Find A Niche Market – All You Need To Know About Niche Site Research!

How To Find A Niche Market

Are You Struggling to find your niche market? New To Niche Marketing And Just want To Know How To Find A Niche Market?

I hear you loud and clear!. The difficulty with niche marketing is that nobody really shows you how to find a niche or how to find if your niche is a viable one in terms of traffic, keywords, competition, products to promote and how to do it easily with a full on live examples!

I bring to you what I feel is the absolute ultimate guide to finding the most profitable niche markets and sites for you!.

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You can consider this as a blueprint for finding a niche or indeed the ultimate guide to niche research.

A niche market is at its most simplest form a market sector or sub sector of a market.

Keep reading if you are struggling to find your niche! I reveal over 130+ niche market examples with each market shown broken down to showing a profitable niche list for you to take your pick from and chose your niche. 

Do pull up a chair and grab a cuppa Joe as this is one hell of a detailed and extensive article and enjoy as I reveal exactly how to research a niche market from start to finish and find out exactly if your niche idea is a viable one.

I use a rather unique evergreen niche as an excellent example as I dig down and do it live and step by step for you. 

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